Your Resume is Not Getting Traction: Not Enough Focus on Accomplishments

“Just the facts, ma’am.”  For those of us old enough to remember the television series “Dragnet,” that phrase was made famous by Detective Joe Friday.   Detective Friday stayed at peak productivity by focusing his interviews on the facts.  The facts speak for themselves, or at least they should.  Irrelevant, or superfluous information is a waste of precious time.   Detective Friday maximized his productivity and effectiveness by sticking to the facts.


During my corporate career, I learned many principles of effective communications.  Two of those points stand out above the rest, at least to me.  The first principle is:  Tell them what you are going to tell them; tell them, and then tell them what you told them.  Every presentation has a beginning, a middle, and an ending.  The beginning states the objective of the presentation;  “tell them what you are going to tell them.”  The middle presents your case; “tell them.”  The ending, or summary, “tells them what you told them.”  Your resume format follows the same principle to a point.  Your Career  Summary sets the stage.  It reveals what you plan to tell them in the body of your resume.  Your job history is the meat of your resume.  It speaks to the relevant details of your career, which are the key accomplishments.  Your Career Summary is your personal positioning statement.  Your job history is supporting evidence.  One must support the other.


Focus On Your Accomplishments:


  • Career Summary positions your general contributions.
  • Skill Sets provide definition to your strengths
  • Employment Summary: bullet-point significant accomplishments, “the facts.”



The second principle is to know your audience.  Who are they?  What is their background?  What are they looking for?  What do they want to hear?  What code words are they looking to hear?  How much time do you have to make your point?  Knowing your audience is fundamental to delivering a successful speech.  This principle is equally important to crafting an effective resume.  When you consider the audience for your resume, understand that they are looking to maximize their productivity as well.  “Just the facts, ma’am.”



As with any communications vehicle your resume must make an impact on the reader.  When the reader puts your resume down, she should be able to recall your top three attributes; your unique selling proposition. Yeah, I get it!   So, your resume must be highly focused and to some extent repetitive.  Repetitive in the sense that key themes are reinforced throughout the document.  All too often I see resumes where facts have been obscured by superfluous adjectives which render the message trite and meaningless.  “Just the facts, ma’am.”


Think back to successful networking events you have attended.  Who did you meet that stood out from the pack, someone you remembered?  You can probably still tick off two or three key points about that person.  He must have impressed you enough to remember him.  His message was likely to have been clear, concise, and to the point.  Your resume should be no different, except that it lacks the full dimension of a face-to-face meeting.  A resume is consumed by only one of the reader’s senses, her vision.  Coupled with the fact that resumes are briefly scanned for content, the burden is on you to get your message across, understood, and remembered.  The content must necessarily leap off the page to be absorbed by the reader.  The best way to make an impact to be remembered is to present key information in short bursts.  To be remembered, focus on the facts of your accomplishments and reinforce your theme throughout your resume.

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Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search




Your Resume is Not Getting Traction: It Does not Present you as a Savvy Professional

I have long been fascinated by Corporate Cultures, especially those of successful organizations.  What is it that sets those cultures apart?   All companies have a culture.  In fact, all groups have a culture even though it may not be recognized.  Formal groups have a shared history, code of conduct, set of values, and language which defines the group.  Some cultures are more obvious as with the uniformed services.  Or, as with Fraternities and Sororities, who have a secret handshake.  Many religions are identifiable by their manner of dress.  Other cultures may be more difficult to discern, but, insiders will recognize other members.  Small details taken together can be very revealing.

Cultures even have sub-cultures.  Elite military units have a culture that is different from the Army as a whole.  C-level corporate executives can be distinguished from middle management.  Marketing, Finance, and Operational personnel have their own sub-cultures with their own nuanced code.

Your resume presents your cultural affiliation.   You must actively manage your resume to ensure that you are sending the right signals.  Are you the real deal, or a poser.  If you are the real deal, but, using the wrong code words, you may not be recognized as a part of the group.

A Resume for a Savvy Professional:

  • Leave off Personal interests and “references available upon request.”
  • Use industry/position specific terminology.
  • Significant accomplishments should be predominant
  • Executive/Career summary must address your functional discipline, level of accomplishment; and industry/segment expertise.
  • Give a short, one line explanation for employer changes.
  • Label your resume file: “last name _ first name_ position_ date.”
  • Your email address should incorporate your last name to be professional
  • Use File/Properties menu option to list key words and other data.
  • Use appropriate key words in the body of the resume.
  • Avoid trite phrases and meaningless buzz-words.



You will be judged from the moment your email arrives in the recruiter’s mailbox.  Your email address and your resume file name speak volumes.   Your executive summary will reveal your cultural orientation by the language you use, or don’t use.  Do you use concise plain-speak, or buzzword-riddled gobbledygook?    Is your language familiar to other professionals at your level and from your professional discipline?  If not, you will not be taken seriously.

All too often I see resume attachments with “resume” as the file name.  A very common mistake for a rookie, and a cost to my productivity as it requires extra time to catalogue and file.  Even worse is a highly personal, even ironic email address.  Not a professional introduction by any standard.  The ideal email address will consist of your last name and first name or initial.  Better still is to have a personalized email with your surname as the domain name.   Likewise, your resume attachment file name should be formatted as:  lastname_first name_position_year; or something very similar.   Violating these two syntax basics will cast doubt as to your authenticity.

The ability to present your credentials and capabilities in a clear and concise manner is crucial.  The greater your rank the greater the expectation of your ability to communicate.  Avoid run-on sentences ripe with meaningless buzz words and phrases that would only impress a junior level manager.  Don’t waste my time, get to the point.  Pay attention to these details and the economic value of your verbiage to be viewed as a savvy professional.

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Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search

Your Resume is Not Getting Traction: It Just Isn’t Interesting

How do you choose your leisure reading?  When you read the newspaper, visit a website, or pick up a magazine what grabs you attention?   Is it a compelling headline?  An interesting picture, or some other graphic?  Do you scan the article or do a deep-dive for total comprehension?  How do you decide which route to take?  I would imagine that time pressures hold sway.

Consider spending your day wading through a mountain of resumes, hoping to find a handful of candidates that match your specs?  I recruit for a living and I find that thought oppressive.  Would you like to sift through boring, poorly formatted resumes all day.  Madness!  It could drive one to drink!  No one wants to read boring material.  It is no different for a recruiter.  To be productive we scan resumes and put them in piles.  You want your resume to land in the right pile, the “I have got to call this guy” pile. If you want your resume to stand out, you must internalize that thought.

Rules for Crafting an Interesting Resume:

  • Provide a short Executive Summary at the beginning to set the stage.
  • Executive Summary – Executive Level, Industry Segment, Functional Discipline
  • Use paragraph format for Executive Summary, and Job Responsibilities.
  • Italics for job responsibilities will make the resume more interesting to read.
  • Use bullet-point format for Accomplishments and Skill Sets.
  • Use bold and underline functions to make headers stand out.
  • Give a brief description of each employer and the purpose of each position.

Your resume is your career story.  Like any good story, it needs a plot, a theme and some drama.  Use your executive summary to set the stage by positioning your career experience.   Are you a turn-around expert, a business development guru, an M&A specialist or maybe you are all about IPOs.  You get the point.  The positioning statement is your theme. Regardless of your functional discipline there are only a handful of themes in business.  As you think about your career, I am confident you will find a common thread, a theme that defines your experience.   Now, reinforce your theme throughout the body of your resume.  


Think like a marketing professional.  These folks are tasked with creating interest by communicating the benefits of their brand.    After all, isn’t your resume about communicating your message?   Tell your story with impactful-language in an interesting format.  The words you choose must stimulate an immediate emotional response.  They must be powerful and precise, evoking a sense of energy and excitement.  Eliminate trite buzz words! Buzz words are buzz killers!


The purpose of a resume is to present your job history, but the goal is to get an interview.  Too many details too soon may well obscure your message.  First establish interest on the part of the recruiter, then fill in the details.  I am not recommending a one, or even a two page resume.  My message is to eliminate space devoted to non-essential information. I advise my candidates to have a very detailed resume available when a recruiter is ready to dig deeper into their background.  Even so, that document is not appropriate for first contact.  Build your resume with points that matter. 


When I consider the time I have spent in meetings, presenting to my team and superiors, or sitting through someone else’s presentation; I often wonder if management just wants to be entertained.  Work can be enjoyable and should be.  Why subject a recruiter to a boring resume?  To stand out, make your resume interesting and entertaining.

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Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search

Your Resume is Not Getting Traction: 1. It is Not Easy to Read

Are you invisible?  Don’t laugh.  If your resume is not generating interest, you may as well be invisible.  If your resume is not read do you exist?  If your resume is not read and its content appreciated, your job-search is dead in the water.  And, when I say “read” I mean scanned.  A recruiter will spend less than 30 seconds evaluating your resume.  If your resume is not generating interest, it is a safe bet that it is not reader-friendly.  You may be the ideal candidate for a particular job, yet fail to get into the queue just because you crafted a resume that recruiters don’t want to read.  I can tell you from experience that there is a direct correlation between the quality of candidate’s resume and the amount of interest it generates.


To craft a resume that generates interest, start by putting yourself in the reader’s place.  Think of your own reading habits, especially on a busy day when time is short.  Do you like the thought of reading densely-packed pages of small-type-faced words?  That is a turn-off, happily to be avoided.  I am confident that you know exactly what I mean.    To maximize my productivity, I want to receive the most information I can in the least amount of time.   I will likely put aside a difficult-to-read resume, and move on.  Unfortunately, that usually means that other candidates make it to the hiring manager.


Follow these rules to help craft a resume with impact.


  • Use header and footer function to retain continuity.
  • Use Table function to hold formatting for employers, job titles and dates.
  • PDF is the best format for integrity in transmission.
  • 12 pt. type face size for the body of the resume, larger for headers, 14 to 16 pt.
  • Use spacing to break up jobs held and to transition from different formats. 
  • White space is important!  Use it liberally.
  • Use 1” margins
  • Use underlining to separate employers.


A resume is really more of a marketing tool than a detailed work history.  Even if you are trying to convey your history, your goal is to engage the reader with every word, coaxing him into reading more.  You are trying to tell a story, your story.  If you cannot present your story in an interesting way, why make me suffer through a bad read?  As a professional you have likely attended many PowerPoint presentations that use short sentences and bullet points.  You know that these presentations are effective because they distil the key points in a way that is easy to grasp.  The message literally jumps off the page!  The sentences are short and the words have impact.  Your resume should use these techniques too!


Most of my work is with C-level Executives so I don’t get too involved in Automated Tracking Systems, but I do have a resume data-base.  When I search my data-base I use key words that match the client’s ideal candidate profile.  This task is always more productive when candidates have taken advantage of their resume’s file properties menu.  It is important to populate your resume with key-words, and don’t neglect the “file properties” feature.


Finally, always leave your audience wanting more.  The important point of a resume is to get you into the game.  If you provide the most important information in an interesting, easy to read manner you are more likely to get a phone call from a hiring manager.  At that time you can begin providing more detail about your experience and accomplishments.  I definitely recommend that you develop a highly detailed CV that recaps your complete career history and accomplishments.  That document will serve as basis for your resume, bio, and key accomplishments.  However, that is not a document to use for an introduction in a job-search.

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Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search


Five Reasons Your Profession Is Hurting Your Career


Originally Posted by Richard Kirby of Executive Impact on

When I graduated from college with a degree in electrical engineering, that was the only credential I could use to market myself to prospective employers. In an ideal world, employers would have gotten to know me and determined that I had potential to do many things, tested me to define my talents and motivations, and established an individualized development plan that would launched me onto a path to become “the best that I could be” in their organization. Unfortunately, the world was not ideal then and still is not.

I was stereotyped (branded) as an engineer and hired to do a job that engineers do. I succeeded, so I was given opportunities to make more money and get promotions by doing more engineering stuff. But, seven years out of college, I was a registered professional engineer who was burnt out on engineering … and decided I needed a change. I proactively moved into HR training and development (training engineers), then into marketing, then into sales.
The point of all this is that, had I been passive and let my employers lead me in my career, I would have gotten “stuck” in a sequence of engineering roles. I would have had far less autonomy, enjoyment and income.

So, I want to propose to you a pretty disruptive (but, for many, necessary) challenge to your status quo: Choosing a profession and sticking with it may be a bad strategy for your future happiness and income. Here are five reasons your current profession may be hurting your career…

1. You are in a profession that does not match “you”. With thousands of possible choices and the vast majority of people not having insightful guidance, it is highly likely you are not even close to being in one that is an excellent fit.

2. You are in a profession that has poor prospects for the future. Face it. Your entry level customer service job at the local bank branch is never going to get you very far.

3. Your profession doesn’t allow you to grow your career. Sitting in a call center answering customer complaints will isolate you from others who could help you in your career. It will also numb your mind.

4. You are in a profession that is associated with a depressed or dying industry. All of my corporate career was in the telecom industry and (other than mobile) that industry has been in trouble for over a decade, so becoming an expert could be career-limiting.
5. You are in a profession/industry that is not well respected. Even if you are the top producer in your state for Amway, I am still going to start itching if I have to sit and listen to your pitch about becoming one of your “down-lines.”

As mentioned in Chapter 3 of Fast Track Your Job Search (and Career!):
“A survey by The Conference Board indicated that employee job satisfaction dropped from 61% in 1987 to 45% in 2009. This has been an ongoing trend. I believe that two major factors contributing to job dissatisfaction are self-limiting beliefs and mismatches with current professions.”

It’s hard to correct counterproductive beliefs in a 600 word blog post, but getting you thinking about your choice of profession just might be within my power. I hope so, because the vast majority of people I meet are in a profession that is not a strong match.
Sometimes people who are unhappy in their work are in the wrong culture, working for the wrong type boss, or at the wrong level in the organization. For many, though, they are in the wrong profession. If you have some doubt, then I hope you will rethink your choice (if it was a choice at all) of profession and begin considering new options. Good luck and best wishes!

Richard Kirby is an executive career consultant, recruiting manager, and author of Fast Track Your Job Search (and Career!).


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Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search


Your Resume is Not Getting Traction: 5 Reasons Why


We all know the adage.  “You only get one chance to make a good first impression.”  Whereas this might not be completely accurate, where your resume is concerned it most certainly is true.  Your resume is likely your first opportunity to make an impact with a hiring manager.  In too many cases a strong candidate with a weak resume loses out on a great opportunity.   It does not have to be that way.  Understanding how a resume is reviewed and used will give you the fundamental information to craft a product that will stand out.  The following five issues are likely working against you.


It is Not Easy to Read.

  • Use header and footer function to retain continuity.
  • Use Table function to hold formatting for employers, job titles and dates.
  • PDF is the best format for integrity in transmission.
  • 12 pt type face size for the body of the resume, larger for headers, 14 to 16 pt.
  • Use spacing to break up jobs held and to transition from different formats. 
  • White space is important!  Use it liberally.
  • Use underlining to separate employers.resume 3


It is Not Fun and Interesting Reading;

  • Provide a short Executive Summary at the beginning to set the stage.
  • Use paragraph format for Career Summary, and Job Responsibilities.
  • Italics for job responsibilities will make the resume more interesting to read.
  • Use bullet-point format for Accomplishments and Skill Sets.
  • Use bold and underline functions to make headers stand out.
  • Give a brief description of each employer and the purpose of each position.


It Does Not Reveal You to be a Savvy Professional:

  • Leave off Personal interests and “references available upon request.”
  • Use industry specific terminology.
  • Accomplishments should be predominant
  • Executive/Career summary must address your functional discipline, level of accomplishment; and industry/segment expertise.
  • Give a short, one line explanation for employer changes.
  • Your resume file name should put your last name first, then first name and date.
  • Use File/Properties menu option to list key words and other data.
  • Use appropriate key words in the body of the resume.
  • Avoid trite phrases and meaningless buzz-words.


It Does Not Focus Enough On Your Accomplishments:

  • Your Career Summary should position you based on your general contributions.
  • Your Skill Sets should provide more definition to your strengths
  • Your Employment Summary should bullet-point your most significant accomplishments.


It Is Not Easy to Contact You:

  • Cell phone and email addresses are key.
  • Home mailing address is unnecessary.


The most important point to understand is that your resume is not read as much as it is scanned.  In many of my search assignments up to 50% of the resumes I receive do not fit the desired profile, but I still must review each and every one to make that determination.  Hiring managers and their support staff must use their time wisely when sifting through a mountain of resumes.  These folks sort your resume into two piles; “possible” and “forget-about-it” by quickly scanning to see if the resume reflects the ideal profile for the position in question.  Even if their scan picks up some of the key attributes in question, a poorly formatted resume can end up in the “forget-about-it” pile.

resume 12  POS

To further drive home the point one would do well by reviewing point of sale marketing messages used by retailers.  They use very short messages, sometimes as few as two or three words, that make a strong emotional connection with the shopper.  You would be wise to think like a retailer when crafting your resume. 

resume 13 1st impression


To Summarize, if you are to be considered a viable job candidate, your resume must be interesting, easy to read, and user-friendly for digital (i.e. email) transmission and retrieval.  To be viewed as a savvy professional, pay attention to the details.  Put your recipient’s needs first.  The previous bullet points will set you apart from the rest of the pack.







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Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search



Five Steps to employment for the over-50 Job-search: Why you need a career coach.

I landed my first job out of college by responding to a classified ad posted in the local newspaper.  After that, I did not need to look for another job for 11 years.  The next job I landed was through an executive recruiter and the one following that was through an ad placed in a trade magazine.  My last job-search was conducted under direction of an outplacement firm which focused on the power of networking.  Interestingly, my networking with an executive recruiter led to my final job in the corporate world.  It was in that last situation, working with an outplacement counselor, where I had my first experience with a career coach.  Although he was not familiar with my industry segment he was very good at helping me improve my networking skills, especially the quality of my communications.  He kept me focused and motivated, resulting in a fairly short time between jobs.  That was, wow, over 20 years ago.  Email and the Internet were in their infancy.  Snail mail and the telephone were still our primary modes of communication.  It was still Prime Time for Baby-boomers.

Throughout my corporate career, interrupted by a few short-lived recessions, the economy was growing steadily, fueled by the demand created by baby-boomers and supported by deregulation and the Regan Era fiscal policies.  Jobs were a lot easier to come by.  It was easier to find a new situation.  And then the world changed.  The job market is a very different today.  In many respects it is a lot more difficult.  It is also much easier if you have the key.  I left the corporate world in 1999 to begin my own executive search business. Coach 4


One of the most upsetting situations I encounter in my work is talking with displaced Boomers who have had solid careers only to be derailed by a merger or a restructuring which cost them their job.  They focused so much on their day to day responsibilities that they had not kept pace with the changing job market.  To say that their job-search skills are rusty would be an understatement.  Even worse, they have neglected their network.  It is no longer effective and must be rebuilt.  Their single-minded focus is to find another job, just like the last job.  No other options are on the table.  Many have the cushion of a severance package but few have outplacement benefits.  They find it difficult to grasp the fact that the jobs they left are gone or have been filled by younger, lesser compensated employees.  The absolute worst situation is to talk to someone who has burned through their severance and is working down their savings;  true desperation.  If you find yourself in this situation, you probably need professional help: an intervention.  This is when a career coach can be very important.

When you hire a career coach you are entering into a personal relationship.  A good coach will learn about your personality and how you approach a challenge, or adversity.  She will use that understanding to help you craft a strategy and set goals to achieve your job search objectives.  She will stay with you, offering encouragement and support as you execute your plan.  A good coach will help you break through roadblocks, especially those you create for yourself.  She knows the job market and can help you evaluate options for a meaningful next chapter.  The bottom-line is that you need to feel comfortable with your coach as she may have a major impact on your career.  For the relationship to work, both you and your coach need a connection, a bond.

Coach 7

It is a brave new world out there.  We all need help from time to time.  Your career is too important to neglect, so it is a wise move to engage a career coach to help you through you job search.

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Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search


Five Reasons Your Networking Is Hurting Your Career

Originally Posted by Richard Kirby of Executive Impact on

Studies for the past 40 years have reported that between 45% and 70% of all jobs are found through networking, yet most career seekers spend a minor portion of their job search time networking. If you are a typical seeker, then the first reason networking is hurting your career is because you are not doing enough of it. Do more … and you can uncover more opportunities sooner.

I enjoy networking and make it a part of my activities on an ongoing basis, mostly meeting one on one with other business people and entrepreneurs. After twelve years of consistent networking, I seek to limit the amount of time I spend with job seekers because they tend to be too self-focused (I am being polite). Just last week, I had a two hour meeting in which the seeker spoke about himself and his situation almost the entire time. So, if you are a typical career seeker, the second reason networking is hurting your career is because you are too self-centered and turn people off. Be more balanced in your networking discussions … and you will develop more interpersonal rapport sooner.

Most career seekers lack clear goals for their networking. They meet and talk, then leave with parting comments such as “If you hear of an opportunity that you think would fit me, please let me know.” So, if you are a typical career seeker, the third reason networking is hurting your career is because you are not making effective requests for action from the people you meet. Ask for introductions to specific, useful contacts … and you will connect with new quality people who increase your odds of success.

When you request someone to meet with you in person or chat over the phone, they expect you to have an agenda. Most career seekers, however, don’t. They have rambling, casual conversations that tend to lead nowhere. So, if you are a typical career seeker, the fourth reason networking is hurting your career is because you fail to have a pre-planned agenda that guides your conversations. In the networking chapter of my career book, I recommend a simple and effective four stage agenda for your networking meetings and calls … warm them up, seek to identify ways to help the other person, discuss your needs and get useful introductions, and recap who has what action items to be accomplished in what time frames. Follow this recipe … and you will better insure your meetings are more effective.

Your follow through (or lack thereof) during your networking gives people ideas as to how organized you are. Most career seekers fail to follow up in a timely manner or do so in an unprofessional manner, which makes them wonder if this will be your behavior with others such as contacts to which they introduce you. So, if you are a typical career seeker, the fifth reason networking is hurting your career is because you don’t follow through in a timely or professional manner. Improve your behaviors in this important area … and you will generate results sooner.
While I could give several other reasons your networking may be hurting your career based upon networking with hundreds of career seekers, this is a good sampling of some of the more notable things to consider when you next decide to put yourself out there.

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Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search


5 Steps to Employment for the over-50: Part 4 Your On-line Presence:

As a professional, you represent a brand; your personal brand.  Okay, I know, this might sound trite, nevertheless, it is a fact that you should think of yourself as a brand.  You have a reputation that must be managed.  As with any brand, the message you are sending must be clear and consistent.  Your resume, cover-letter, and bio must reinforce your message.  Thank you letters should reinforce the key points you want the hiring manager to remember.  Likewise, your on-line message must resonate with the same message.  Your brand must be clear and consistent.

It is not uncommon to learn of job-seekers who have been successful putting their total job-search efforts into a LinkedIn campaign.  If you are not on LinkedIn, you should be.   Ensure that your profile is complete.  Otherwise, you are hurting yourself.  Employers are looking for you, but they cannot find you or if they do, your profile may not be impressive enough to be of interest.  Now is a good time to join and become active in those groups that parallel your interests.  Position yourself as a thought-leader.  Consider a paid subscription to LinkedIn to gain access to more of its capabilities.  It is not yet the most effective way of landing a job, but you must factor LinkedIn into your job-search.  Take LinkedIn very seriously!

Like your resume, your LinkedIn profile must be interesting to read.  Large paragraphs tend to make the reader’s eyes glaze over.  Your message may never be read, or get through.  White space is very useful to keep the reader’s attention.  Mixing up short paragraphs with bullet points will keep the reader interested.  Your LinkedIn profile must mirror your resume and other biographical information.  Since more and more employers and recruiters are using LinkedIn to source candidates your resume must be available on LinkedIn and it must be consistent with the one you are sending to prospective employers.

Ensure that your contact information is up to date.  If prospective employers are looking for you, then make it easy to find you.  It reinforces your status as a professional and will ensure that you are contacted about interesting situations.

On the issue of contact information your email needs to have a complete signature section.  Telephone numbers, email addresses, and the link to your LinkedIn page should be available.  Remember, today much of our interaction is via cell phone, so make it easy for cell phone users to contact you.

I have not heard of anyone landing a job through Face Book but I suppose that is possible.  If you are active on Face Book it is probably a good way to keep your network up to date on your progress.  It is probably safe to say that if you are over 50, your Facebook page is more about your children and grandchildren than more esoteric pursuits.  That is good news.  Prospective employers will take a look at your Facebook page to get more insight into you as a person.  I have checked out candidates in the past, and some have sent me friend requests.  I can say that I have learned things about some candidates that I wish I had never known, which raised questions about their suitability to work for my clients.  Make sure your Facebook page is interesting, but neutral. 

Google+ is becoming more important, so it is a venue that you should consider.  When setting up your Google+ homepage, ensure that it is complete and also mirrors your resume and your LinkedIn profile.  You may also consider starting a blog and developing your own website to further your on-line presence.  Send notice of your blog posts to your network.  It is good marketing.

Remember, employers are looking for you.  You need to help them find you.  On-line tools can be very useful to your job-search campaign, but only if there is consistency between them and if your message is the same across each venue.

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Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search






Five Tips for Improving your Attitude

Originally Posted on

Are you happy with your boss, your income, your career progression to date, your opportunities for advancement, your choice of profession, your industry’s outlook and your employer’s culture? If so, then you probably don’t need to read this. If you are not happy with any of these, however, I want to help you. Consider this….
Most of us have been encouraged to get a good education and become knowledgeable in our professions. Many have spent thousands, possibly tens of thousands, of hours earning credentials and gaining professional expertise. While these (may) have been good investments in your career and your future, how much of that time did you invest in thoughtfully developing and improving your attitude? If your answer is “Not much”, then please keep reading!
I suggest in the first chapter of my career book that “Attitude is important in landing a job, keeping a job, and being proactively prepared to change jobs.” Beyond this, I also believe your attitude is an important contributor to having a satisfying career and happy life. If you would like more career satisfaction and happiness, then it will definitely be worth your time to try one or more of these five tips for improving your attitude:
1. Select a point in time during your work day and monitor your thoughts for ten to twenty minutes. Categorize each thought you have as positive or negative. Avoid cheating by labeling thoughts as neutral. Keep score and see how you do. Make a game out of rephrasing your negative thoughts into positive ones.
2. With your physician’s agreement, start a consistent exercise program that is appropriate for your current health condition. Get your endorphins flowing! They naturally make you feel better and that contributes to a more positive disposition.
3. Notice the types of media you consume and consider eliminating as many negative inputs as possible. Examples would be most television news programs, movies that are violent or lack uplifting story lines, and publications that focus on what’s wrong with the world. Reducing negative inputs and replacing them with positive ones is likely to help support a better mood.
4. Pay attention to the people with whom you associate. Are they predominantly happy and positive … or not? Increasing your time spent with positive people and reducing or eliminating the negatives will definitely be beneficial.
5. Last, but certainly not least, seek out a capable life coach or (if you are more serious about this quest) psychologist. My wife is a psychologist and virtually every person I have sent her way in the past eight years has benefitted.
Your attitude is always showing. You project it in every interaction with your boss, your peers, your subordinates, your friends and your family. They may not notice in all cases and they may not tell you even when they notice something that is unflattering. However, you are putting it out there all the time … like CNN or Fox News.
I believe you deserve the best career possible, not just some mundane job that pays the rent and puts food on the table. Don’t you?
You have the power to improve your career results…. and your attitude can be one of your biggest contributors to your success. Try some of my tips this week and let me know what you think.