Track Your Metrics For an Effective Job Search:

For the past 6 years, I have been working very closely with a number of Private Equity Groups, (PEG).  Many of my assignments for these clients have been for Chief Financial Officers.  In every case they want a CFO who can help the business by establishing a set of relevant performance indicators which can be tracked and monitored on a routine basis.  They know that by tracking the right metrics and keeping the management team focused on that data improves the likelihood of achieving their goals.  I am confident that while employed, your supervisor required you to make periodic reports on certain metrics.  If it works while on the job, it will surely work to help you land that next job.

Doubtless, we all agree on the importance of planning.  We all know the planning cycle.  Set your goals and objectives; formulate strategies; develop tactics; track your results; reassess; make adjustments.     How will you know where you stand if you don’t have a scorecard?  Will you know if your plan is on track, or even if it is viable?  What adjustments should you make?  Are you comfortable making important decisions about your career without important data?  Probably not!

So, as you are developing your job search plan for 2015 consider the key metrics, performance indicators, that you believe are vital to success.  Your prime objective is to land a new job.  Key to landing that new job is to gain the interest of hiring managers who will invite you to interview.  The metrics you will want to track are the activities you complete that move you closer to the goal, getting that interview.   Some jobs are posted, so it would make sense to track resumes sent to posted jobs.  As we all know, however, up to 80% of people land their new jobs via networking.  If that is the case, as I believe it to be, then you will want to develop a set of metrics that track you networking efforts.  Those efforts include phones calls, information interviews completed,  networking meetings attended, and follow up with your network.  Since social media is an important platform for job search you may well develop metrics to track your efforts on LinkedIn.  Contributions to Interest Group discussions and additions to your list of connections may be appropriate.

I have also recommended that you start a blog, if you have not already, with a goal of posting once a week.  This is a great strategy to promote yourself  at LinkedIn or Google+ Groups.  Additionally there are a vast array of Professional Associations and Groups who encourage members to post to their websites.  Everyone is looking for relevant content! 

You should also set goals for personal and professional development.   A diet or exercise metric may be appropriate.

Tracking a handful of key metrics related to your search activities will keep you on track.  Keep it simple.  Pick six to eight of the activities prioritized by those you deem most important.   If you need more than a 3 by 5 index card to track your metrics you probably have too many.

The best of plans are useless without accountability.   There can be no accountability without measurement.   So, if you want to ensure the success of your job search plans, identify the key metrics to track and do so regularly.


Thank you for visiting my blog.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.

 Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search



Jump Start Your Job Search in 2015: Reflect – Recharge – Regroup

The New Year is upon us.  This is the season to take a break; enjoy time with friends and family, and prepare for the New Year.  One can easily lose themselves in the hustle and bustle of shopping and celebrating.  It is also a time to assess our progress for the year; to express our gratitude to family, friends, and clients; and to make resolutions for the New Year.   So, why wouldn’t you want to align your job search with the cultural expectations of the season?  You may be new to the job market, or you may have been in search for many months.  Whatever your situation, this is a great time to reflect, recharge, and regroup.



Evaluate your Job Search Strategy for its relevance.  Is your target Job/Industry Sector still viable?  What about Plan B and Plan C?  Are your plans still viable?  This is a good time to validate your job search strategy.  What activities were most helpful?  Which were not?  Who has been helpful to you?  Have you been spending your time wisely?  Make a point to do more of those activities that seem to be getting you closer to your goals, and less of those that aren’t.


Take a break, enjoy the season.  Don’t quit all job search activities, but dial it back a bit to have time to gain perspective.  Managers don’t stop their recruiting during the holiday season, but they do slow down their activity.  Likewise you should change your priorities a bit.  Make time for friends and family.  Re-charge your batteries so to speak.

I know many people, employed and unemployed, who use this season to reach out to people who have had an impact on their lives.  Sending Greeting Cards is an obvious way to say thank you to people who have been important to you.  If you want to really make an impact try a phone call or a face to face meeting.  I have been a bystander to one such call when I was doing a market tour with a subordinate.  I can honestly say that the impact on my subordinate was profound!   Reach out to your network to thank them for their support and to update them as to your plans.


Ensure that your resume and cover letter is still relevant and pithy.  Make sure that your Internet presence is current.  Are you a participating member in relevant Industry/Career Interest Groups?  Is your LinkedIn profile complete?  Have you checked your Face Book account to ensure that it is aligned with your goals?  God forbid that your Face Book account is counter-productive.  You should consider starting a blog, even if it is just a chronicle of your job search.  Set new goals and objectives for the completion of daily, weekly, and monthly activities.  Have a system to track activities and measure progress toward your goals.

 In summary, use the waning weeks of 2014 to reflect on your efforts;  recharge your emotional account;  and regroup by developing a revised plan for 2015.  Express your gratitude to those who have been helpful, especially friends and family.  Take stock of your efforts of 2014.  Do more of those activities that took you closer to your goals, and less of those that did not.  Develop revisions to your plan to include a system to track your efforts and your effectiveness.  Align your job search to the traditions of the season to ensure a successful job search.


Thank you for visiting my blog.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.

 Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search



On May 18 2014, year I posted an article about the importance of improving your image to enhance your job search prospects.   Most of that post was focused on diet but it did speak to the importance of exercise to help slim down.  

Your confidence and self-worth is likely impacted by your view of your image.  If your self-confidence is negatively affected by your image, you will not perform well at interviews or at networking.  Your image is important, but, your mental state is being evaluated as well, to be sure.   One affects the other.  If you cannot work through the stress of job search, it will be evident to anyone you meet.   Exercise, however, is an excellent way to moderate stress, especially important during job search.   A body engaged in some form of exercise will relieve the mind of worries that lead to stress.

While doing some research for this post I found a few highly relevant articles.  So, instead of pontificating on the subject I have linked to articles listed below, which I know you will enjoy.

Workouts for Less Stress:  Get ripped and relaxed.  By Scott Quill, March 04, 2013:  Published on Men’s Health

In this article Scott Quill recaps work by Steve Edwards, Ph. D., professor of sports psychology at Oklahoma State University.  Edwards spoke to six distinct exercise personalities and then matches exercise routines to fit each personality type.

Stress Management – Ways to Relieve Stress

“According to Matthew Stults-Kolemainen, Ph.D., a kinesiologist at the Yale Stress Center says that exercise attacks stress in two ways; Exercise promotes production of neurohormones like norepinephrine that are associated with improved cognitive function, elevated mood and learning.  And that can improve thinking dulled by stressful events – some research even shows how exercise can make you smarter.”

Benefits of exercise:  reduces stress, anxiety, and helps fight depression, from Harvard Men’s Health Watch.

“Regular aerobic exercise can bring remarkable changes not just to your body, your metabolism, and your heart, but also to your spirits, reports the February 2011 issue of Harvard Men’s Health Watch.  Aerobic exercise is the key for your head, just as it is for your heart.  It has a unique capacity to exhilarate and relax to provide stimulation and calm, to counter depression and dissipate stress.  Exercise reduces the levels of the body’s stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol.  It also stimulates the production of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers and mood elevators.  “Harvard Men’s Health Watch notes that you should exercise nearly every day.  That doesn’t necessarily mean hitting the gym.  But it does mean at least 30 minutes of moderate activity. “

Stress Management

“Exercise in almost any form can act as a stress reliever.  Being active can boost your feel-good endorphins and distract you from daily worries.”

“Physical activity pumps up the production of brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters, endorphins.  Sometimes called a runner’s high.  Focus on a single task like exercise or mental activity results in energy and optimism, helping you remain calm and clear.”

“Regular exercise can increase self-confidence and lower the symptoms associated with mild depression and anxiety.  Exercise also can improve your sleep.”

9 Exercises for Stress Relief

Kate Hanley, Published December 03, 2014

 “Chronic tension can be the culprit behind both long-term conditions (depression, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure) and everyday health woes (headaches, back pain, insomnia, upset stomach, anxiety, anger). “


While you are between jobs, working on your image will help you manage stress.  Practice your favorite routines until they become habits.   Intense, rigorous exercise like jogging or cycling is awesome, but it is not your only option.  Low impact activities like Yoga, Tai Chi, and dancing can be beneficial.  Breathing exercises, and muscle relaxation routines are useful too.  Skill-based sports like golfing and tennis are great options, if you are already familiar with those sports.  Don’t underestimate the value of mundane activities such as housecleaning or gardening.    

Do something for yourself.  An appropriate physical activity will help you look and feel better.  Achieving exercise goals will improve your image and self-confidence while helping you manage the stress level.  Set goals and find a partner to keep you company.  Focus on the task at hand while exercising.  Don’t let your mind wander.  Especially avoid negative thoughts.  It will also burn off a lot of the stress that comes from the ups and downs of job-search.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.

 Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search


Manage Job Stress: Build a Support Group

In my blog I often speak to the importance of networking.  It is how people actually find jobs.  My seminal point about networking is that your goal is to build a team that will help you land your next job.  Networking helps you spread your message, and capture opportunities that match your goals.  Your network provides many other benefits, none the least of which is the human contact which helps mitigate the stress associated with job search.  Within that team, I recommend that you have a subgroup, a core team, who you confer with more frequently.  Call it a support group for now.

Being in job search can be a lonely, frustrating place.  There is a certain amount of isolation created when you are without a regular place to go to work with other people. It is a time when dark thought can grip you, causing you to sink into a period of despair.  The best way to avoid that situation is to have an effective support group.  There are many models for support groups, but ultimately you want to assemble a group of people who have been in your situation, who have successfully navigated through job search, and who have an understanding of your particular career track.  Another way to describe these people is “peers.”

The support group that I recommend is one that will help you brainstorm options; assist in key elements of your search; provide emotional support and help mitigate the isolation factor.   A good job search support group will help you with problem solving, and motivation.   They will inspire you to meet all challenges put in your path.  Of the utmost importance, these people must hold you accountable for your actions.  In fact, this is the model for a Master Mind Group. 

The Master Mind concept is hardly new.  In fact, it is ancient.  However, it was the 20th century self-improvement guru Napoleon Hill who coined the phrase “Mastermind Alliance” in his book, “Think and Grow Rich,” published in 1937. Hill’s work, inspired by Andrew Carnegie, was the result of interviews he conducted with highly successful people.  One common thread he uncovered was that successful people relied on a core group of like-minded individuals who were helpful in goal-setting, coaching, and encouragement.  Hill spoke of a mastermind group as “The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.”  Using a Master Mind Group in your job search is another powerful source of leverage.

So, who should you include in your Master Mind Group?  I already made the point that your Master Mind group must be experienced in job search and familiar with your field.  They should be people who you would consider mentors. People you hold in high regard, whose opinion you will respect even when their counsel is difficult to hear.  Above all, they must be committed to play a prominent role in helping you with your search.

Employing the Master Mind Group concept in your job search is another powerful source of leverage.  Your group will help you become more effective in your search, while minimizing the isolation factor and mitigating stress.  You will likely want to keep this group working with you after you land that next job, ensuring your career success.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President
New Century Dynamics Executive Search

In my blog I often speak to the importance of networking.  It is how people actually find jobs.  My seminal point about networking is that your goal is to build a team that will help you land your next job.  Networking helps you spread your message, and capture opportunities that match your goals.  Your network provides many other benefits, none the least of which is the human contact which helps mitigate the stress associated with job search.  Within that team, I recommend that you have a subgroup, a core team, who you confer with more frequently.  Call it a support group for now.

Being in job search can be a lonely, frustrating place.  There is a certain amount of isolation created when you are without a regular place to go to work with other people. It is a time when dark thought can grip you, causing you to sink into a period of despair.  The best way to avoid that situation is to have an effective support group.  There are many models for support groups, but ultimately you want to assemble a group of people who have been in your situation, who have successfully navigated through job search, and who have an understanding of your particular career track.  Another way to describe these people is “peers.”

The support group that I recommend is one that will help you brainstorm options; assist in key elements of your search; provide emotional support and help mitigate the isolation factor.   A good job search support group will help you with problem solving, and motivation.   They will inspire you to meet all challenges put in your path.  Of the utmost importance, these people must hold you accountable for your actions.  In fact, this is the model for a Master Mind Group. 

The Master Mind conceptdster Mind Group.  bute for these people is that they hold you accountable for your actions.  If fact, this is  is hardly new.  In fact, it is ancient.  However, it was the 20th century self-improvement guru Napoleon Hill who coined the phrase “Mastermind Alliance” in his book, “Think and Grow Rich,” published in 1937. Hill’s work, inspired by Andrew Carnegie, was the result of interviews he conducted with highly successful people.  One common thread he uncovered was that successful people relied on a core group of like-minded individuals who were helpful in goal-setting, coaching, and encouragement.  Hill spoke of a mastermind group as “The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.”  Using a Master Mind Group in your job search is another powerful source of leverage.

So, who should you include in your Master Mind Group?  I already made the point that your Master Mind group must be experienced in job search and familiar with your field.  They should be people who you would consider mentors. People you hold in high regard, whose opinion you will respect even when their counsel is difficult to hear.  Above all, they must be committed to play a prominent role in helping you with your search.

Employing the Master Mind Group concept in your job search is another powerful source of leverage.  Your group will help you become more effective in your search, while minimizing the isolation factor and mitigating stress.  You will likely want to keep this group working with you after you land that next job, ensuring your career success.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President
New Century Dynamics Executive Search


Executive Benefits Consultant needed at Digital Insurance Company

Executive Benefits Consultant Job Description

Date: November 20, 2012

Location: Atlanta, GA


Digital Insurance, Inc., an employee benefits agency, provides insurance for small businesses and mid-sized companies in the United States. It offers employee benefits plans, including group and individual medical, dental, life, disability, and long-term care insurance; and accidental death, voluntary benefits packages, and whole life policies. The company also provides deductible health plans and health savings accounts. In addition, it offers customer advocate, benefits resource, wellness management, health care reform resource, proactive customer support, creative, and compliance assistance solutions. It serves employers, employees, individuals and families, agencies/brokers, and alliances. Digital Insurance, Inc. was founded in 2000 and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.

The Executive Benefits Consultant will lead consulting engagements with 2-100+ life employer groups regarding their medical, dental, life and disability benefit plans and programs and negotiate with benefits carriers and vendors to secure health and welfare plan coverage for these employers. To fulfill this role, the Executive Benefits Consultant will:


  • Lead client engagements, including managing overall service delivery, strategy, financial evaluations, plan design, renewal, business placement, and benchmarking
  • Develop sophisticated benefits design and renewal strategies and drives the development of tools and solutions to address complex client issues
  • Communicate the full scope of services provided and sets appropriate expectations with client
  • Effectively communicate Digital's story and position on latest industry trends to clients
  • Monitor success of projects in terms of scope, budget, timeliness, and client satisfaction
  • Exceed company retention and cross-sell goals
  • Be accountable for revenue/profitability for client accounts and projects
  • Uses appropriate Digital tools (e.g., CRM, DISH) in the development and execution of client strategy
  • Incorporate compliance and professional standards into all work processes, including transparency, peer review and maintaining required licensure
  • Generate sales by expanding revenues from existing clients and referrals
  • Set direction and creates demand for new products/services in the marketplace
  • Lead and participate in new business opportunities with sales channel partners (Client Relations)
  • Build Digital market presence by leading and presenting at industry seminars and conferences
  • Establish effective carrier/vendor relationships to serve clients in benefits procurement and administration
  • Leverage Digital's reputation to negotiate with carriers and vendors
  • Drive renewal process from inception to completion
  • Understand high level carrier reporting and effectively communicate to client


  • BA/BS degree or equivalent work experience
  • 10+ years in the benefits, insurance, health & wealth management industry
  • 7 years consulting experience in identifying, designing, recommending and implementing efficient, innovative business solutions to clients' complex employee benefits challenges
  • Minimum of 1 year of employment at Digital Insurance
  • Strong, innovative sales and marketing skills plus the ability to market organizational strengths successfully
  • Superior analytical skills, strategic planning, communication, and listening skills
  • Excellent written and oral communications skills
  • In depth knowledge of quoting process and tools
  • Self-motivated, disciplined, sets high standards for their own performance, and thrives in a fast-paced environment
  • Excellent organizational and project management skills with the ability to prioritize and handle multiple and complex tasks in a demanding work environment
  • Strong attention to detail, critical thinking and analytical problem-solving skills
  • Ability to communicate with C-suite level (or higher) clients
  • Ability to manage, motivate, and mentor more junior level staff
  • Expresses consistant positions regardless of audience
  • Sees the big picture and recognizes symptoms that indicate underlying problems


    Digital Insurance offers competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits and programs including: health and welfare, 401K, career mobility, employee network groups, volunteer opportunities, and other programs. For more information about our company, please visit us at: We embrace a culture that celebrates and promotes the many backgrounds, heritages and perspectives of our colleagues and clients.

    Job: Consulting
    Primary Location: US
    Job Segments: Healthcare Consultant, Consulting, Consultant, Medical, HR, Healthcare, Human Resources


Digital Insurance Company and its Affiliates are equal opportunity employers

New Search: Manager, Treasury & Accounting Services

Manager, Treasury & Accounting Services


The Manager, Treasury & Accounting Services position will have responsibility in leading, managing, and assisting with various core treasury activities including cash management, financial risk management, debt management, asset monetization, credit management, and treasury IT enhancement.  In this role, the individual will work with international business units and other departments to champion treasury initiatives and continuous improvement activities.  This individual will report to the Corporate Controller.

 Salary:  $80K

Expected Contributions and Responsibilities

Debt:  Review, understand and interpret debt agreements to ensure compliance with contractual requirements of the agreements and that proper debt accounting processes and controls are established and maintained .Assist Controller in the administration, accounting, and financial reporting of debt, including the following:


  • Administer compliance which includes debt covenant calculations and ensuring proper level of sensitivities to exposure.
  • Ensure debt reporting requirements and disclosures (10K, 10Q, Annual Report) are met in a timely, accurate manner.
  • Oversee the accurate and timely payment of debt service, fees and other financing costs on corporate debt.
  • Ensure that debt related activities (interest expense, repayments and borrowings) are properly reflected in the consolidated statement of cash flows.
  • Coordinate long range planning, budgeting and forecasting processes relating to debt, including periodic bridging to actual results.
  • Serve as a liaison and partner with various departments within Global Finance Organization to ensure accurate and timely reporting of debt transactions.

Cash:  Assist Controller in reviewing cash transaction processing and reporting performed by staff, including the following:

  • Periodic reporting of international cash balances used in repatriation efforts of the company and distributed to key business partners, including senior management.
  • Proper reconciliation of cash balances as reported in The Company’s general ledger system, and assistance in the identification and research of unreconciled balances.
  • Oversee the company’s liquidity position, including planning and execution of short term investments and borrowing strategies.
  • Manage the company’s daily cash position.
  • Ensure compliance with internal controls, policies and procedures in day-to-day conduct and supervision of cash management activities.

General:  Ensure that systems and controls are maintained to ensure compliance with Corporate Policy requirements relating to debt and cash accounts.


  • Review and/or prepare standard, recurring, and ad hoc internal reporting packages in support of internal and external stakeholder requests (internal and external audit requests, Committee reports, and Board reports.)
  • Partner with Controller to lead continuous improvement of accounting and reporting processes and any research and special projects as assigned.
  • Assist with large cross border settlements related to transfer price adjustments, one-off derivative contracts or payments between affiliates.
  • Support Treasury team as needed on projects, including recurring and non-recurring transactions, acquisitions, divestitures, restructuring and other strategic issues.




Skill Requirements:

  • Strong analytical and problem solving skills with the ability to work independently.
  • Attention to details with the ability to manage multiple time sensitive assignments simultaneously.
  • Capable of supervising the work of staff, managing workload, and overseeing processes.
  • Capable of documenting processes, ensuring compliance with existing processes and producing quality results.
  • Able to maintain effective client relationships and promote a service orientation that delivers customer results.
  • Comfortable with complexity, ambiguity, and change.
  • Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills, promoting an environment that allows timely information flows throughout the organization.
  • Actively pursues learning and self-development to enhance personal and professional growth.


Candidate Profile:

  • BS/BA in Accounting, Finance, or related discipline; CPA, MBA, or advanced degree in Accounting or Finance a plus.
  • Four or more years of progressive job experience in accounting/finance field.
  • Proficient knowledge of Microsoft Office applications, with strong focus on spreadsheet applications.
  • International accounting experience is required.
  • Proven contribution within a multi-task environment.
  • High degree of initiative, personal responsibility, and integrity


This document is presented to you in confidence.  All communication, whether written, oral or electronic should be addressed to:


James E. Weber, President


Tel. 770-649-7051; Fax 800-953-9729;



You Are What You Think About: Coping Strategies for Job Search

In my last post I mentioned that managing the stress of job search is critical as your behavior is being evaluated by hiring managers during this time. Job search is a stressful time for everyone.The stress is unavoidable even for the strongest person.It affects us on many levels including our self-esteem, and our financial well-being.For most of us, unemployment is un-natural, alien territory.If you are unable to work through the stress of the company’s selection process your prospects are dim.So, now is a good time to talk about job search stress management strategies.Be advised that I am not a Psychologist.What follows are some common sense ideas that I have found useful which have been validated by others.


It helps if one has gone through unemployment before so you have an established set of expectations.Experience is a great stress reliever.Personal experience with unemployment and job search gives one confidence.You know that eventually you will find suitable employment.Having experienced unemployment helps you see beyond your current situation to know that eventually you will land a new job.If you have never been unemployed, there is a wealth of helpful information available on the subject.


If you are unemployed, job-search is your job.Like any job, you must plan your work and work your plan.Developing a plan and keeping it current gives one a sense of control which helps mitigate stress.For those of you who have experienced unemployment it will be useful to write down your recollections from that past experience as a preamble for your current job search plan. Although job search is your full time job, it should not consume all of your time.Your plan must factor in strategies to cope with the ups and downs of unemployment.35 to 40 hours a week devoted to job search should suffice.That will give you time to reconnect with friends and family; to work in some physical exercise; and to engage in other extra-curricular activities.These activities are important to keep you balanced during your job search which will relieve your stress.Exercise can be a very effective stress management strategy.It burns off nervous energy and is as a great way to sharpen your image.Make sure to factor these activities into your plan.

Components of a Job Search Plan to mitigate stress.

  • Have a realistic time frame to find the next situation.
  • Assemble a support group of positive people and keep them in the loop.
  • Keep a journal of the experience.
  • Stay focused on positive thoughts, and issues within your control.
  • Look for the lesson in each negative situation; reflect; then move on.
  • Take care of your physical self
  • Volunteer or take on short term jobs.


Managing stress is largely about your ability to control your emotional reaction to events.You can choose to be angry or despondent, or not.When a negative thought pops into your mind, recognize the emotion and then refocus your thoughts on something positive, like accepting a job offer, or the excitement of the first day on your new job.I believe that your thoughts direct your actions, consciously and subconsciously.If you dwell on negative, worst-case failure situations you will surely generate that outcome.Stay positive, directing your thoughts toward success in the goals you have set for yourself.


Thank you for visiting my blog.  Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President
New Century Dynamics Executive Search

The search process is never on your timetable. How Often Should You Follow Up

The job search timetable can be a very frustrating for people actively seeking employment.   The need to know if one is still in consideration for a job, and the next step in the process can be overwhelming.   Lean management teams have employees working to the max, so scheduling interviews and meetings can be problematic.  You want updated information, but you don’t want to be seen as a pest.  So how does one manage the emotional roller coaster while continuing to demonstrate interest in the position.   How often should the candidate contact the hiring manager or recruiter?   What is the line between demonstrating one’s interested in the position, and becoming a stalker?  Last week I encountered both extremes.


Jane was a candidate for an IT search I am working.  She had the habit of emailing me for updates, almost hourly.  It was a real burden to my productivity responding to each inquiry. Based on her spotty work history over the last five years she was already a questionable candidate. Her impatience and constant follow-up led me to believe that there might be more to that story.  Needless to say, I did not recommend her to my client.


Sue, on the other hand, is a prime candidate for an excellent job.   Although she's not a candidate for one of my searches she is someone I've known for quite a while.   Her strategy is to check in weekly via email.   She sends pertinent articles on her industry which the hiring manager should find interesting. That strategy seems optimal to me as it isn't obtrusive; it demonstrates that she is current in her field; and that she is a team player willing to share information.  So instead of pestering the hiring manager about next steps, she subtly reminds them of her interest and qualifications while providing a value-added service.


The fact of the matter is that the employer’s selection process is beyond the candidate’s control or that of any third-party recruiter.   The hiring process is certainly very important to employers, but is not their only responsibility. You can be sure that hiring managers have a number of equally important activities occupying their time. So, the candidate’s ability to influence the timing of the selection process is largely beyond their control.  Although stressful, and possibly difficult to deal with, the candidate needs to develop coping strategies to manage their stress.  This is vitally important as the hiring manager is watching your behavior during this period, factoring it into their selection process. In other words it's a bad sign if you are perceived as impatient with their selection process. It will be assumed that you have difficulty handling stress making you unsuitable for the job.


If the job opportunity is real, and you are a viable candidate for the position, then you can be sure that the client has every interest in moving you forward in the process.  It is important to remember that no news is “no news.”  In other words, if there is nothing new to report, there will be no update.  You must have other tasks to occupy your time so as not to obsess over any one opportunity.  More to follow on that point.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President
New Century Dynamics Executive Search

A Thank You Note to Separate You From the Field

“Wow, that was a great letter!  I just had to call you back.”  That was the beginning of a phone conversation in 1994. The caller was a CEO I had recently met about a job.  My thank you note had really made an impact!  The CEO called to say that he wanted to move me forward in the process.    I must say, the job opportunity was a long-shot for me as the job was in a segment where I had less experience, and on the wrong coast.  My letter made an impact because of my enthusiasm for the opportunity;  my recap of the CEO’s goals for the position; and that my key selling proposition dovetailed with his needs.  I also personalized the letter in a way that strengthened our connection.  The result was that I earned a second look and was invited to meet with the Headhunter working the search.  I did not get the job, but I had expanded my network and learned a valuable lesson.

In my work I see a lot of thank you letters and coach a lot of people through the process.  It is important to remember that thank you letters are not just good manners or proper business etiquette.  Done well, they can make a difference in the hiring manager’s selection process.  A thank you letter will not help the unqualified candidate, but it can tip the scales in a close situation.  At the very least it will help you stand apart from the crowd.  A good thank you letter presents your case for the job and demonstrates your communication skills.   One page or less is ideal.  It is another opportunity to sell yourself for the job in question.  As a result, you must take this task seriously.

A proper thank you letter shows your appreciation to be considered for the job; recaps the key objectives for the position; and presents your unique selling proposition.  The latter had better support the objectives for the position.  The last point is to personalize the letter to include something you learned about the interviewer’s personal interests or background.  This will help solidify a connection with the interviewer.  By recapping the key objectives for the job you tell the interviewer that you understand exactly what is required of the position.   By understanding the requirements of the job you ensure that you are on the same page with management which will make them more comfortable with your candidacy.   Recapping your unique selling proposition as it supports the objectives of the job reinforces your potential for success in the job.

The role of correspondence between professionals seeking to do business together cannot be underestimated.  Even as snail mail has given way to email, there is still a high value for well written correspondence that gets to the point.  Your mastery of business letters, especially the thank you note, helps the hiring manager gauge your professional skills.  Sending a timely thank you note demonstrates you appreciation for business protocol.  Crafting an effective letter demonstrates your ability to communicate, an executive skill paramount to one’s success.   So, make a serious effort to write a thank you note that positions you as a viable candidate.  Let the interviewer know that you understand the job, that you can do the job, and that you want the job. 

Thank you for visiting my blog.  Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President
New Century Dynamics Executive Search


On Cover Letters: Are You Trying to Get My Attention?

“Are you kidding me? Are you trying to get my attention? Well you did, but not the way you had hoped!” That was my reaction to the most recent cover letter I received with resume attached. The only positive thing I can say was that the sender’s timing was perfect as I was beginning to draft this series of blog posts on job-search correspondence. I did read the letter and then scanned his resume, which I would not have done save for this article. This cover letter, with a subject line reading “Senior Executive: Consumer Packaged Goods Industry” was 367 words long, yet never spoke to the candidate’s career goals or parameters for his ideal job. So much for helping me help you.

From the opening paragraph of his email introduction, I would have never guessed that he was accomplished CEO with experience in mid-cap and small cap food and beverage focused consumer packaged goods. Following his intro paragraph he offered five bullet points, actually sentences with bullet points, demonstrating his value proposition. Only two of those points spoke to objective performance metrics. This whole section came across as very tactical. Was I being introduced to a CEO or a Manager. The third paragraph said that he was doing consulting/project work for small to medium sized companies, followed by an attempt to reinforce his value proposition. This section was heavily laden with buzz-words and trite cliché’s that stepped on his message. To close, he told me that he had received a BS in Accounting and would welcome an opportunity to meet for further discussion. I never learned what he was looking to do now. I would have expected far better from a viable CEO candidate.

His email introduction was clearly a mass mail effort, probably sent to a large number of Executive Recruiters. The football analogy would be a “Hail Mary” pass. For all I know, he may have sent this same intro letter to a large number of potential employers and Private Equity Groups. If so, he really tarnished his personal brand. When writing a cover letter, remember, you are making an introduction seeking help in your job-search efforts. You may be interested in a networking relationship; applying for a specific job; seeking to be placed in a recruiter’s data-base; or looking for a referral to one of the preceding. Viewed in this way, would you send the same letter to all of these people? Of course not! Mass mailing is not the issue as you can personalize mail merge to a large degree. The point is to customize your intro letter to fit the audience. Mass mailing is not appropriate for one-off introductions for networking assistance, or when asking for a referral. Those introductions must be highly targeted and personalized.

When sending a resume to an executive recruiter, a short three to five sentence paragraph will suffice. We are looking to know the parameters around the position you seek, the industry segment, your compensation requirements, and any limitations you may have to relocation. Your resume should provide the details I need to initiate further conversation.

In following blog posts I will offer advice on the various types of job-search correspondence. In the meantime remember to stay focused on the needs of your audience, and keep your correspondence short and to the point.

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Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President
New Century Dynamics Executive Search