It is Prime Time! The end of 2016 is upon us, and the celebration is beginning. You may be attending a lot of parties, and networking events. In keeping with the season, it makes sense to offer up some advice and guidance to ensure that you have a productive month.
The Holiday Season is all about bringing people together. It is a time of celebration, reflection, and anticipation for the New Year. It is a time for networking groups to schedule events to close out the year. During this month, you have the opportunity to meet people you will want to add to your business network or social circle. These events are target-rich environments to identify and connect with influencers. Although each event will have a specific focus, you can exercise some leverage. In other words, social events can generate useful job-search connections, while professional networking events may result in social opportunities.
[Tweet “As you contemplate your calendar for December, begin with a plan.”] Determine what you want to accomplish this month. If you are between situations or looking to make a move, you may be looking for people who can help you locate your next job. In this case, you should try to attend as many events as you can. Of course, you will necessarily want to prioritize your time for friends and family. Religious activities are an important consideration. If there is a conflict, all things being equal, opt for the event that best supports your objectives for the month. In some cases, you may be able to attend multiple events, dividing your time between them on the same day.
Set a goal for each party! Begin with the guest list. Who do you want to meet? Plan to meet specific people who may be helpful. Learn who will be attending each event and determine who you want to meet. Conducting research on guests is a lot easier to do today, as more and more event planners are using on-line applications to manage attendance. Those applications will notify you as others accepted the invitation, so you will know who plans to attend. Then, you can cross-reference individuals to their LinkedIn profiles.
Time is short. Be strategic! The objective is to meet influential people, gain their interest, and schedule a follow-on meeting. Make a good impression, so they will want to help you. Leverage your friends, family, and acquaintances to help identify these influencers. Make sure that your elevator speech and appropriate variations are well-honed and committed to memory. Bring business cards to distribute. Make notes on the back of each card you receive so you can send a personalized message. Remember, ask to schedule a meeting. Additionally, become connected to these folks on LinkedIn. Everyone is a potential lead to a job, so introduce yourself to someone new.
Stay focused on your objective. The approach you chose to follow will be different depending on whether the event is business related networking or more of a social event. If the event is for business networking, stay focused on business. If the event is a social gathering, be sociable. As you get to know the other party, there is nothing wrong with getting to know about their occupation, if in a social setting, or about their personal interests, if at a networking event. Begin with casual conversation. Ask questions, including advice. Listen with interest. Stay away from religion, politics, or other potentially sensitive issues, unless you are talking with like-minded friends or associates.
Here are some parting thoughts. Maintain a friendly, positive attitude. You will attract more interesting people. Dress appropriately. You don’t want to stand out in a negative way. Eventually, most people will migrate in that direction. Don’t overindulge in food or alcohol. Remember to thank the host before leaving, and later, send a thank you note. Enjoy yourself; the Holiday Season can be a lot of fun!
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Jim Weber, President
New Century Dynamics Executive Search
Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal
Current Assignments
1. Strategic Partner – Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company – Complete
2. Director of Business Development, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company.
3. Human Capital Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company. New
4. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer.
5. Controller – Orlando, FL-based Restaurant Company.
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