A Conversation With The Business Executives Networking Group

Tuesday, I presented to the monthly meeting of the Business Executives Networking Group (BENG).  The topic was “working with executive recruiters.”  My presentation style is to facilitate a discussion, not a lecture, so I used the following PowerPoint Presentation to frame the conversation.






  • —Be competitive; assume that the recruiter has plenty of viable candidates.
  • —Present a resume that includes your complete work history; it is relevant and important.
  • —When you are scheduled to talk with the recruiter, be prepared.
  • —Make it easy for me to find you and don’t make me chase you down when I need you.
  • —Check in from time to time to reaffirm your interest and receive updates.


To help jump-start the dialog, I asked each of the folks to offer an issue, pet peeve, question, or comment regarding executive recruiters.  I worked this task into the personal introduction period when each participant is given thirty seconds to deliver their elevator speech.  It is also a useful tactic to focus my delivery, and help increase audience participation.  The issues were largely anticipated, as I’ve heard most of them before. They included:

  • —Why don’t executive recruiters call you back?
  • —Why is it so difficult getting through to a recruiter?
  • —After all these years, why are educational credentials still an issue?
  • —How much information should I include in my LinkedIn profile?
  • —How does one find an executive recruiter that specializes in my professional niche?

These questions were quickly answered; however, based on overall discussion time, their most pressing issue was overcoming age discrimination.

Regarding age discrimination, my recommendation is to take a perceived negative (which really isn’t a negative) and make it a positive. In other words, job seekers should understand that most Fortune 500 companies have a recruiting and selection model that favors young professionals. These companies prefer to hire people they can train, develop, and indoctrinate into their culture for a long-term career. This orientation works against baby boomers at the end of their careers.  I recommend that Baby Boomers internalize this fact and look for employment where their skills and experience is valued.  They should look for mid-caps, emerging brands, and Private Equity portfolio companies which offer the most opportunities.  Our experience is our strength, we should lead with this.

My second point is to present yourself as a specialist as employers are looking for people to solve particular problems during their tenure. Even if you have what appears a generalist background, you will find that you have specialized skills that have shaped your career.

Presenting yourself as a specialist aligns well for the Digital Age. Job tenures are decreasing as people are hired to work on specific projects and then transition out of the company. This is particularly true of private equity groups.

We also discussed the value of resumes presenting only the last ten or twelve years of employment. Whereas that might be a useful strategy when talking to an in-house recruiter, it is just irritating to executive recruiters. We are interested in your total package. We want to know where you came from, the foundation for your career. It is important to understand where someone received their initial training and development.  It is a predictor of your habits supporting continued success. Eventually, I will get your entire work history, so why not save us both some time?

As most of the folks in the room were Baby Boomers with established careers, one would expect they had developed relationships with a few recruiters. I have my doubts, however, as they seem not to understand the differences between recruiters and how they work. That might be an interesting topic for another blog post.

My presentation was well received and generated a lot of discussions. I am grateful for the help I received from Kerri, another recruiter, Beverly, an employment professional, and Julie who hosted the meeting.  I could write a book about working with executive recruiters based on our dialog. Next month I will make the same presentation to the Financial Executives Networking Group, (FENG).

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox. Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.  

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is important to me so; please leave a comment.


Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search


Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal


Job Search Strategy For The New Normal













Current Assignments

1. COO- Atlanta-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New

2. Director of Business Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company: Complete
3. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Complete
4. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. In Process
5. Controller – Atlanta-based Restaurant Company:  New





Free: Executive Resume Cheat Sheet



I see a lot of resumes, believe me!  It is a fundamental part of my job.  Most of the resumes I see are dreadful. They are working against the job seeker, forcing them into a prolonged period of unemployment.   Unfortunately, most job seekers don’t appreciate that their poorly written resume is hurting them.

If you are unemployed, you can only think of getting another job to protect your financial well-being.  That is understandable.  You might not know that your resume is working against you.  That it costs you time and money, you cannot afford.   It is hurting your career and your financial goals.   Do you want to get back to work, or suffer a prolonged period of unemployment?   The solution is in your hands.

From time to time I help my candidates craft an effective resume for a fee.   My most successful candidates understand the need for an effective resume and are willing to pay a reasonable price for my help.   No, resume writing is not my primary line of business, but I am happy to help when I can. 

I understand that conserving cash is a priority for most unemployed people.  I get it! 

So, what if you knew the secrets to crafting a killer resume; one that would shorten your job search.  A resume that will help you get the job you want.  Wouldn’t you want to know that secret?  Wouldn’t you want to shorten your time between jobs?   I certainly would!

Fortunately for you, I have been presented with a fantastic resource which I can make available to you, compliments of my friends at CareerTuner.   I have been authorized to share the secrets of the best resume writers, at no charge to you.  That’s right.  I am allowed to help you craft a killer resume at no cost to you.  I have been granted the right to send you The Executive Resume Cheat Sheet, free.  I wholeheartedly endorse this fantastic tool!  It will ensure that you have a professional resume which will help you land that ideal job in the shortest time possible.



Need a Resume for a Manager Level Job?



Need a Resume for a Non-Manager Level Job?



Need a Resume for a Career Change?



Are You a Recent Grad in Need a Resume?



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Three Ways to Win New Clients You Might Not Have Thought Of

“Article from Gemma Humphries


Being a successful freelancer means achieving the delicate balance between pitching for the clients you know you can achieve and pitching for the clients you really want. The fact is that we are all working to earn a living. We need to pay our mortgages, put food on the table, get our kids through college. Money makes the world go round, and your world won’t go around without it! Unfortunately that often means taking on the bread and butter jobs we’d rather not do more often than we’d like, and leaving the convoluted pitches process for highly sought after jobs we’d really like to do to those that are younger and have more time and less responsibilities. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Here are three overlooked ways to pitch for the business that you really want and actually succeed:               

Spend Time Maintaining Relationships

Most small businesses and freelancers understand the importance of generating solid leads, but so often once those leads have been generated they forget to maintain those new relationships and cultivate a culture of mutual understanding and respect. Although it won’t directly add to your revenue, it is important to take a couple of hours out of your week and spend it talking to your customers: existing ones, potential ones, ones that you have been working with for years and those that are newly acquired. Follow up on every business opportunity you are offered and make sure that you are maintaining a good reputation within your community. This might not immediately lead to an uptake in your services (remember that 73% of newly generated business to business sales leads are not ready to purchase) but all of these things are important to building your business  identity and ensuring that, if and when they need the services that you provide, the right people will know where to find you.

Believe in Yourself

It’s so easy to criticize yourself and make excuses for why you won’t get a job, or why it’s not worth pitching to that new client. Often in business, we can be our own worst enemies and the more we listen to our inner critic, the less proactive we are in reaching out, networking, and reaching for those goals that might seem unobtainable right now. This is particularly true as our responsibilities grow and we juggle running our businesses with the needs of our family. It may sound a little trite, and like something out of a Disney movie, but believing in yourself is one of the very best things you can do to boost your business success. Confidence comes from many different things, but if you are lacking confidence in yourself or in your brand then why not have a makeover? A new website, new business cards, updated email signature, even a haircut, can all help to increase your confidence in your brand and enable you to sell it to others in a much more positive way.

Leave The Comfort of Your PC

We live in a modern internet age that makes it much easier to arrange all the marketing for your business from behind your computer screen whilst you sit in your jammies.  Whilst engaging in online social networking, utilizing social media and having a great website certainly will help you to generate leads for your business, nothing beats leaving the comfort of your PC and going out and meeting people. Show people who you are and what you do: being visible is the very best way of ensuring that you will be remembered by potential clients, and you can impress upon people the wide range of services you can provide for them much more comprehensively in the flesh than you ever could over the internet. Understand your business niche and know who your target market is, then get out of the house and go and target them! You could do this by attending national conferences, professional events for individuals in the same market as you, or even by going out and talking to local small businesses. The key is to put yourself out there and ensure that as many people as possible know who you are. 

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox. Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.  

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President
New Century Dynamics Executive Search
Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal






Current Assignments

1. COO- Atlanta-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New
2. Director of Business Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company: Complete
3. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Complete
4. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. In Process
5. Controller – Atlanta-based Restaurant Company:  New










Tips on Job Change To Different Industry

I talked with two very accomplished job seekers this week. Both have MBA’s from prestigious Universities and twenty-five-plus years with Blue-chip companies. Both are accomplished in their fields, having held senior level positions. Both lost their job due to a company-wide reorganization. However, the similarities end there. After a short hiatus, one found a new situation in a smaller, entrepreneurial company. The other is approaching two years in job search. The difference in their results is instructive.

In my last post, I wrote about the hiring criteria for senior managers in a tightening labor market. I wrote that employers looking to fill senior-level roles expect the new hire to have a very short learning curve. They are expected to make an immediate contribution. Adapting to the employer’s culture should be the majority of their learning curve, a reasonable expectation.

Keys For A Successful Transition

1. Lead with your Leadership skills
2. Be the Specialist
3. Optimize your Network

Much of my work recently has been placing CFOs with Private Equity Groups’ (PEG) portfolio companies. In case you have been disconnected from all economic news for the last decade, PEGs have been reshaping the economy, creating a lot of opportunities. These companies have a defined timetable to divestiture. Their time horizon is relatively short. During their holding periods, they maintain a focus on strategic initiatives to maximize terminal value. They need senior level managers who can help them achieve their goals within the holding period. They seek specialists.

The lack of industry-specific experience is another obstacle facing Baby-boomers in transition. There are many factors in play in this situation; however, this bias is not absolute. To be sure, a transition into some industries is difficult. Job functions like CEO, COO, and senior level marketing positions may require significant industry experience. Hiring a senior manage without relevant industry experience is usually unwise, but not always. Typically, there is somewhat more flexibility regarding specific industry experience for other job functions.

If you want to change industries, focus on your leadership skills. Senior-level jobs are about directing and managing teams, leadership. As a serious job seeker, you will research new industry segments to become familiar with revenue models, customers, and operational
challenges. That work will help nullify a lack of industry experience. However, in competition for any job, you must sell your strengths. As a senior executive, leadership should be your greatest strength. As a candidate for a senior position, focus on accomplishments which required effective leadership, then translate those situations to the needs of the employer.

As an effective leader, you will have developed “street cred,” specialized skills. You did not get to this point without becoming proficient in a particular discipline or activity. In the New Normal, employers are looking for people with specialized skills. For example, some people are great at turnarounds, whereas others may be adept at penetrating new markets. Some executives are good at building new companies where others are skilled at protecting mature brands. If you look back on your career, you will find common threads for your success. Do you have particular strength in re-engineering, business development, or maybe, systems implementation? If so, these are your specialties. Your next step is to build a resume that highlights these skills so as to match the job. Skill sets that are transferrable to other industry segments are highly desirable.

Referring to the two Executives mentioned at the beginning of this article: the difference in their results is due to the quality of their networks. More to the point, the successful job seeker (a CFO type) has a contact that is well-networked into the community. His contact made an introduction to a CEO who needed a CFO. The referral source was highly credible, which led to a positive hiring decision. The other candidate’s networking efforts have not been as successful.

Since most job seekers find employment through networking, managing your network is vital. However, the size of your network is not as important as are high-quality, highly-motivated contacts working on your behalf. They must understand your search strategy to best present your capabilities. Actively manage your network to ensure its effectiveness. Make sure they know how to help you.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox. Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.  

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President
New Century Dynamics Executive Search
Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal




Current Assignments

1. COO- Atlanta-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New
2. Director of Business Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company: Complete
3. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Offer extended.
4. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. In Process
5. Controller – Atlanta-based Restaurant Company:  New






New COO Search Announcement!

3-02-2017:  New Century Dynamics Executive Search is pleased to announce that it has landed a Search for a Chief Operating Officer.

I am looking for a COO to join my client’s team. They are an Atlanta-based, Casual Dining Brand. The position offers a competitive salary plus healthy incentive program. If you know anyone with a Restaurant Company Operations/Franchising background who is looking for a new opportunity, please contact me for further information.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox. Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.  

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President
New Century Dynamics Executive Search
Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal





Current Assignments

1. COO- Atlanta-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New
2. Director of Business Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company: Complete
3. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Offer extended.
4. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. In Process
5. Controller – Atlanta-based Restaurant Company:  New

You Can’t Always Get What You Want

You can't always get what you want
Mick Jagger & Keith Richards
This past year, I experienced three rather unique, but similar search assignments. I found them to be interesting if not a little odd. The employers were established and profitable, but not necessarily on anyone’s radar screen as a highly desirable employer.


The searches in question were for a Controller, a Director of Business Development, and for a Payroll Benefits Manager, otherwise known as a Human Capital Manager. In each case, the client advised me that these would be difficult searches. They believed this to be true as they called me after they had failed to recruit these positions with internal resources. One client told me that he doubted that his ideal candidate even existed. As I came to learn, the difficulty of these assignments was due to the experience and attributes required by these. In other words, the candidate requirements were more rigid than I thought necessary. These employers were looking for people to be immediately productive. I get it! This expectation has become commonplace even if less realistic in a low unemployment environment.  Unfortunately, the compensation packages offered were average for the market, but not so attractive to entice one to leave their current employer.


As a practice, I begin my assignments by helping my client develop a Position Spec. This document combines the Job Description, desired candidate profile, skill-set required, and public relations. This document helps me sell the opportunity to prospective candidates. It is a useful tool to gain close alignment with the client and better understand their needs. The process of developing the Position Spec serves to validate the importance of each profile attribute and to assign a metric to its priority. It prepares the client’s expectation as to the caliber of candidate available for consideration. With this process completed, I can qualify more candidates for my client’s consideration. Seldom do I find a candidate that is a perfect match to the search criteria. Intangible factors around personality and chemistry usually hold sway.


As measured by the Department of Labor’s U-3 metric the employment situation has improved, and most professionals, by now, have found work. In fact, the current unemployment rate for Professionals is about half the total unemployment rate. The current labor market for Professionals is composed of people who lost their jobs due to mergers and acquisitions, or reorganization; and employed folks looking to improve their situation. Most job seekers will find employment after an average amount of time. Baby-Boomers are still struggling, however. The market has shifted so that employers don’t have the leverage they had a few years ago. One would expect that, given a tightened labor market, employers would become somewhat more flexible in their hiring standards. In the current job market, management should expect to make hiring decisions that will get them to within 80% or 90% of their requirements. This should be acceptable, so long as the candidate can close the gap through training and experience.


In the end, I was successful in two out of three of these assignments. One search was not that difficult as I found plenty a viable candidates, completing the search within my norm. The second search took twice the normal duration to complete. In the third case, the client who did not think his ideal candidate existed, changed his mind and promoted from within. They were not impossible searches, just a little out of the norm.


At this time, to get closer to a 100% match to expectations the employer must be prepared for a
longer search; to pay more to attract viable candidates, or to bridge the gap through training.
What does this mean for candidates? I will discuss that issue in the next post.

“You can’t always get what you want. But if you try sometimes well you just might find,

You get what you need.” Rolling Stones


Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox. Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.  

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President
New Century Dynamics Executive Search
Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal





Current Assignments

1. COO – Atlanta-based Casual Dining Company – New
2. Director of Business Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company: Complete
3. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Offer extended.
4. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. In Process
5. Controller – Atlanta-based Restaurant Company:  New












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To:  22828













Face to Face with Franchisers











Saturday March 4th, 2017

3:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Le Meridian at 111 Perimeter Center West, Dunwoody

Is 2017 the year you embark on your entrepreneurial journey?
Don’t miss this opportunity to meet face to face with select franchisors expanding their franchise brands in metro Atlanta.


  • What are the most important research tools and tips for investigating franchising?
  • Who is SCORE and how do they help entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses?
  • What does it take to get started?


Anyone who has ever dreamed of owning their own business as a means to personal and professional growth, a path to self-employment, family legacy or creating wealth and equity beyond what a W2 wage can offer.


$25.00. All proceeds benefit SCORE Metro Atlanta.

Visit http://www.atlantafranchiseexperts.com/events/get-face-to-face-with-the-franchisors

for event information and registration links.


Business Services, Home Services, Retail, Home-Based, Automotive, Staffing, Child Enrichment, Disaster Restoration and more!


SCORE mentoring support plus the franchise expertise of FranNet – with actual businesses presenting their concepts.


QUESTIONS? Contact Julie Denise at 678-249-9867 or jdenise@frannet.com.


Join us on March 4th and make the rest of your career,


the BEST of your career!

Working With Executive Recruiters: Conclusion


 It is rare for me to work with candidates who lack experience working with recruiters.  After 18 years in the executive search business, most of my work is with senior executives who know the drill. However, from time to time I am asked to perform a lower level search to help a client.  In those cases, I often work with candidates who lack experience working with an Executive Recruiter.  The vast majority of these folks are interested in learning how the process works and how to work most effectively with me.  Instinctively, they know that I am there to broker the transaction and to help them to the extent that I can.  There are times when the candidate is unable or unwilling to work within the system.  Invariably, those candidates fail to land the job.  In fact, they tarnish their reputations with the client and with me.


Without a doubt, the most egregious example of a candidate’s bad behavior is going around the recruiter, contacting the client directly, an end run so to speak.  In my Executive Search career, I have had three candidates try to bypass me to ingratiate himself into the mix.  In every case, it ended poorly for the candidate.  My first incident was working on a search for a Corporate Director of Taxation.  One of my candidates was not forthcoming with important background information, so I put him on hold.  I advised him that I could not move him forward in the process until he provided the required information.  This candidate became incensed and actually told me that he would be contacting the client directly.  So, with that information, I gave my client a heads-up.  Predictably the candidate embarrassed himself and was eliminated from consideration.  Actually, the situation further enhanced my relationship with the client as they appreciated my judgment and communication. The second situation was somewhat similar, except for the fact that the candidate did not come close to fitting the client’s profile.  Again, the results were predictable.


The most recent situation was a little different, but the results were the same.  This candidate was qualified to do the job and was in the queue.   We had several steps yet to complete before I could present him to the client.  I needed to do an in-depth phone interview to understand fully his background and capabilities to be followed by a face to face meeting.  Unfortunately, the process was not moving along fast enough to suit this guy.   He thought I was deliberately blocking him. So, this candidate executes his end run contacting multiple employees, via phone and email including the hiring manager.  I knew that he had a contact inside the company, but it was not a strong enough connection to really help him.  His behavior was viewed as unprofessional and unwarranted.  He disqualified himself as the client decided that he was a poor cultural fit.  If he had worked with me, the outcome might have been different.  He clearly did not appreciate the strength of my relationship with the client.


In each case, the candidate failed to understand or appreciate my bond with the client.   When a client hires a recruiter, they do so with great care.  The recruiting and selection process is critical to the client and full of risk.  There is a significant level of trust between the client and the recruiter.  There must be!  The stakes are too great.   The client looks to the recruiter to manage the process in an effective and efficient manner that reflects well on the client’s brand.  In support of this goal, before I begin a search I get clear direction from the client as to the job requirements, the experience required, and the skill sets they want to see in a candidate.  We also become aligned as to the client’s culture.   I design my searches to ensure that the candidate can do the job, will do the job, and will be a harmonious fit with the client’s culture.   It is not in my best interest to eliminate a candidate that meets all of the client’s criteria.  Likewise, it is not in my best interest to move an unqualified candidate forward.  My work reflects on my credibility and on-going relationship with the client.


If a recruiter contacts you with an opportunity which you decide to pursue, your responsibility is to work within the parameters established by the recruiter.   You may or may not like the recruiter, but the recruiter is driving the bus.  Your job is to be a good passenger and enable him to get to the required destination.   One must understand that circumventing the recruiter is a high-risk proposition that seldom ends well for the candidate.


Key Points to Consider:

1.     Nurture relationships with recruiters.

2.     Work with, and through your recruiter.

3.     Understand the relationship between the recruiter and hiring manager.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox. Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.  

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is important to me so; please leave a comment.


Jim Weber, President


New Century Dynamics Executive Search

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal





Current Assignments



1. Strategic Partner – Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company – Complete
2. Director of Business Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company: Complete
3. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  In Process
4. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. In Process
5. Controller – Atlanta-based Restaurant Company:  New



Text To Join Our Mailing List:



Send the following text message:  NEWCENTURY



To:  22828

















New Century Dynamics Executive Search announces new assignment: Controller for a Southeastern-based Casual Dining Brand.

January 8, 2017: New Century Dynamics Executive Search announces new assignment:  Controller for a Southeastern-based Casual Dining Brand.

$100M Atlanta based company is seeking to hire a CONTROLLER to oversee accounting and finance functions.  This is an exciting challenge for a well-rounded, hands-on leader.





·         Period-end closing and preparation of necessary financial statements

·         Hands-on management of general ledger including journal entries, accruals, AP/AR oversight and reconciliation of cash and other accounts

·         Analysis, research and recommendations for budget variances

·         Financial schedules for taxes and year end external audit

·         Establish and improve internal controls

·         Vendor relationships including review and negotiation of contracts



·         Bachelor’s degree in accounting

·         5+ years of accounting experience

·         Supervisory experience

·         Excellent interpersonal and communication skills

·         Excellent proficiency with Excel


$100k – $130k.  Bonus in the 20-30% range


Jim Weber, President
New Century Dynamics Executive Search
Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal




Current Assignments


1. Strategic Partner – Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company – Complete
2. Director of Business Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company: Complete
3. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  In Process
4. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. In Process
5. Controller – Atlanta-based Restaurant Company:  New



Text To Join Our Mailing List:


Send the following text message:  NEWCENTURY


To:  22828





Working With Executive Recruiters: Check In From Time To Time

Working through the recruiting and selection process can be a very challenging time for job-seekers.  Feedback from the hiring manager and/or the recruiter is priceless.  The lack of feedback can be very frustrating.  Recruiters understand the frustration well, as we must “get the job” before we can begin working on a search assignment.   Many years ago, while I was still an employee, a great Executive Recruiter and friend told me that “sometimes, no news is no news.”  In other words, thank you for calling, but I have no relevant update for you at this time, so relax.  Recently I heard a slightly different twist on that line, whereas “no news is no interest.”  Regrettably that is often the case.  It is still very important to maintain a healthy relationship with your recruiter, so you need to check in from time to time.  The point is to make your contact productive and unobtrusive. 


As a candidate for a particular search, you should know that you are not the only candidate for that search.  For that matter, it is important to understand that your recruiter is working multiple searches.   She is working with a number of candidates over a number of different assignments.  What that means is that communication from the recruiter could take some time to get to you.  So, a periodic checking-in will be useful for the both of you. 


A phone call is obvious, but there are no guarantees you will make an immediate connection.  In this case, just make sure that your voice mail message is clear and concise.  Ensure that your identity is provided, including your telephone number.  Fortunately, most voice mail systems provide the option to review your message before sending.  Using this feature is a good idea.  It is not uncommon for me to receive unintelligible messages, usually someone calling from a weak cell.  I will have their phone number on caller ID, but not their message.  Email and SMS messages can be much more effective for a simple check-in, resulting in a more immediate response.   These should be your primary tools.


It is equally important to let the hiring manager know of your continued interest as well.  Every contact provides you with an opportunity to send a thank you note.  Remember, a thank you note is not just an expression of gratitude.  It is another opportunity to sell your capabilities and to demonstrate your enthusiasm for the job.  This is an important task that must be appreciated, so much so that you should include your recruiter in crafting the message.  She knows the client’s needs and their hot buttons.  She will help you craft a note that makes an impact.  More importantly, she can save you from sending a counter-productive message.


It is vital to stay connected to your recruiter while you are a candidate for a current search as well as for future opportunities.


·       Express your enthusiasm and continued interest.

·       Availability to provide additional information

·       Update the recruiter as to your status and travel plans

·       Just to say ‘thank you’ especially post interviews.


To ensure that you stay connected to the recruiter to be considered for future opportunities consider the following:


·       Become connected on LinkedIn

·       Join the recruiter’s mailing list

·       Send periodic updates as to your situation via email.

·       Ensure that the recruiter has your current resume.


Follow these tips to become a savvy candidate.


Key Points to Consider:

1.     Check in periodically.

2.     Keep your recruiter in the loop.

3.     Become connected to the recruiter on social media.


Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox. Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.  




Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President
New Century Dynamics Executive Search
Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal








Current Assignments



1. Strategic Partner – Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company – Complete
2. Director of Business Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company: New
3. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company.
4. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer.
5. Controller – Orlando, FL-based Restaurant Company: 




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