Beating The Feast Or Famine Cycle: Safety In Numbers

It is gratifying to receive positive feedback for one of my posts, especially if it is a personal request for a discussion.  Actually, I received inquiries from two freelancers who had read last week’s post regarding my recruiting efforts for In The Black Partners.  They wanted to know if our program would fit their needs.  I was pleased to learn that I had made an impression on these folks and we scheduled a time to talk.   

I was interested in learning how they promoted their business.  What were they doing to overcome the “feast or famine cycle?”  Were they making a seamless transition from one project to the next?  This question is important to me as our value proposition addresses this issue.  I learned that they need help promoting their businesses.  They are mostly focused on word-of-mouth marketing and networking.  None of them talked about any digital marketing efforts.

Many freelancers rely on word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing.  I am a firm believer in WOM as it is a powerful way to build a business.  I endorse it completely.  However, word-of-mouth marketing is too passive to be an exclusive promotional strategy.  It is based on the hope that clients will say good things about you.  As the saying goes, “hope is not a strategy.”  Even WOM promotion must be managed proactively.

If you have made it to the point where you are ready to become a freelancer you probably have a well-established network.  This is your principle asset.  The goal is to turn those relationships into recurring revenue.  The challenge is maintaining top-of-mind awareness for your brand.  By managing your network you can create a Business Development machine.  However important, this can be a time-consuming endeavor for free agents.

Time is the freelancer’s nemesis.  If they focus 100% on their current projects there is no time left to prospect for new business.  When you’re not selling you aren’t generating revenue. The first step in breaking the cycle is to schedule time to pitch your business.  Making a commitment to spend one day a week promoting one’s business is an admirable goal. But, it is a goal that is very difficult to achieve.  Most freelancers will agree.  

Developing the skills to develop and execute a digital marketing strategy is also time-consuming.  In fact, one could easily question the rationale for developing these skills unless one’s practice is related to marketing and public relations.  It is generally better to focus your efforts on your strengths and employ outsourced solutions to compensate for your weaker areas.  This is a sensible decision if funds are available.


Executive search is as close to pure marketing as I have seen.  There may be better examples, like direct mail marketing or network marketing but few other businesses seem to come close.   Whomever I talk with is a prospective client, a prospective candidate, a referral source, or all of the above. Everyone!  My work is all about talking to people, so every point of contact is brand building and selling in one form or another.  Even so, in addition to networking, I employ a fairly comprehensive digital marketing strategy.    

As mentioned in my last post, helping freelancers break the feast or famine cycle is part of our mission.  Now, more than any other time in history, we have powerful tools to promote your business.  Email marketing, social media marketing; blogging; and webinars, for example, have been game changers.   However, it is still difficult for a single freelancer to find the time and resources to network, and to execute a digital marketing strategy.

Let’s face it, selling isn’t easy.   For many freelancers, it’s dreaded; especially dealing with rejection, a normal part of the process.  Rejection can be painful, and we humans tend to avoid pain.  So, we devote less time to selling.  Cold calling is the worst.  Forget about it!  But, we must sell or face the famine!  To become a successful freelancer you must leverage your time and financial resources.  The best way to accomplish this is to become affiliated with a larger group of free agents.  We recommend an association with an organized group of freelancers working together as a brand.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox. Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.  


Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is important to me so; please leave a comment.


Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal



Job Search Strategy For The New Normal










Current Assignments

1. COO- Atlanta-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New

2. Director of Business Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company: Complete
3. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Complete
4. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Complete
5. Controller – Atlanta-based Restaurant Company: New

6. Outplacement Assignment – Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  New


The Freelance Paradigm Is The New Normal

  This week’s focus has been on building our consulting division, In The Black Partners.   I announced the addition of a new consultant, a CFO level professional with experience as a freelancer. I scheduled two meetings to talk with potential freelancers interested in joining our group. I had lunch with a client to tell her about our program and capabilities. I scheduled a smoker for next week to get our group together for some fellowship.  And, I added a virtual assistant to help our team, and promote her business.

In 2001 I read Daniel Pink’s book, Free Agent Nation: The Future of Working for Yourself.  That publication was timely as I had recently begun my career as a free agent, focused on Executive Search. Mr. Pink was spot on predicting the growth of freelancing, as this trend has continued unabated.  By 2020, Freelancers are expected to account for 40% of the workforce.  His thesis validated the decision to start my business. 

Much has been written about Millennials who have chosen freelancing as a career or to augment their incomes. Many of these people perform SEO writing and graphics design to aid businesses in their digital marketing efforts. Others are engaged in developing Apps, and of course, a large component, are Uber drivers.  To support this trend, on-line services, like and offer platforms to connect freelancers with customers.

By 2006 some of my clients began asking for help with significant issues which could be resolved in a short time frame.  As their needs did not require full-time equivalents, I placed consultants or freelance project managers.  I recognized the value of free agents at that point but didn’t see it as a trend that would reshape my practice.  In fact, my business was in high gear.  However, I knew the demand for free agents was accelerating.

Finally, in 2014 I joined a group of freelancers to capitalize on this opportunity. We branded ourselves as In The Black Partners, drafted a business charter, created a logo, and built a website with email capabilities.  Our strategy is to help small, emerging companies and established mid-cap brands, resolve their strategic issues. 


It wasn’t long before we found ourselves in the classic time management trap.  We were so busy that we couldn’t focus on building our team. This year I set a goal to recruit more consultants.  We are looking for Baby Boomers who find it difficult reconnecting with the market; executives with corporate experience who want to make a contribution.  These folks enable us to fulfill our mission.

The fundamental problem for most freelancers is devoting time for business development while managing their current projects. It is often called “the feast or famine cycle” as new projects aren’t generated seamlessly to replace completed projects. Most people are good at performing the work they are hired to do, however, business development isn’t a strong suit. We provide an umbrella for freelancers, working under a brand to defeat the “feast or famine cycle.”

Another issue faced by freelancers is the ability to leverage time to expand their revenue potential.  One of my colleagues, I call him “Old School,” often complains that he cannot take on new work because he has exhausted his available time.  I remind him to develop someone to take over his lower value-added tasks or subcontract some of his work.  He would retain responsibility for quality control while making better use of his time.   Working with a group of consultants helps build our revenue beyond that which they could achieve on our own.

I remain convinced that this strategy is aligned with the New Normal. As more and more companies become comfortable with a blended workforce where freelancers work alongside full-time employees, the opportunities will continue to grow.  Likewise, free agents need support to build and manage their businesses.   It is a win-win-win proposition.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox. Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.  

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is important to me so; please leave a comment.


Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal


Job Search Strategy For The New Normal










Current Assignments

1. COO- Atlanta-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New

2. Director of Business Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company: Complete
3. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Complete
4. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Complete
5. Controller – Atlanta-based Restaurant Company: New

6. Outplacement Assignment – Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  New


More Misconceptions: Closing The Deal

This has been a very good week.  I brought on a new consultant for our Consulting Division; I landed a new client for my coaching practice; I closed a prospective client for our consulting practice; and most importantly, I was able to put a major search assignment back on track.  That last accomplishment provides the greatest immediate benefit as it is a new client who I want to nurture.


It should be no surprise that taking on a new client is always a learning experience.  As my job is to make the client’s job easier and more effective, learning to adapt to their management style is vital. Some clients are easier to adapt to as they have more experience working with Executive Recruiters. Others, well, not so much.  In this case, I am working directly with a C-level Executive, not the VP of Human Resources.  He needs to fill a key position which will be a direct report.   I am learning to adapt to his management style.  This is clearly my responsibility. However, it has been a challenge.


[Tweet “When a client is ready to present an offer of employment, most use my services to facilitate the process.”]  The first step is to pre-close the candidate.  In this phase, I work to learn the specifics around the candidate’s requirements.  I don’t want to be “in the ballpark” when I complete this task, I want to be sliding into home plate.  This is an important step that makes the offer and acceptance process smoother and shorter.  Well, my new client omitted this step and went directly to the candidate with an offer.  That’s fine, he is the client. However, he didn’t copy me on the offer letter, so I was out of the loop.  Fortunately, the candidate kept me informed, and we discussed his issues. 


Their negotiation was via email, not good.  I did not insert myself directly into the discussion, allowing it to play out.  Sadly, it became bogged down almost immediately.   A few days later I received an email from the client, asking for more candidates.  I was dumbfounded.  They were not that far apart so I saw no reason why this hire should not close.  Immediately, I scheduled a call with the client.  When we connected later that afternoon, I asked that he give me his perspective on the impasse.  As it turns out it was a policy issue that he could not resolve.  I asked that he give me some time to confer with the candidate to understand his perspective.  My client agreed, and I placed the call.


When the candidate returned my call, he told me that he was waiting for a response from my client. That explained why the discussion had broken down.  Both were anticipating something from the other. I then asked him to explain his needs to close the deal.  He told me that he was looking for a little more base salary to compensate for certain benefits that were not as generous as his current situation.   From my calculation the difference was less than 4% of the base salary offered; however, my client heard something else.  I relayed that information to the client with my recommendations. The good news is that he still wants to hire this candidate and the candidate wants to take this job.


At this time, the deal has not closed, but I am confident it will.


Conducting a negotiation via e-mail alone is problematic.  E-mail is very helpful to confirm a discussion, to outline points of agreement and follow up items.  It is not as useful as an exclusive means of conversation.  Verbal communication is better suited to gain clarification and understanding.  In this case, the parties to the discussion were relatively inexperienced and failed to understand the other.  This led to the impasse and my need to become involved.  This result would not have occurred if they had used an experienced mediator to facilitate the negotiation.



Most clients want me to facilitate the job offer/negotiation process and to help close the transaction. This is an integral part of our work, so we have a lot of experience.  This experience leads to a skill-set, i.e., a benefit one receives when they hire a Recruiter.   You are well advised to take advantage of these capabilities to help ensure an optimal outcome.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox. Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.  


Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is important to me so; please leave a comment.


Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal




Current Assignments

1. COO- Atlanta-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New

2. Director of Business Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company: Complete
3. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Complete
4. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Complete
5. Controller – Atlanta-based Restaurant Company: 

6. Outplacement Assignment – Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  New






Eight Years Later

Eight years is a long time to maintain a relationship with a client, especially if they haven’t had a need for your services.  It would seem that the risk of losing that client would be high.  As I came to learn this week, that assumption isn’t necessarily true. 

I am the Business Manager for a Woman-owned remodeling business that specializes in Kitchens and Baths.  This weekend my client and I celebrated her latest assignment over a glass of wine.  Her client is a couple she worked with in 2008.  At that time this family had considered their options to provide a more livable home for their growing family.   They had evaluated the cost of building or buying a new home, vis-a-vis remodeling their existing home.   As their home is in a good neighborhood they could afford to invest in upgrades, which they viewed as a better financial decision at the time. 

This wasn’t a major project, but it did present some challenges.  The Kitchen had a simple layout with space constraints.  They wanted an Island but did not have enough space.  There was a problem with the proximity of junction boxes to the Secretary desk.   My client worked through these issues to the satisfaction of her client.  In fact, she found a solution to the space constraints by putting the island on casters so that it could be moved out of the way when necessary.  


Today, eight years later, this couple is in a better financial position and the real estate market has increased the value of their 20-year old home, a Georgian Colonial.  Now they can build their dream home and want my client to design the kitchen and baths, and help them acquire cabinets and appliances.  They also want her to help stage their existing home when they put it on the market.  This is a big project as the new home will be about twice the size of their current abode.    

This wasn’t the first time my client has been called back to take on bigger projects for past customers.   I know the power of referrals and repeat business but I was curious as to what set my client apart in this highly competitive market.  I assumed that she had met her client’s expectations and established rapport and trust.   But, what was it that motivated them to call her, eight years later?  So I asked my client “what did you do for this family that made them want to hire you again?”  She responded by breaking the project down into three major components.  She said that she kept the project on time and within their budget; she helped them make timely decisions; and she helped them save time, so as to be more efficient.  She went on to say that she advised the client about problems they may encounter down the road.  In most cases, her predictions were accurate.   I don’t doubt her project management skills, but I found it a bit amusing that she did not mention another very important point.

Eight years is a long time in “The New Normal.”  Relationships wax and wane. Many companies in the construction trades failed and went out of business.  My client had to scale back her business.  The fact that she received a follow-on call from these folks is remarkable.  But, my client had some help.  I have been working with her to maintain and build on her relationships, employing an email marketing strategy.  This effort was not that difficult.  We established a Mail Chimp account and imported her mailing list.  After that, it was just a matter of developing interesting posts to share with her network.   Periodically she has communicated with her contacts keeping them updated on her activities and projects.  Former and prospective clients know that she is still helping homeowners with their remodeling needs.  By staying front and center with these folks, she has maintained these relationships, generating calls even after eight years time.

We live in a fast-paced, rapidly changing world.  [Tweet “Businesses are challenged to retain existing customers while closing new prospects.”]  Fortunately, we have tools to keep our networks alive and healthy.  Email marketing platforms like Mail Chimp and Constant Contact are viable solutions.  Starting a blog is another useful strategy.  These services are easy to use and relatively inexpensive, a real force multiplier.  Whether you are working to grow a business or manage your career, maintaining a healthy network is fundamental to success.  Using social media and other digital solutions is a viable solution for most.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox. Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.  

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is important to me so; please leave a comment.


Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal


Job Search Strategy For The New Normal
















Current Assignments

1. COO- Atlanta-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New

2. Director of Business Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company: Complete
3. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Complete
4. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Complete
5. Controller – Atlanta-based Restaurant Company: New

6. Outplacement Assignment – Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  New




Jump Balls And Other Misconceptions

Tuesday last week, I had lunch with my friend Ned.  I have known Ned since 2008 when he was a candidate for one of my CEO searches.  I came to know him better when he became a client.   We scheduled our lunch to check in and catch up.  I am actively recruiting him to join our consulting group as well.  Our discussion was far ranging, mostly focused on his recent consulting experiences.  We talked about people the other should know, and noted to make introductions.  He mentioned that one of his clients needed to recruit an operations executive.  That comment moved us onto the subject of recruiting.  Ned said, “I don’t know how you do it.  I don’t think I could ever be successful in your line of work.”  I did confess that it had its ups and downs with the occasional weird moments.  I was immediately reminded of a call I took the day before and began to tell Ned that story.


My call was the president of a local quick casual chain looking for a recruiter to help him with a senior operations search. It was largely a ‘getting-to-know-you-call.’   He wanted to know about me and how I operated.  I recapped my history and explained that I work on an exclusive basis with my clients; offering a variety of fee structures and terms to suit their needs.




He said he was looking to give this assignment to a number of recruiters because it was an important search which they needed to complete quickly.  I call this situation a “food fight.”  Others have called it a “Jump Ball.”  I am not completely certain why a company thinks this is a good strategy.  They might think that it spurs competition among the recruiters to present more candidates quicker.  As if we aren’t motivated to do good work.   In fact, it has the opposite effect.  It is disrespectful of our profession and works against the reputation of the client.   I politely declined to consider this assignment on those terms.


He went on to say that they had initiated the search on their own by posting it to a number of job boards. I told him that if that’s the case, he shouldn’t be talking to an executive recruiter anyway.  This move adds further confusion into the search and diminishes the likelihood that the executive recruiter will be paid for his work.  


Ned told me that he had not considered that before.  He opined that many employers may not understand the value of executive recruiters.  [Tweet “He thought that it’s really an education issue as people who haven’t worked with executive recruiters don’t understand the benefits of their work.”]


Recruiters, as with any profession, expect to be compensated for their effort.  They will put in the requisite time commensurate with the likelihood of a payout.  In the example presented above, the client may receive a number of resumes but they probably won’t be vetted properly, creating more work for the hiring manager.  You could call the recruiter’s attitude; “fire and forget.”  They will put in some effort but since the likelihood of a payout is low, they will not waste much of their time.  Instead, they will move on to more lucrative prospects.  I don’t get involved in these situations as it is a waste of my time and tarnishes my reputation.



My best clients work with me as a business partner.  We develop a good rapport with open communications.  Over time, I learn about their culture, their decision process, and their business strategy.  This helps me find candidates who will best fit their needs, improving my effectiveness on their behalf.  They come to trust me and value my counsel.  We develop a win-win relationship.  Employers who don’t have an appreciation for this dynamic will continue to struggle with their recruiting efforts, especially if they follow a multiple-recruiter, “food fight strategy.”


Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox. Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.  

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is important to me so; please leave a comment.


Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal


Current Assignments

1. COO- Atlanta-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New

2. Director of Business Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company: Complete
3. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Complete
4. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Complete
5. Controller – Atlanta-based Restaurant Company: New

6. Outplacement Assignment – Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  New



Check In At Least Once A Week!

This past week, I had my second opportunity to talk about “Working with Executive Recruiters.” This time, I spoke to a group of Controllers and Chief Financial Officers, members of The Financial Executives Networking Group (FENG).  The discussion following my talk was much the same as my first presentation on this subject.


Once again the meeting began with a brief personal introduction from each of the guests. It was their opportunity to spend 30 seconds on their elevator pitch to let the group who know who they were and what they were looking to accomplish. As with my last presentation, I planned this to be a dialog, not a lecture.  I asked that they include one top of mind question on the subject.  Once again, the biggest question was about communications and follow up from the recruiter.  They did not hold back on their hostility toward the Executive Search Profession.  My work was evident.


The next day I received an email from a gentleman who could not attend the meeting.  Let’s call him Jack.  He had a conflict that evening, but still had questions he wanted to discuss.   We agreed to schedule a phone call for Friday morning.



I called Jack promptly at 9:30 a.m. Friday morning.  Jack apologized for missing Wednesday’s meeting but thanked me heartily for talking with him.  He told me that he was baffled by a recent experience with a recruiter.  He went on to say that he was a finalist for a senior position in a family-owned company.  The recruiter managing the search was, in fact, a consultant working with this employer. My antennae became activated.  Jack worked closely with this consultant who stroked his ego and promised him a serious, long-term relationship. He took Jack through an elaborate interview process including case studies, presentations, and social events.  When the client was ready to make the hiring decision, the consultant told Jack to “sit tight” and wait.  


Jack “sat tight” for eight weeks before he finally called the consultant. Now that floored me. I can’t imagine why anybody would wait around for eight weeks for an answer to an otherwise, immediate decision. Or, why this consultant had not revealed that the other candidate was offered the job. I told Jack that waiting eight weeks to follow up with the executive recruiter was far beyond the concept of “sitting tight.”  


My experience is that the final decision is made in a matter of days. I have had clients who ask me to keep the runner up “warm,” in case they fail to close the deal with their lead candidate.  That is standard procedure for me as it is not uncommon for the primary candidate to reject the opportunity.  I advise the runner-up to be prepared.  I told Jack that he should have checked-in within one week.  The consultant had failed to do his job.


 The downside to my work is that I am the bearer bad news. Only one person will be chosen for any of my searches, so the other folks in contention will get a negative response sooner or later. Giving bad news to so many people over time is difficult.   Executive Recruiters are human, and for some folks, this responsibility is something they can easily procrastinate. That doesn’t mean to say that it’s right, it’s just a fact of life.


In this case, I am unclear as to whether the consultant had any experience conducting a search assignment.  Notwithstanding, he gave my profession a black eye.


Jack should have contacted his recruiter earlier.  It would not have changed the outcome, but he would not have wasted as much time thinking about the situation.  It is also good to know who is conducting the search.  [Tweet “A few questions about the recruiter’s search experience and additional background information is always a good policy.”]


 Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox. Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.  


Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is important to me so; please leave a comment.


Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal



Current Assignments

1. COO- Atlanta-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New

2. Director of Business Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company: Complete
3. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company: 
4. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Offer Accepted
5. Controller – Atlanta-based Restaurant Company: 




More On Changing Careers

In my March 6 post, I discussed Career Tips For Changing Industries.  Well, I have something to add. I talked with two gentlemen this week who are thinking about changing careers or at least taking a different direction. John, a fellow alumnus, reached out to me because we had met and he follows my blog.  He lives in Dallas and has built a career in banking, working with clients in the Petroleum Industry.  He knows that opportunities in his field are limited in Atlanta, but it is home. He wants to relocate and find something compatible with his skills and experience. Bill recently moved to Atlanta.  He has had a career in finance and accounting and account management with big-name brands. Currently, he is an account executive providing outsourced logistics services. He’s been with his current employer for about eight years but doesn’t see further upside potential, hence the interest new opportunities.

I had a brief conversation with John early in the week to understand his goals.   John said that he had not done much networking, nor had he paid much attention to his resume as his job changes had been secured through people he had worked with before.  He is not looking for a career coach and does not think he needs professional help with his resume.  In fact, as I came to learn, his resume does need a lot of work.  We discussed some preliminary thoughts and agreed to have a follow on conversation after I had a chance to review his resume.

After a review of his resume, I sent him a copy of The Executive Resume Cheat Sheet. I knew it would be revealing.  He reviewed that document before our second conversation.  He acknowledged the work ahead of him in that regard, so our next call was brief.  I reinforced key points about effective resumes and added a few additional observations.  I suggested that he think about career options to explore while he worked on his resume.  I also suggested that he purchase my modestly priced book “Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal.”  I know, it is a shameless plug, but he could really benefit from the wisdom offered in that book.  It is safe to say that John is at the front end of this process.  I believe that his primary goal is less about changing careers than moving back to Atlanta.  That desire is driving the question about his career.

I met Bill Friday evening.  My networking partner, Faith, invited him to our event.  While sharing a bottle of wine, Bill told me about his background.  He provided an excellent overview of his career and his thoughts about moving in a different direction.  Bill’s goal is to advance his situation by building on his experience and accomplishments.  He is not location focused, as Atlanta offers a lot of opportunity in his field.  He does need some help building his network in the market.  I offered some ideas for his consideration, and we agreed to further the conversation.

Both of these professionals must be careful to protect their current employment as they seek out new opportunities.  John’s situation is complicated by his motivation to relocate.  It is possible but unlikely that he will find an Atlanta-based employer willing to subsidize his relocation.  Bill’s situation is less problematic as he is interested in the search for a different opportunity within his industry segment.   Both of these gentlemen are at the beginning of the process to change their career direction.  They need do a complete analysis to validate and clarify their goals and then craft an appropriate plan.

If you are serious about changing the direction of your career, be clear about your goals.  Make sure to analyze your situation thoroughly so as to better understand your options.  Develop a plan to realize your goals.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox. Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.  

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is important to me so; please leave a comment.


Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal



Current Assignments

1. COO- Atlanta-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New

2. Director of Business Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company: Complete
3. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Complete
4. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Offer Accepted

5. Controller – Atlanta-based Restaurant Company:  Offer Extended

The Costs of Going Alone You May Fail to Consider

By Gemma Humpries

Being a successful freelancer means achieving the delicate balance between pitching for the clients you know you can achieve and pitch for the clients you want. The fact is that we are all working to earn a living. We need to pay our mortgages, put food on the table, get our kids through college. Money makes the world go round, and your world won’t go around without it! Unfortunately, that often means taking on the bread and butter jobs we’d rather not do more often than we’d like and leaving the convoluted pitches process for highly sought after jobs we’d like to do to those that are younger and have more time and fewer responsibilities. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Here are three overlooked ways to pitch for the business that you really want and actually succeed:               

Spend Time Maintaining Relationships

Most small businesses and freelancers understand the importance of generating solid leads, but so often one those leads how been generated they forget to maintain those new relationships and cultivate a culture of mutual understanding and respect. Although it won’t directly add to your revenue, it is important to take a couple of hours out of your week and spend it talking to your customers: existing ones, potential ones, ones that you have been working with for years and those that are newly acquired. Follow up on every business opportunity you are offered and make sure that you are maintaining a good reputation within your community. This might not immediately lead to an uptake in your services (remember that 73% of newly generated business to business sales leads are not ready to purchase) but all of these things are important to building your business  identity and ensuring that, if and when they need the services that you provide, the right people will know where to find you.

Believe in Yourself

It’s so easy to criticize yourself and make excuses for why you won’t get a job, or why it’s not worth pitching to that new client. Often in business, we can be our worst enemies and the more we listen to our inner critic, the less proactive we are in reaching out, networking, and reaching for those goals that might seem unobtainable right now. This is particularly true as our responsibilities grow and we juggle running our businesses with the needs of our family. It may sound a little twee, and like something out of a Disney movie, but believing in yourself is one of the very best things you can do to boost your business success. Confidence comes from many different things, but if you lack confidence in yourself or your brand then why not have a makeover? A new website, new business cards, updated email signature, even a haircut, can all help to increase your confidence in your brand and enable you to sell it to others in a much more positive way.

Leave The Comfort of Your PC

We live in a modern internet age that makes it much easier to arrange all the marketing for your business from behind your computer screen while you sit in your jammies.  While engaging in online social networking, utilizing social media and having a great website certainly will help you to generate leads for your business, nothing beats leaving the comfort of your PC and going out and meeting people. Show people who you are and what you do: being visible is the very best way of ensuring that you will be remembered by potential clients, and you can impress upon people the wide range of services you can provide for them much more comprehensively in the flesh than you ever could over the internet. Understand your business niche and know who your target market is, then get out of the house and go and target them! You could do this by attending national conferences, professional events for individuals in the same market as you, or even by going out and talking to local small businesses. The key is to put yourself out there and ensure that as many people as possible know who you are. 

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox. Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.  

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is important to me so; please leave a comment.


Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal


Job Search Strategy For The New Normal


Current Assignments

1. COO- Atlanta-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New

2. Director of Business Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company: Complete
3. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Complete
4. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Offer Accepted
5. Controller – Atlanta-based Restaurant Company:  New

The Day I-85 Fell In Atlanta

OK, I wasn’t anywhere near Interstate 85 during the fire and the subsequent collapse. That event, although tragic, didn’t affect me at all, well, at least not yet. In fact, I was at least twenty miles to the Northwest in Marietta at a networking event. I didn’t learn about the incident until driving home.

Al Maxwell and Dawn Barrs hosted the event I attended.  They are business associates who teamed-up to sell real estate under the Keller Williams brand.  This was the fourth gatherings they have hosted in the past year, with plans to have one event each quarter.    It is a component of their marketing outreach. I’ve known Dawn for over 12 years.   I met Al at their first event last year.  Both are first-rate networkers.

The event was held at Sage Social Kitchen and Bar, which until recently was a Chequers restaurant.  It is a great venue, conveniently located, with a private room to mix and mingle.  The hors d’oeuvre table was strategically located in the middle of the room.

I invited Faith and Hope to attend as my guests.  They were my guests at the last event, which proved to be a productive time for each.  That was my contribution to help Dawn and Al.  Faith couldn’t make it, but Hope was available.  

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Hope and I arrived at the same time, and entered the venue together. We were among the first, my plan to beat rush-hour traffic. Arriving early is a good way to spend quality time with your hosts before they become involved with other guests.  We checked-in, accepted our name badges and made small-talk with Al, who was manning the reception table. Dawn was across the room on her cell phone.  She eventually made it over and greeted me with a big hug. Almost immediately she and Hope were deep in conversation, discussing mutual interests.  Hope is an Interior Designer; working for a remodeling company so connecting her to Dawn was ideal.  By this time, I was getting to know Terry, who arrived immediately after Hope and me.


  1. Find a convenient location with proper food and beverage capabilities.
  2. Schedule the event so that guests are not fighting rush-hour traffic.
  3. Use a tool like Evite to invite and manage guest communications.
  4. Use a greeting table to welcome guests and provide name tags.
  5. Locate Food and beverage service so as to facilitate mingling.

Terry is a former AT&T executive who became an entrepreneur when he retired.  He owns a business that helps smaller companies manage their IT networks and infrastructure. We had a nice chat about cyber security, the hottest topic in his field, and certainly top of mind with the politicians in Washington. Terry could be a good contact as we both serve similar customers.  I gave him my card, but he did not seem to have one.  Later, I sent a ‘thank you’ note to Dawn and Al, and asked for his contact information.  I probably spent too much time talking with Terry, but he was interesting and friendly.  Eventually, I made a gracious exit and began circulating.

Two hours into the meeting, Hope had to leave as she had another appointment.   I spent the next twenty minutes or so making my exit, thanking my hosts on the way out. 

I would have to say that this was a successful event. It was well attended, and I met eight people who I plan to see again.  One is a potential candidate and four are potential referral sources. 

My work is all about meeting new people and strengthening existing relationships.  I attend at least one networking event a week.  Some groups are not as productive, and the events are not well planned.  Not a surprise if I don’t accept their next invitation.  Dawn and Al run the model networking meeting, which I always enjoy.   I will make every effort to attend their future events.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox. Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.  

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is important to me so; please leave a comment.


Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal


Job Search Strategy For The New Normal














Current Assignments

1. COO- Atlanta-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New

2. Director of Business Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company: Complete
3. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Complete
4. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Offer Accepted
5. Controller – Atlanta-based Restaurant Company:  New


More Questions About Working With Executive Recruiters

To complete the recap of my presentation and follow on discussion with the BENG Group earlier this month, it is appropriate to address the remaining questions posed to me.  Those three questions are addressed herein below.

1. After all these years, why are educational credentials still an issue?

One would think that after thirty years of experience, one’s educational credentials would not be such an issue.  Generally speaking, your education is less important over time because employers hire you for your experience and accomplishments.  But, that is not always the case.  

Recruiters and their researchers work off scripts.  They are given Job Descriptions and Candidate Specifications by the client.  In many cases, I help my clients write job descriptions.  Education credentials are usually a baseline, not necessarily a deal breaker.   For the mature executives with long careers, education becomes less of an issue than for someone beginning their career.   For technical fields, where mastery of state of the art is required, academic credentials are more important.  For most of these occupations, it is unlikely to have built a career without the proper educational credentials. 

In the service sector, a formal education may be overcome by on-the-job training.  Where interpersonal skills are more important than technical skills, educational requirements may be less relevant.

Sometimes educational credentials are a cultural imperative, especially if the company is a highly desirable employer.  If you have a lot of people who want to work for you, increasing the hiring standards is a natural progression for selection.  If there are a lot of candidates interested in the job opening, the hiring manager will be more discriminating.  In this case, if not a match with the hiring criteria, one would be well-advised to look elsewhere,

The issue may not be confined to having a College education, but the prestige of the College you attended or the degree you received.  Assuming a leadership role is easier if the employee has a more distinguished education, “street cred,” as it were.  Window dressing or hiring managers with impeccable educational credentials is usually more significant for the most Senior Executives in Public Companies.  However, there are exceptions to this rule as well. 

[Tweet “All things being equal, your accomplishments;  history of success, trumps all other criteria.”]  Overcoming educational deficiencies later in one’s career may not be a productive use of time.  However, a wise strategy for any career-minded person is to invest in continued professional development.  Continuing education and professional certification may well mitigate a weak educational background.


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2. How much information should I include in my LinkedIn profile?

Recruiters use LinkedIn to find viable candidates.  If you are looking for a new job, LinkedIn must become a prominent part of your job search strategy.  I recommend that you step up to a paid subscription, as the added features will enhance your ability to find a job in less time. 

You must leverage the value of LinkedIn.  Ensure that your LinkedIn profile is a complete representation of your career history. It should include every bit of career information you present in your resume, and more.  Use industry-specific terminology and keywords relevant to your functional discipline.  Edit your status to indicate that you are between situations and actively looking.  Make sure your contact details are available and easy to find.  Make periodic updates to keep your network engaged.

Use LinkedIn’s full capabilities.  Actively build your network by becoming linked to more people.  Be involved in groups and follow target companies.  Become a subject matter expert and publish articles relevant to your career.   Ask for as many recommendations as you can. 

3. How does one find an executive recruiter that specializes in my professional niche?

This was the easiest question to answer.  Even so, it was a bit of a surprise.  I assumed that this would be common knowledge for these folks. Lesson learned! The obvious places to find Recruiters that specialize in your industry sector include Trade Associations, The National Association of Personnel Services, and by old-fashioned networking.   Additionally, you can locate this information by searching LinkedIn.

Kennedy Information Inc. and the Association of Executive Search Consultants publish directories and provide database services for a fee.  Before making an investment in these services, check with your local library as they may be a subscriber.

Free directories to consider are,,, and

The role and function of the Executive Recruiter are often misunderstood. One does not need to grope around in the dark, however, as there is information available to improve your knowledge base.  All that is required is a few commands typed into your search engine.  Or better yet, follow my blog for useful tips and insight.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox. Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.  

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is important to me so; please leave a comment.


Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal


Job Search Strategy For The New Normal














Current Assignments

1. COO- Atlanta-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New

2. Director of Business Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company: Complete
3. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Complete
4. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. In-Process
5. Controller – Atlanta-based Restaurant Company:  New