Todd Whitsen to Present to BENG Atlanta Chapter, October 9, 2018

Join us the 2nd Tuesday of each month for the Atlanta Chapter BENG meeting!

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If you haven’t registered to join us, Tuesday, October 9th, now is your opportunity.

We hope you’ll join us for the October Atlanta BENG Chapter Meeting at our NEW MEETING LOCATION featuring Todd Whitsen who will present:

“Sales skill for new CEO’s and Executives”

About Todd Whitsen 
Recognized for his innovative approaches, ingenuity, thought leadership, and business acumen. He is exceptional at driving continuous business results; engineering turnarounds; accelerating revenues; improving profits; sustaining profitable growth, and developing partnerships to maximize EBIDA and the value of organizations. Linkedin


Register Today!



Join us…

Tuesday, October 9th
7:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

Fee: $10 (Includes Breakfast – menu below)

Bella’s Kitchen
6600 Peachtree Dunwoody
350 Embassy Row
Atlanta, GA 30328

Breakfast buffet includes: 

Scrambled Eggs
Home Fries
Bacon and Sausage
Fresh Fruit
Coffee and Juices
Assorted Pastries (Croissant and Bagels with Cream Cheese and Jelly) 




The Atlanta – Business Executives Networking Group (BENG) is a non-profit networking organization for mid to senior level professionals with over 10 years of business experience. BENG provides its members with:

  • A supportive atmosphere of high-value, face-to-face networking opportunities.
  • Relevant professional contacts for the unemployed, employed and self-employed.
  • An emotionally supportive environment for those in career transition.
  • Education and assistance for those members desiring to build, maintain or expand their professional network.

Click here to learn more about becoming a member and joining BENG.




Note: Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month.

For more information about BENG or to RSVP,
Please visit or contact
Jim Weber at




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Exit / Succession Planning: Transferable Value and Value Drivers

Guest Blog Post by David Shavzin;  Partner, ITB Partners



A laser focus on key business TRANSFERABLE Value Drivers will maximize your exit. When I speak on exit and succession planning, I talk about four high-level steps. My last two blogs covered the first two steps: Step 1: Exit Planning / Succession Planning is a TEAM SPORT and Step 2: Knowing Your Business Value and Step 4: Business Exit Options.


Step 3: Understanding TRANSFERABLE Value and Value Drivers

First, let’s discuss Transferable Value

I usually put it this way: “What would happen if you left your business for three months, headed down to an island with absolutely no way to communicate?”

If you get back and the business is humming along well, even thriving, you may well be on your way to significant transferable value.


If sales didn’t happen, if bills were not paid, if your products or services were not delivered, if 2 key employees quit and if the leaking roof completely fell in – because you were not there – you probably  don’t have much transferable value.

The company’s dependence on you for success limits Transferable Value to a buyer. A buyer does not want to see a significant amount of knowledge walk out the door upon purchasing your business. If that’s the case, they will pay you a lot less than you want for it.

Perhaps the extremes of 1) or 2) above don’t apply to you, but the reality is that most businesses have a long way to go to optimize transferable value.

The big goal: make yourself irrelevant to the business. “But, but…” I hear you start to protest. Get over it! If your goal is to have the money that you need/want for yourself and your family, you need to raise your business like a child, preparing it to live life on its own…without you.

Now, the Top Ten Drivers of Transferable Value

These are not necessarily in priority order and should all be addressed as you work on growth, succession, and exit. Develop a plan that truly addresses these ten items, and start working the plan now:

• Your revenue will improve immediately.

• You will feel better and enjoy the business.

• Your value will start to grow quickly.


1. Sustainable, Recurring Revenue.

2. Written Business Processes: update them regularly, train to them regularly. Repeatable, consistent  operating systems drive the customer experience and sustainable cash flow.

3. A Technology infrastructure that supports your plan and value drivers, while staying current!

4. Management Team and senior staff who are trained and motivated. Make sure that your employees are Knowledgeable and Engaged.

5. Sustainable, Competitive Advantage: Is there something that is truly different about you? If not, find it! Don’t be a commodity and don’t tell me “we have great customer service”!

6. Scalability: are you ready to take on a new customer that adds 50% to your revenue? 100%?

7. Diversified Customer Base: Is one customer more than 20% of your revenue? And how often do customers leave you?

8. Customer Experience: Do you truly know how your customers experience your products and services?

9. Financial Performance: Sustainable, Growing Cash Flow and Financial Controls.

10. Written Growth Plan


The Bottom Line on Transferable Value

The business needs to thrive – without you! Develop and work a plan that addresses the top ten value drivers. Start today, measure your progress and adjust your tactics if you get off track on your exit planning.



More Reading:

Step 1: Exit Planning / Succession Planning is a TEAM SPORT

Step 2: Knowing Your Business Value

Step 4: Business Exit Options.

Transferable Business Value and What Drives It:


David Shavzin, CMC

Partner, ITB Partners

Shavzin and Associates, Inc.

Valuation, Succession Planning / Exit Planning, Building Value for Sale

Atlanta, Georgia












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Jim Weber, President
New Century Dynamics Executive Search
Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal









1. COO- Atlanta-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New


2. Controller – Atlanta-based Consumer Products – Digital Company – Offer Accepted


3. Director of Biz Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company:    Completed


4. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Complete


5. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Complete


6. Controller – Atlanta-based Restaurant Company: New


7. Outplacement Assignment – Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  Complete