Max Sutherland Joins ITB Partners

“Drive Global Growth through Asset Optimization”




Max Sutherland is a multi-industry, global corporate strategy and development executive, bringing more than 25 years of strategic Fortune 500 CEO initiatives experience to the table. Having started his career in Wall Street Banking and transitioning to manufacturing via Big 4 Consulting, Max focuses on growth, mergers and acquisitions, and enterprise-wide asset optimization to maximize top- and bottom-line financial performance, expand into new markets, and strengthen brand equity to achieve long-term objectives.

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Align Change With The Needs Of Your Culture.

The plan was to meet Chris and Aaron Monday evening, for conversation and a fine cigar. The venue was Cigar City Club, in the Buckhead Neighborhood of Atlanta.  Chris is a Member of ITB Partners, whereas Aaron is new to our network.  Aaron is Millennial with a background in IT Consulting.  He is also an entrepreneur.  Chris believes that Aaron would be a good candidate for ITB Partners.  Aaron is looking for new clients.  Aaron canceled due to illness but Chris and I decided to follow through with our plans. I’m glad we did as I needed a good cigar.  Additionally, I had developed two networking contacts I wanted to discuss with Chris.  

I met Chris through Cliff,  a mutual friend.  It was two years ago,  just after I had published Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal.  When Cliff learned that Chris was months away from publishing his first book he decided that we should meet.  The full story is more interesting, but I’ll save those details for now.  Chris is 27, a Millennial Expert, Keynote Speaker, and Best-Selling Author of The Millennial’s Guide to Making Happiness.   He is building a Consulting Practice around Millennial career development and job satisfaction. Much of that work is focused on helping baby boomers understand their Millennials.  His objective is to help them become more effective, leading to longer tenures, and a lower cost of turnover.

Arriving first, I planted myself at the right-hand corner of the u-shaped bar.  I placed my drink order, then headed for the humidor.  One of the Managers helped me make my cigar selection; one new to me, and an old favorite.  On the way back to my seat, I saw Chris, sitting in the seat next to mine.

As one would expect, our discussion was far-ranging.  We compared notes on the dynamics of the economy and opportunities to build our businesses.  The economy has seen significant improvement, but individual companies are in a state of flux.  There is tremendous pressure to maintain relevancy and to increase market share.   Therefore, a lot of opportunity for us.

Toward that end, Chris told me about a new product he is developing, a cultural risk assessment. He wanted my thoughts on how to position his concept.  He asked my opinion on three particular options and price points, based on variations of the number and mix of people to interview.  Fortunately, I have recent experience with a similar assignment so I was able to talk with some authority.  

Last year I completed a consulting gig, helping my client improve their internal recruiting, selection, and onboarding program.  I have found that the best way to approach any assignment is to begin by understanding the client’s culture.  So, I began that assignment by interviewing the leadership team to get their perspective on the company’s values, management style, and opportunities.  Next, I talked with a cross-section of employees for thirty minutes each.  The results were revealing.  To make a long story short, the client was surprised to learn that the values and career goals for their employees aligned with their generation.  The baby-boomers were focused on developing their professional skills, whereas the Millennials were trying to “fit in.”  The Baby-Boomers had a lot of job satisfaction.  The Millennials, not so much.  They complained that internal communication was not helpful. Leadership was surprised by these findings.  Although it was not my primary mission, I recommended that Management consider a Mentor program and prominently display their KPI’s.  Those two ideas got them moving in the right direction.  I recommend that Chris follow a similar process.

The success of any new project or change in procedure is dependent on buy-in by the employees affected.  Achieving that buy-in requires a communication plan that resonates with the company’s values, its culture.  Stated another way, if one wants to ensure a successful outcome, one must understand the current state of the company’s culture and respond to its needs.

Three hours later…we made our exit, well-fed and relaxed but energized by our commitments to one another.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President

Jim Weber, President


Current Assignments

1. COO- Northeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New

2. VP Operations – Southeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New

3. CEO- Northeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – Completed

4. Corporate R&D Chef, Atlanta-based Home Meal Replacement Company – Complete

5. Area Supervisor – Legacy Pizza Chain, Carolinas – Completed

6. Operating Partners – Legacy Pizza Chain – New

7. Controller – Atlanta-based Consumer Products – Digital Company – Completed

8. Outplacement Assignment – Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  Complete

Make Your Work Enjoyable! Have Some Fun.

Last week was awesome, packed with fun and productivity.  I am on Overload but recovering. Actually, that is a bummer.   As you know, I often write about my preferred ways to conduct business. In fact, last week I wrote about a very productive business meeting over cigars and beer.  I find that I am most productive in a relaxed, friendly environment that supports a free flow of ideas.  I am sure that I am not unique in this respect, as this is the perfect environment to achieve “breakthrough” thinking.  Breakthrough thinking leads to solutions for vexing problems and ways to exploit opportunities.  This week was packed with events that were both fun and productive.  Well, what made this such a good week, Jim?  I am glad you asked!

The fun began with an early morning breakfast meeting on Monday.  Six of my Consultants from ITB Partners met to discuss our strategic positioning and branding for our emerging consulting group.

Tuesday morning I attended the monthly BENG meeting which featured Abby Kohut presenting “Success for the Seasoned Search.”Abby Kohut is known in the job search world as Absolutely Abby,  She is the President of Staffing Symphony, LLC, and author of “Absolutely Abby’s 101 Job Search Secrets.”  This is the second time I have attended a presentation by Abby.  Both were excellent!  Following the BENG  meeting, I met with a friend’s son who is in transition and enjoyed lunch and cigars with two Alumni buddies.  What a great day!

Wednesday, ITB Partners’ conducted its monthly meeting hosted by Cari Pirello and Jessica Prior at the offices of Marketing Workshop.  Marketing Workshop is a full-service marketing research company and one of my clients.  Eighteen Members and guests participated in this event.  The meeting began with a presentation by Cari and Jessica which showcased their capabilities.  Later, Cari took us on a tour of the facilities, providing added perspective to their business.  This event was useful on several levels.  It exposed our group to a valuable resource and provided Marketing Workshop with insight into our capabilities.  That meeting was followed by my monthly poker game with colleagues and Alums, including cigars and a few beers of course.  Another great day!

Thursday evening I attended a networking event hosted by Walter Gupton of McGriff, Seibels & Williams of Georgia, Inc.   I made two good connections to build our consulting group and caught up with a few friends in attendance.  Following this event, I enjoyed a quiet dinner with my Bride.  She brought me up to date on the state of her business which is important as I am her business manager. Another enjoyable and productive day.

Friday was mostly spent on administrative tasks. but I did have a few important phone conversations. I capped off the week, later that afternoon, with an important recruiting meeting over a cappuccino. 

I get a charge out of spending time with people, especially friends and business associates.  I enjoy hearing about their goals and aspirations, personal and professional.  I enjoy a free flow of ideas that lead to breakthroughs.  I enjoy connecting friends and trusted advisors to one another.  I suppose that explains my career choice.  These attributes have served me well as an executive recruiter.  They are useful in my work to build ITB Partners.

Progress comes from the free flow of ideas.  I find that a relaxed, non-threatening environment leads to greater creativity which supports problem-solving.  I am energized by this kind of exchange, so I seek out or create these opportunities.  That’s why my preference is to include an element of fun in my work.  Setting the stage for a productive exchange of ideas is critical to the process.  Regrettably, it is not realistic to expect 100% achievement of that goal as some aspects of life and business are tedious and sometimes unpleasant.  Even so, I aspire to have as much fun as possible while becoming ever more productive.  My recommendation to you is to do the same.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President


Current Assignments

1. COO- Northeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New

2. CEO- Northeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – Offer Accepted

3. Corporate R&D Chef, Atlanta-based Home Meal Replacement Company – Complete

4. Area Supervisor – Legacy Pizza Chain, Carolinas – Completed

5. Operating Partners – Legacy Pizza Chain – New

6. Controller – Atlanta-based Consumer Products – Digital Company – Completed

7. Outplacement Assignment – Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  Complete

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal

 Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal

More On Networking And Team Building

My favorite way to conduct business is over cigars, preferably with an adult beverage.   It isn’t something I can do every day, but I make the best of the times when I can.  As I am always looking for new places to enjoy a cigar, I was willing to accept a 3:00 p.m. meeting this past Tuesday at Highland Cigar.   Highland Cigar Company is located in a neighborhood just east of downtown Atlanta.  This neighborhood, like many others close to downtown, is enjoying re-gentrification.

If you know anything about the traffic in Atlanta, the last thing you would want to do is to put yourself in a situation where you must commute home during rush hour.  It is especially true if you are returning to the northern suburbs from downtown.  Notwithstanding the traffic issue, I thought this meeting was worth the effort.  It was an opportunity to spend time with Eric, one of my newest Associates.  I arrived five minutes early and found a parking space on the street in front of Highland Cigar Company.  Karma was smiling on me.  When I stepped inside, I saw Eric sitting comfortably in front of his laptop enjoying a beer and cigar. We exchanged greetings, and he invited me to check out the humidor at the back of the store.  It isn’t the largest or the best-stocked humidor I have seen, but it featured a number of my favorite brands.  I picked out a Perdomo Habana, ordered a Guinness and rejoined Eric.

“Highland Cigar Company provides an uncompromising environment for acquiring and enjoying premium cigars and spirits. Our state-of-the-art ventilation system, comfortable leather sofas and high definition televisions create an experience like no other in the Atlanta area.”

As I settled in, lighting my cigar and savoring my first sips of Guinness, Eric told me a little about his affinity for Highland Cigars.  It’s within walking distance to his home office, a convenient place to take a break.  Highland Cigar Company is comfortable and inviting.  It offers a variety of seating options including traditional seating at the bar.  There were groups of over-stuffed leather chairs for quiet conversation as well as computer-friendly tables.  As with most retail venues, they offer free wi-fi, so one can enjoy a cigar and a beverage and still be productive.  In fact, many of the patrons in the bar were working on their Laptops.  I view Starbucks as a suitable venue to work in the morning, whereas a cigar-bar is my preference for the afternoon.  I came to realize that Highland Cigar Company was Eric’s home-away-from-home.  I can appreciate that.  After the background on Highland Cigar, we got down to business.

Eric began by saying that he was looking for guidance.  He wanted to understand how to fit into our team and to make a meaningful contribution.  He told me of a recent meeting with two other Members with similar skills.  He sees value collaborating with them as they form the nucleus of a Practice Group.  Our meeting was a great start as I am encouraged by proactive people, willing to contribute.  [Tweet “I find it easier to lead other leaders than to motivate followers.”]  It pleases me to see folks willing to take a leadership role in the organization.  We discussed the importance of networking within the Membership, to understand their capabilities.  We talked about opportunities for him to present at our monthly meetings; when we schedule time for one Member to discuss their business model in greater detail.  Eric liked that idea.  I suggested that he join our Marketing Working Group, which would benefit from his contribution.  That team is working to improve our brand positioning and value proposition.  It was at this point that I recognized an increase in Eric’s energy level.

Eric has a strong background in project and program management. He is an accomplished professional with experience and connections that make him a valuable team member.  He walked me through a deck related to one of his rebranding projects. Fabulous material!  It was an outline of the project plan, complete with storyboards and deliverables.  After he presented that material, he showed me the finished product which included a revised website.  His work was impressive; highly professional and compelling.  His contribution to our Marketing Working Group will be significant.

My meeting with Eric was very productive!  I learned more about his capabilities to better position him within our team.  I provided him with guidance to enhance his effectiveness.  I found a new venue to conduct business while enjoying a favorite cigar.  It was time well spent.

We concluded our meeting just ahead of rush hour, so my return home was uneventful.  During my drive, I phoned another colleague to recap my meeting with Eric.  We dialed him into the Marketing Group and invited him to their next meeting.  I anticipate great things from that group.   These one-to-ones are an essential component of our team-building efforts.  It is an integral part of my plan.  I become energized by these meetings.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President


Current Assignments

1. COO- Northeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New

2. CEO- Northeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New

3. Corporate R&D Chef, Atlanta-based Home Meal Replacement Company – Complete

4. Area Supervisor – Legacy Pizza Chain, Carolinas – New

5. Operating Partners – Legacy Pizza Chain – New

6. Controller – Atlanta-based Consumer Products – Digital Company – Completed

7. Outplacement Assignment – Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  Complete

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal

Networking And Leadership

A 5:30 a.m. wake up call to make a breakfast meeting at 7:00 a.m. is not my idea of fun.  However, I will happily do so to support my team!  So, Thursday I was up and out of my home by 6:15 a.m. to make the 45-minute trek to our breakfast spot.  It was still dark, and much of the route was under construction.  More fun.  The plan was to meet with two colleagues from ITB Partners, the consulting side of our business. They wanted to discuss business development opportunities to help move our consulting group forward.  These two Members had met over the prior weeks to get to know each other and to learn how they could support one another.  During their meeting, they realized that they were not clear on certain aspects of our strategy.

I enjoy these meetings on many levels. It is always fun to break bread with my teammates and to catch up on their progress. It gives me a reality check as to my leadership skills and messaging. I leave with ideas as to how I can strengthen our bond and improve the effectiveness of our communications.

As I listened to their thoughts, two themes came to mind. The first is that these guys are still not clear on our mission and value proposition. Secondly, they’re uncertain as to their responsibility to build relationships with other Members. It was clear to me that they needed some coaching.  This wasn’t a surprise as we are still in the “storming phase” of our team-building efforts.

When it was my time to respond, I reminded them of our dual mission. The first part of the mission is obvious, to connect the Members with clients in need of their services.  The second part of our mission is to improve the effectiveness of the Members; freelancers, building independent consulting practices. These folks appreciate the value of our Membership program.  We are dedicated to helping each other generate more revenue and to become more effective freelancers.  I reinforced the point that the power of our concept is the Membership, whose value is to leverage our business development efforts. To make this concept work, active involvement is required of each Member.  This requires them to become knowledgeable about the others.  Each Member needs to know the capabilities of the other Members.  They must be confident that introductions will not reflect poorly on themselves.  This led us into a conversation about networking in general.

They pointed out that networking did not seem to be a natural strength of the Membership.  We discussed the paradox regarding the capabilities of new Members’ networking savvy. Surprisingly people with senior-level corporate experience aren’t necessarily adept networkers.  Networking is an attribute that does not come easily to some, training and practice is required.

We also discussed the question about how to best position their affiliation with the ITB Partners brand.  They were not clear how they should present the benefits of their association with ITB Partners to their clients.  This is still a work in process, but I gave them some ideas to consider.

Benefits ITB Partners provides to its members:

  • Sharing best practices
  • Promoting member clients
  • Public speaking opportunities
  • Promoting/sub-branding practice groups
  • The added value of team meetings
  • Making introductions to prospective clients

Becoming a freelancer is a process.   A good support group can make the process easier and shorten one’s learning curve.  An organization like ITB Partners can help close new assignments quicker and ensure a continuous flow of work.  Our Model is designed to increase the freelancer’s prospects for success.  However, we work in an environment where relationships are critical to success.  This requires our Members to continually develop and strengthen their connections.  This is the whole point of networking.  My role as a leader is to stay close to my team, to understand and respond to their needs.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox. Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal
New Century Dynamics Executive Search

Current Assignments

  1. CEO – Northeast-based Quick Casual Restaurant Company – New
  2. COO- Northeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New
  3. Operating Partners – Legacy Pizza Chain – New
  4. Corporate R&D Chef, Atlanta-based Home Meal Replacement Company – Complete
  5. Area Supervisor, Legacy Pizza Chain Franchisee, S. Carolina – New
  6. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Complete
  7. Controller – Atlanta-based Consumer Products – Digital Company – Completed

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal


Aftan Started A New Job This Week!

Aftan Romanczak started a new job this week.  I helped! He became the Corporate Research and Development Chef for an Atlanta-based, home meal replacement company.  I am happy to say that his placement completed my contract to fill this position. A total of thirty-days elapsed from the day my search contract was executed to Aftan’s start date.  This time-to-completion statistic represents my shortest search.

My average search assignment is ninety days, so this is a significant record. However, it only ties my best. In this case, everything fell into place. I had a highly motivated client who had been unsuccessful recruiting this position on their own. I had a highly motivated candidate, who was between situations.  He could join my client’s team immediately.  Did I say he was also highly qualified?  I had a strong network activated to feed candidates to me. And finally, Aftan was already known to me as were his references.

Some may call this luck. I would say fortunate, but it wasn’t luck.  All of the stars were aligned to achieve this result. However, all of the components were in place after years of investment. I have experience placing Corporate R&D Chefs, so I have a network into those folks. I have a host of network contacts who have connections to the R&D Chefs. The candidate was known to me as he had worked for a client of many years.  I had two excellent personal references who validated his work history and capabilities. Most importantly, I had a sophisticated client who knew the current market for this position. They had tried to conduct this search on their own, without success. They even made an offer to a viable candidate.

When this client turned to me for help, they were in a position to make a rapid decision when presented with the right candidate. They were clear as to whom they sought. All I had to do was to present one highly qualified and motivated candidate to complete the assignment.  The added benefit to the client is that they get a sixty to ninety-day head-start on the productivity Aftan will bring to their operation.

I am reminded of buying my wife’s engagement ring, 42 years ago.  Purchasing that first diamond engagement ring is a learning experience. It took time to understand the product and the market, relative to my budget. The second diamond purchase was easier.  If you are a diamond merchant, you are always up to date on the market.  Recruiting an R&D Chef isn’t a routine activity for most managers.  It requires the hiring manager to become familiar with the supply-demand dynamic, which takes time and effort.

This was not the first time I’ve completed an assignment so quickly. The first was for a CFO I placed with a PEG portfolio company.  In many respects the circumstances were similar. The client had been unsuccessful in their search to find a CFO. They were trying to execute an internal search on a confidential basis. I had just completed a CFO search in the same industry segment for another client.  When I completed that search, I made an announcement to my network which got the attention of the Vice President of HR for that company.  He contacted me, and we entered into a search agreement.  I immediately presented him with a shortlist of candidates I had just validated. This company found their ideal candidate in the group and made the hiring decision. Once again, I had a highly motivated client who was familiar with the market for CFOs. When I put the ideal candidate in front of them, they knew to hire him.  This led to a series of additional CFO searches for the company’s PEG owners.

Every time I experience a below average time to completion on a search I feel validation that my business model is correct. I continue to grow and strengthen my network. I keep them apprised of my work and provide them with useful insights to keep them connected to me. The lesson for job seekers and networkers is that networking can be very effective if you work the process.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox. Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President
Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal
New Century Dynamics Executive Search

Current Assignments

  1. CEO – Northeast-based Quick Casual Restaurant Company – New
  2. COO- Northeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New
  3. Operating Partners – Legacy Pizza Chain – New
  4. Corporate R&D Chef, Atlanta-based Home Meal Replacement Company – Complete
  5. Area Supervisor, Legacy Pizza Chain Franchisee, S. Carolina – New
  6. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Complete
  7. Controller – Atlanta-based Consumer Products – Digital Company – Completed

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal

More On Networking And Team Building

My favorite way to conduct business is over cigars, preferably with an adult beverage.   It isn’t something I can do every day, but I make the best of the times when I can.  As I am always looking for new places to enjoy a cigar, I was willing to accept a 3:00 p.m. meeting this past Tuesday at Highland Cigar.   Highland Cigar Company is located in a neighborhood just east of downtown Atlanta.  This neighborhood, like many others close to downtown, is enjoying re-gentrification.

If you know anything about the traffic in Atlanta, the last thing you would want to do is to put yourself in a situation where you must commute home during rush hour.  It is especially true if you are returning to the northern suburbs from downtown.  Notwithstanding the traffic issue, I thought this meeting was worth the effort.  It was an opportunity to spend time with Eric, one of my newest Associates.  I arrived five minutes early and found a parking space on the street in front of Highland Cigar Company.  Karma was smiling on me.  When I stepped inside, I saw Eric sitting comfortably in front of his laptop enjoying a beer and cigar. We exchanged greetings, and he invited me to check out the humidor at the back of the store.  It isn’t the largest or the best-stocked humidor I have seen, but it featured a number of my favorite brands.  I picked out a Perdomo Habana, ordered a Guinness and rejoined Eric.

“Highland Cigar Company provides an uncompromising environment for acquiring and enjoying premium cigars and spirits. Our state-of-the-art ventilation system, comfortable leather sofas and high definition televisions create an experience like no other in the Atlanta area.”

As I settled in, lighting my cigar and savoring my first sips of Guinness, Eric told me a little about his affinity for Highland Cigars.  It’s within walking distance to his home office, a convenient place to take a break.  Highland Cigar Company is comfortable and inviting.  It offers a variety of seating options including traditional seating at the bar.  There were groups of over-stuffed leather chairs for quiet conversation as well as computer-friendly tables.  As with most retail venues, they offer free wi-fi, so one can enjoy a cigar and a beverage and still be productive.  In fact, many of the patrons in the bar were working on their Laptops.  I view Starbucks as a suitable venue to work in the morning, whereas a cigar-bar is my preference for the afternoon.  I came to realize that Highland Cigar Company was Eric’s home-away-from-home.  I can appreciate that.  After the background on Highland Cigar, we got down to business.

Eric began by saying that he was looking for guidance.  He wanted to understand how to fit into our team and to make a meaningful contribution.  He told me of a recent meeting with two other Members with similar skills.  He sees value collaborating with them as they form the nucleus of a Practice Group.  Our meeting was a great start as I am encouraged by proactive people, willing to contribute.  I find it easier to lead other leaders than to motivate followers.  It pleases me to see folks willing to take a leadership role in the organization.  We discussed the importance of networking within the Membership, to understand their capabilities.  We talked about opportunities for him to present at our monthly meetings; when we schedule time for one Member to discuss their business model in greater detail.  Eric liked that idea.  I suggested that he join our Marketing Working Group, which would benefit from his contribution.  That team is working to improve our brand positioning and value proposition.  It was at this point that I recognized an increase in Eric’s energy level.

Eric has a strong background in project and program management. He is an accomplished professional with experience and connections that make him a valuable team member.  He walked me through a deck related to one of his rebranding projects. Fabulous material!  It was an outline of the project plan, complete with storyboards and deliverables.  After he presented that material, he showed me the finished product which included a revised website.  His work was impressive; highly professional and compelling.  His contribution to our Marketing Working Group will be significant.

My meeting with Eric was very productive!  I learned more about his capabilities to better position him within our team.  I provided him with guidance to enhance his effectiveness.  I found a new venue to conduct business while enjoying a favorite cigar.  It was time well spent.

We concluded our meeting just ahead of rush hour, so my return home was uneventful.  During my drive, I phoned another colleague to recap my meeting with Eric.  We dialed him into the Marketing Group and invited him to their next meeting.  I anticipate great things from that group.   These one-to-ones are an essential component of our team-building efforts.  It is an integral part of my plan.  I become energized by these meetings.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President


Current Assignments

1. COO- Northeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New

2. CEO- Northeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New

3. Corporate R&D Chef, Atlanta-based Home Meal Replacement Company – Complete

4. Area Supervisor – Legacy Pizza Chain, Carolinas – New

5. Operating Partners – Legacy Pizza Chain – New

6. Controller – Atlanta-based Consumer Products – Digital Company – Completed

7. Outplacement Assignment – Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  Complete

Job Search In The New Normal: Three Perspectives; Originally Published February 13, 2016

My activity during the last two weeks has included three networking meetings with prospective candidates.  Two of the meetings were face-to-face at Starbucks, and the third was over the phone.  Their experience and individual situations ran the gamut.  The first candidate I met, Matt, is a referral from a solid networking connection which I have known for many years.  Matt had gone to school with my friend and had worked together earlier in his career. He was in town for a few days prior to leaving on a boys skiing weekend.  Matt is an established Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A) professional employed in a good job with a major company.  He and his wife want to get back to the Atlanta area to be closer to their extended family.  His objective is to find a good job first and then move.   I found Matt to be very affable and professional.  Little surprise as his background included a private school education and Ivy League college degree.  Additionally, he had earned an MBA from a prestigious, top-tier University.  Matt is a very polished guy who knows how to communicate.  His intention was to establish a relationship with me and to explore some options.  Although a preliminary discussion, I enjoyed our visit and will work to help him achieve his goal.  Clearly, Matt is well grounded for a job search in the “new normal.”

My second meeting was not as positive.   John has had a difficult time finding a new job.    Also, a native of the Atlanta, he has been out of work for eighteen months. John has lived out of state for the past 16 years working in a small company.   He moved back to Atlanta to be close to family after the failure of a business venture. After earning an Ivy League Degree, he worked as a manager for established restaurant brands, later transitioning into the small company sector. In his most recent situation, he was in charge of administration for a small company which included the responsibilities of a CFO, a CIO, and Director of Construction. John was not comfortable during our meeting.  He was visibly nervous and a bit awkward.  We discussed options he has considered including consulting and project work. His references were very positive. However, his experience is not resonating with prospective employers.

Mark was my third networking encounter; this meeting was via telephone. Mark was referred to me by a CEO contact who had to terminate his employment as part of a company restructure.  Mark is a middle manager who has worked his way up the ladder to middle management without a college degree.  He has not had to look for a job for a very long time as he has been recruited from one job to the next by people who know him. Mark is well spoken, and his resume is solid.  Now unemployed, he really does not know how to look for a job in the new normal.  I suspect his network needs to be rebuilt as well.  We scheduled a phone call to trade information, but he made little effort to prepare for that call.  He did not review my background by visiting my website or checking out my LinkedIn profile.  As a result, we spent too much time on fundamental issues without learning how I could be helpful to him.  After our conversation, I made one referral on his behalf.  I need to follow up with Mark to more fully understand his needs and aspirations.

There are some interesting similarities between these gentlemen.  They are all about the same age and have enjoyed success in their chosen fields.  Their circumstances are very different, however.  Matt is in the best position as he begins the process to understand his options.  John is in a difficult position as the time between situations is taking a toll on his psyche.  He must reboot his search.  Mark will be fine.  He will need to rebuild his network, but his skills and experience are highly marketable.  I suspect that he has a suitable severance package.  He can ramp up his job search quickly and will likely be reconnected by summer.

The one thing they have in common is that they are learning to adapt to job search in the new normal.  Their ultimate destinations will take them down different paths, but each will need to engage in the same activities.  Matt and Dave will have more options to consider than Mark whose background is exclusive to restaurant operations.  Nevertheless, each must assemble and nurture an effective network, their team, to identify appropriate opportunities.  They must craft a viable personal positioning strategy to evaluate opportunities presented.  They must be able to convince hiring managers and recruiters that their experience and skills match the job requirements and that they are a cultural fit for the enterprise.  And, when employed again, they must get off to an effective start by taking ownership of the onboarding process.

Of the three, which represents the situation you would aspire to?  Matt’s of course!  He is proactively directing his career, building from a position of strength.  He is working on a plan to make a career move before circumstances force the need.  More than ever before, one must be vigilant in the management of their career.  Nurturing an effective network is the starting point.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President


Current Assignments

1. COO- Northeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New

2. Operating Partners – Legacy Pizza Chain – New

3. Area Supervisor – Legacy Pizza Chain, Carolinas – New

4. CEO- Northeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New

5. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Complete

6. Controller – Atlanta-based Consumer Products – Digital Company – Completed

7. Outplacement Assignment – Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  Complete

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal

Plan Your Job Search: Work Your Plan

Let’s face it; the single most important stress factor to any job seeker is financial.  “Will I find a new job before I run out of cash?” Will I deplete my savings?  Will I lose my home? All are very real possibilities which can be overwhelming.  To be sure, the worst case will result if one becomes paralyzed by those thoughts and fails to engage in the process.  Realistically, this is uncommon for accomplished professionals who have overcome challenges throughout their careers. You have the personal attributes and skills to be successful in your job search. Your goal is to find the best possible situation in the least amount of time, resulting in minimal disruption to your lifestyle.

I am a planner by nature, and by training. When confronted with a new challenging situation, my fallback position is to execute the problem-solving/planning cycle. I get organized.  I analyze the situation; evaluate options, set goals; track activity; reassess; make adjustments; then set new goals. Developing a plan, committing that plan to paper, and working that plan gives me a measure of comfort that helps lower my stress level.  I also subscribe to the “ready, fire, aim concept.  Even when developing my plan.  It eliminates analysis paralysis.  So, while between jobs, I employed organization and planning routines that had never failed me. I refer to this process throughout my book.

The starting point for your plan is to assess your skills and experiences. Then, determine where your background matches opportunities requiring your profile. The obvious objective is to find another employer in the same sector, doing the same job.  But, that is just a place to start. In all likelihood, the best opportunities will be somewhat different from your last situation.  The odds are that a smaller, emerging company in a different segment will become your next employer.  As with any good plan, it is wise to allow flexibility to consider interesting opportunities as they occur.

Elements to factor into your plan:

  • Establish a realistic time frame and the worst case scenario
  • Define your compensation and geographical requirements
  • Define your primary and secondary employer targets
  • Ensure that your strategy is heavily focused on networking
  • Establish an appropriate yet flexible weekly work routine
  • Keep a diary
  • Communicate, communicate, communicate

My search assignments take 90 days from start to finish, on average. Depending on the complexity of the assignment and the season of the year, a search can vary by 30 days, plus or minus. The adage of one month of search time for each $10K of salary is still appropriate. This statistic should help the job seeker develop a realistic duration of their search. For most people, especially those who have neglected their networks, it could take up to 90 days to reassemble and engage your network. Most people find new employment via networking activities so, prepare to spend 80% of your effort networking I will devote a lot of time to discuss the issue of networking.

An important element to the success of any plan is a system to track your effort and results. Job search is no different. Keep a record of who you have talked to, the nature of that discussion and follow up issues. Analyze your efforts. If your plan seems to be working, stay with it. If it needs some adjustment, do so and establish new goals. Write down your thoughts and feelings on successes and failures. Keep a diary as it will be helpful. Plan your work and work your plan. In my opinion, a systematic approach is the best way to find a new job and minimize your stress.

Key Points to Consider:

  1. Develop a written Job Search Plan.
  2. Keep a diary.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox. Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President


Current Assignments

  1. CEO – Northeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New
  2. Corporate R&D Chef – Atlanta-based Home Meal Replacement Company – Completed
  3. COO- Northeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New
  4. Operating Partners – Legacy Pizza Chain – New
  5. Area Supervisor – Legacy Pizza Chain, Carolinas – New
  6. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Complete
  7. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Complete
  8. Controller – Atlanta-based Consumer Products – Digital Company – Completed
  9. Outplacement Assignment – Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  Complete

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal

New CEO Search Assignment: February 5, 2018:


The CEO has overall responsibility for setting the strategic direction and executive management for the Brand. The CEO reports directly to the Chairman and sets the tone and management style for the company. This includes the vision, executive management, organization, financial direction, and control of all  restaurants.  The CEO is responsible for ensuring that all restaurants maintain company standards for food quality, customer service, sales growth, and profit margins.  In addition, the CEO is also responsible for ensuring that the company meets financial targets, including food and payroll costs.

Chief Executive Officer

The successful candidate has had approximately fifteen years of related experience in the restaurant or hospitality industries. A Bachelor’s Degree in Business or Restaurant & Hospitality Management is required. An MBA is a plus, but not a requirement. Foundational experience in a multi-unit, restaurant environment with 100 or more locations is desirable, as is the demonstrated ability to develop and lead major strategic initiatives. Experience in a smaller, start-up or high-growth, entrepreneurial situation is very desirable.  Experience achieving and maintaining high levels of customer service in a retail environment are required.



 We are seeking a results-oriented individual with an entrepreneurial spirit who has proven restaurant management skills. The successful candidate is well organized, with an eye for detail. The ideal candidate is a team player that can help lead this organization to “best in class” status while maintaining high levels of morale and customer service. Strong written and oral communications skills; problem-solving, and decision-making abilities are required, as are the highest standards of ethical behavior. A positive “can do” attitude with an optimistic view of problem solving and conflict management a must.

Current Assignments

1. COO- Northeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New

2. Operating Partners – Legacy Pizza Chain – New

3. Corporate R&D Chef, Atlanta-based Home Meal Replacement Company – Completed

4. Area Supervisor, Legacy Pizza Chain Franchisee, S. Carolina – New

5. CEO- Northeast-based Quick Casual Restaurant Company – New

6. Controller – Atlanta-based Consumer Products – Digital Company – Completed

7. Outplacement Assignment – Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  Complete

James E. Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search
770-649-7051 Tel.
770-354-2817 Cell