Your Resume is Not Getting Traction: 5 Reasons Why


We all know the adage.  “You only get one chance to make a good first impression.”  Whereas this might not be completely accurate, where your resume is concerned it most certainly is true.  Your resume is likely your first opportunity to make an impact with a hiring manager.  In too many cases a strong candidate with a weak resume loses out on a great opportunity.   It does not have to be that way.  Understanding how a resume is reviewed and used will give you the fundamental information to craft a product that will stand out.  The following five issues are likely working against you.


It is Not Easy to Read.

  • Use header and footer function to retain continuity.
  • Use Table function to hold formatting for employers, job titles and dates.
  • PDF is the best format for integrity in transmission.
  • 12 pt type face size for the body of the resume, larger for headers, 14 to 16 pt.
  • Use spacing to break up jobs held and to transition from different formats. 
  • White space is important!  Use it liberally.
  • Use underlining to separate employers.resume 3


It is Not Fun and Interesting Reading;

  • Provide a short Executive Summary at the beginning to set the stage.
  • Use paragraph format for Career Summary, and Job Responsibilities.
  • Italics for job responsibilities will make the resume more interesting to read.
  • Use bullet-point format for Accomplishments and Skill Sets.
  • Use bold and underline functions to make headers stand out.
  • Give a brief description of each employer and the purpose of each position.


It Does Not Reveal You to be a Savvy Professional:

  • Leave off Personal interests and “references available upon request.”
  • Use industry specific terminology.
  • Accomplishments should be predominant
  • Executive/Career summary must address your functional discipline, level of accomplishment; and industry/segment expertise.
  • Give a short, one line explanation for employer changes.
  • Your resume file name should put your last name first, then first name and date.
  • Use File/Properties menu option to list key words and other data.
  • Use appropriate key words in the body of the resume.
  • Avoid trite phrases and meaningless buzz-words.


It Does Not Focus Enough On Your Accomplishments:

  • Your Career Summary should position you based on your general contributions.
  • Your Skill Sets should provide more definition to your strengths
  • Your Employment Summary should bullet-point your most significant accomplishments.


It Is Not Easy to Contact You:

  • Cell phone and email addresses are key.
  • Home mailing address is unnecessary.


The most important point to understand is that your resume is not read as much as it is scanned.  In many of my search assignments up to 50% of the resumes I receive do not fit the desired profile, but I still must review each and every one to make that determination.  Hiring managers and their support staff must use their time wisely when sifting through a mountain of resumes.  These folks sort your resume into two piles; “possible” and “forget-about-it” by quickly scanning to see if the resume reflects the ideal profile for the position in question.  Even if their scan picks up some of the key attributes in question, a poorly formatted resume can end up in the “forget-about-it” pile.

resume 12  POS

To further drive home the point one would do well by reviewing point of sale marketing messages used by retailers.  They use very short messages, sometimes as few as two or three words, that make a strong emotional connection with the shopper.  You would be wise to think like a retailer when crafting your resume. 

resume 13 1st impression


To Summarize, if you are to be considered a viable job candidate, your resume must be interesting, easy to read, and user-friendly for digital (i.e. email) transmission and retrieval.  To be viewed as a savvy professional, pay attention to the details.  Put your recipient’s needs first.  The previous bullet points will set you apart from the rest of the pack.







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Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search



Five Steps to employment for the over-50 Job-search: Why you need a career coach.

I landed my first job out of college by responding to a classified ad posted in the local newspaper.  After that, I did not need to look for another job for 11 years.  The next job I landed was through an executive recruiter and the one following that was through an ad placed in a trade magazine.  My last job-search was conducted under direction of an outplacement firm which focused on the power of networking.  Interestingly, my networking with an executive recruiter led to my final job in the corporate world.  It was in that last situation, working with an outplacement counselor, where I had my first experience with a career coach.  Although he was not familiar with my industry segment he was very good at helping me improve my networking skills, especially the quality of my communications.  He kept me focused and motivated, resulting in a fairly short time between jobs.  That was, wow, over 20 years ago.  Email and the Internet were in their infancy.  Snail mail and the telephone were still our primary modes of communication.  It was still Prime Time for Baby-boomers.

Throughout my corporate career, interrupted by a few short-lived recessions, the economy was growing steadily, fueled by the demand created by baby-boomers and supported by deregulation and the Regan Era fiscal policies.  Jobs were a lot easier to come by.  It was easier to find a new situation.  And then the world changed.  The job market is a very different today.  In many respects it is a lot more difficult.  It is also much easier if you have the key.  I left the corporate world in 1999 to begin my own executive search business. Coach 4


One of the most upsetting situations I encounter in my work is talking with displaced Boomers who have had solid careers only to be derailed by a merger or a restructuring which cost them their job.  They focused so much on their day to day responsibilities that they had not kept pace with the changing job market.  To say that their job-search skills are rusty would be an understatement.  Even worse, they have neglected their network.  It is no longer effective and must be rebuilt.  Their single-minded focus is to find another job, just like the last job.  No other options are on the table.  Many have the cushion of a severance package but few have outplacement benefits.  They find it difficult to grasp the fact that the jobs they left are gone or have been filled by younger, lesser compensated employees.  The absolute worst situation is to talk to someone who has burned through their severance and is working down their savings;  true desperation.  If you find yourself in this situation, you probably need professional help: an intervention.  This is when a career coach can be very important.

When you hire a career coach you are entering into a personal relationship.  A good coach will learn about your personality and how you approach a challenge, or adversity.  She will use that understanding to help you craft a strategy and set goals to achieve your job search objectives.  She will stay with you, offering encouragement and support as you execute your plan.  A good coach will help you break through roadblocks, especially those you create for yourself.  She knows the job market and can help you evaluate options for a meaningful next chapter.  The bottom-line is that you need to feel comfortable with your coach as she may have a major impact on your career.  For the relationship to work, both you and your coach need a connection, a bond.

Coach 7

It is a brave new world out there.  We all need help from time to time.  Your career is too important to neglect, so it is a wise move to engage a career coach to help you through you job search.

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Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search


Five Reasons Your Networking Is Hurting Your Career

Originally Posted by Richard Kirby of Executive Impact on

Studies for the past 40 years have reported that between 45% and 70% of all jobs are found through networking, yet most career seekers spend a minor portion of their job search time networking. If you are a typical seeker, then the first reason networking is hurting your career is because you are not doing enough of it. Do more … and you can uncover more opportunities sooner.

I enjoy networking and make it a part of my activities on an ongoing basis, mostly meeting one on one with other business people and entrepreneurs. After twelve years of consistent networking, I seek to limit the amount of time I spend with job seekers because they tend to be too self-focused (I am being polite). Just last week, I had a two hour meeting in which the seeker spoke about himself and his situation almost the entire time. So, if you are a typical career seeker, the second reason networking is hurting your career is because you are too self-centered and turn people off. Be more balanced in your networking discussions … and you will develop more interpersonal rapport sooner.

Most career seekers lack clear goals for their networking. They meet and talk, then leave with parting comments such as “If you hear of an opportunity that you think would fit me, please let me know.” So, if you are a typical career seeker, the third reason networking is hurting your career is because you are not making effective requests for action from the people you meet. Ask for introductions to specific, useful contacts … and you will connect with new quality people who increase your odds of success.

When you request someone to meet with you in person or chat over the phone, they expect you to have an agenda. Most career seekers, however, don’t. They have rambling, casual conversations that tend to lead nowhere. So, if you are a typical career seeker, the fourth reason networking is hurting your career is because you fail to have a pre-planned agenda that guides your conversations. In the networking chapter of my career book, I recommend a simple and effective four stage agenda for your networking meetings and calls … warm them up, seek to identify ways to help the other person, discuss your needs and get useful introductions, and recap who has what action items to be accomplished in what time frames. Follow this recipe … and you will better insure your meetings are more effective.

Your follow through (or lack thereof) during your networking gives people ideas as to how organized you are. Most career seekers fail to follow up in a timely manner or do so in an unprofessional manner, which makes them wonder if this will be your behavior with others such as contacts to which they introduce you. So, if you are a typical career seeker, the fifth reason networking is hurting your career is because you don’t follow through in a timely or professional manner. Improve your behaviors in this important area … and you will generate results sooner.
While I could give several other reasons your networking may be hurting your career based upon networking with hundreds of career seekers, this is a good sampling of some of the more notable things to consider when you next decide to put yourself out there.

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Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search


5 Steps to Employment for the over-50: Part 4 Your On-line Presence:

As a professional, you represent a brand; your personal brand.  Okay, I know, this might sound trite, nevertheless, it is a fact that you should think of yourself as a brand.  You have a reputation that must be managed.  As with any brand, the message you are sending must be clear and consistent.  Your resume, cover-letter, and bio must reinforce your message.  Thank you letters should reinforce the key points you want the hiring manager to remember.  Likewise, your on-line message must resonate with the same message.  Your brand must be clear and consistent.

It is not uncommon to learn of job-seekers who have been successful putting their total job-search efforts into a LinkedIn campaign.  If you are not on LinkedIn, you should be.   Ensure that your profile is complete.  Otherwise, you are hurting yourself.  Employers are looking for you, but they cannot find you or if they do, your profile may not be impressive enough to be of interest.  Now is a good time to join and become active in those groups that parallel your interests.  Position yourself as a thought-leader.  Consider a paid subscription to LinkedIn to gain access to more of its capabilities.  It is not yet the most effective way of landing a job, but you must factor LinkedIn into your job-search.  Take LinkedIn very seriously!

Like your resume, your LinkedIn profile must be interesting to read.  Large paragraphs tend to make the reader’s eyes glaze over.  Your message may never be read, or get through.  White space is very useful to keep the reader’s attention.  Mixing up short paragraphs with bullet points will keep the reader interested.  Your LinkedIn profile must mirror your resume and other biographical information.  Since more and more employers and recruiters are using LinkedIn to source candidates your resume must be available on LinkedIn and it must be consistent with the one you are sending to prospective employers.

Ensure that your contact information is up to date.  If prospective employers are looking for you, then make it easy to find you.  It reinforces your status as a professional and will ensure that you are contacted about interesting situations.

On the issue of contact information your email needs to have a complete signature section.  Telephone numbers, email addresses, and the link to your LinkedIn page should be available.  Remember, today much of our interaction is via cell phone, so make it easy for cell phone users to contact you.

I have not heard of anyone landing a job through Face Book but I suppose that is possible.  If you are active on Face Book it is probably a good way to keep your network up to date on your progress.  It is probably safe to say that if you are over 50, your Facebook page is more about your children and grandchildren than more esoteric pursuits.  That is good news.  Prospective employers will take a look at your Facebook page to get more insight into you as a person.  I have checked out candidates in the past, and some have sent me friend requests.  I can say that I have learned things about some candidates that I wish I had never known, which raised questions about their suitability to work for my clients.  Make sure your Facebook page is interesting, but neutral. 

Google+ is becoming more important, so it is a venue that you should consider.  When setting up your Google+ homepage, ensure that it is complete and also mirrors your resume and your LinkedIn profile.  You may also consider starting a blog and developing your own website to further your on-line presence.  Send notice of your blog posts to your network.  It is good marketing.

Remember, employers are looking for you.  You need to help them find you.  On-line tools can be very useful to your job-search campaign, but only if there is consistency between them and if your message is the same across each venue.

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Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search






Five Steps to employment for the over-50 Job-search Part 3: Your Image Matters!

A few years ago I let my image deteriorate.  I put on a lot of weight that slowed me down and affected my self-worth.  I had outgrown my wardrobe so I decided to take action.  For me, that is a big deal as my suits and trousers are organized by “thin,” “normal,” and “big-boy.”   When I began to move beyond “big-boy” status, I knew that I was in serious trouble.  Okay, to be honest my golf group had a bet to see who could lose the most weight before our annual Spring Trip, six months out.  So, now in my mid-50s, I knew that weight loss would be a bit more challenging.  In the past, when I went on a weight-loss program, I counted and logged my calorie intake and had a solid exercise routine.  This time, I followed the same formula, but signed up for Weight-watchers’ on-line program.  Their app is loaded with useful tools and convenient to use when added to your iPhone.  My exercise routine was a little less aggressive, substituting a brisk 30-minute  walk five days a week for my former jogging routine.  Hey, I don’t want to stop playing golf because I ruined my knees.


Additionally, I did some dietary research to learn the latest in healthy eating.  From that research I learned two things.  First, I needed to get more protein in my diet, approximately 90 grams a day.   Also, white starchy carbohydrates, especially salty snacks, had to go.   I am happy to say that within 6 months, I had reached my ideal weight, and won the bet.  Of the 12 people in the who started, only two of us stayed with our goal.  Both of us were using the Weight Watchers program, otherwise we were not that different from rest of the group.  The fact that we are Fraternity Brothers probably did not make much difference either.  My biggest take-away form this effort is that a proper diet becomes more important to weight loss as we age because the ability to power through via exercise becomes more difficult.

(Your image makes a difference!) It is important to the prospective hiring manager, and to you!  The hiring manager is making an evaluation of your health and stamina, reflecting your ability to keep up with the demands of the job.  She is also considering how the company will be judged if you are its representative.  Your confidence and self-worth is likely impacted by your approval of your image.  If your self-confidence is negatively affected by your image, you will not perform well at interviews or at networking.  The self-confidence that comes from having a good physical image will result in a more successful job-search campaign.

images woman holding mirror

I am by no means an image consultant so the wisdom I am passing along is based on my personal history.   My intention is to reinforce some obvious points and pique your interest.  In doing a bit of research on The Web, I found quite a bit of information on the subject.  If you are interested in exploring this topic further, you are only a click away from a wealth of information.  Now, to be fair, (when I think speak of image, I am thinking “age-appropriate.”)  I do not recommend trying to craft an image better fitting a twenty, or thirty-something.  Believe me, you will not be taken seriously if you go in that direction.  The benefit of age is experience and wisdom.  Personally, that is exactly what I want my image to reflect, plus a healthy dose of energy and zest for life.  I hope you agree. 

images trying to be youthful

(While you are between jobs, work on your image.)  Do something for yourself.  An appropriate physical activity will help you look and feel better.  It will also burn off a lot of the stress that comes from the ups and downs of job-search.

images mature couple walking

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Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search


Five Reasons Your Attitude Is Hurting Your Career


This post is about trying to help you, not about criticizing you. Please consider it in that light.
Your attitude is one of the most important factors in creating your long-term career happiness. As noted in the first chapter of my career book, “Attitude is important in landing a job, keeping a job, and being proactively prepared to change jobs.”

Whether you recognize it or not, your attitude IS affecting your career…. either positively or negatively. In this article, I want to help alert you if it could be retarding your progress or standing in the way of achieving the career results you desire.

If you are happy with your boss, your peers, your subordinates, your income, your job title, your career progression, your opportunity for advancement, your profession, your industry, and your employer’s culture, then the odds are high that your attitude is in good shape. If you are not happy with one or more of these items, however, then one or more of the following “yellow flags” could be worth examining:

1. You have a troll for a boss who makes your workdays unpleasant, possibly because you attracted him/her or because you have stayed in your job when you know you should have left long ago.

2. You have jerks on your team who you don’t enjoy, possibly because you lack the self-confidence to professionally confront them or to refer the situation to someone with the authority to correct the situation.

3. You have a troublesome employee who is disruptive to your team, possibly because you feel you do not have the power to replace him or her.

4. Your income has become stagnant or dropped and this is creating financial stress, possibly because you don’t feel comfortable promoting your value within your employer or to other employers.

5. Your job title makes your position sound less responsible than it is and this creates a perception problem on your resume, possibly because you have not advocated strongly enough to have your title corrected/improved.

Yes, Virginia, I actually have the unmitigated gall to suggest that you have created your current career circumstances through your own personal choices and that those choices are likely to have been influenced by your attitude. Conversely, I want to offer you the genuine possibility that you have the power to improve all of these situations. Not by complaining. Not overnight. Not from terrible to fantastic in one fell swoop. But yes. You have the power to improve them.

How? Please stay tuned. I promise to address this in a few weeks. Until then, consider conducting some internet searches and seek out articles that offer ways to improve your attitude. The rewards could be huge!

Richard Kirby is an executive career consultant, recruiting manager, and author of Fast Track Your Job Search (and Career!).

Five Steps to employment for the over-50 Job-search Part 2. Networking: Your Job-search Engine



If self-assessment is the foundation, networking is the engine for job-search.  Most jobs are still landed through networking so this is where you need to spend  your time.   Your network is probably your most powerful asset, especially in job search, and a competitive advantage for the more mature job candidate.  With time, job moves, and geographical moves it is likely that your network is larger and more powerful than younger competitors.  There is a vast library of articles devoted to building your network.  My point today is about helping you become more effective using your network to land that next job.  Your success in job search will depend on the vitality of your networking.

So, let’s assume that you have alerted your network that you are in the market and they have helped you shape a positioning strategy to find that next, great opportunity.  You have researched the opportunity you seek; you understand the industry segment and you know the job you want to pursue.  You have identified key people familiar with that opportunity who are hiring managers or linked to hiring managers.  You have made a good start, but now what? Well, now you must keep your network energized and active on your behalf.

Effective Communication is the key to managing your network.  These folks want to help you!  You must make it easy for them to do so.  You need to stay top-of-mind  without being intrusive or obnoxious.   Your Facebook and LinkedIn networks are easy enough to update, but how do you manage the bulk of your network who may not be connected to you on these venues?

networking-image nodes

How to communicate:

  • Avoid long, drawn-out telephone calls.  My preference is to use email.
  • Put your network into Groups or Circles so that you can efficiently communicate your updates and status.
  • I would urge you to use a merge-mail function, a feature in Outlook, to personalize your emails.
  • Save phone calls for important, targeted communication.

What to communicate:

  • Routine updates as to your progress every few weeks.
  • Any change in direction or dead ends encountered.
  • Successes/problems you are having executing your plan.
  • Keep it short and to the point.  No tomes!
  • A note about a personal interest is always a welcomed addition.

For new contacts, make it easy for me to know how to help you:

  • Be crystal-clear as to what you are trying to accomplish.
  • Help me understand how I can help you.
  • Your elevator speech must be compelling, so I will remember you.
  • Do your homework. Be prepared for our conversation.
  • Don’t make me guess at what might be a good connection for you.

Make it easy for me to introduce you to my network:

  • Give me a handful of your business cards.
  • Connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+
  • Send me updates on your progress and what you are trying to accomplish.

Make it easy for me to contact you:  Don’t waste my time looking for your contact information.

  • Your email correspondence must include a complete signature section.
  • I rely heavily on my IPhone so having the ability to tap your phone number, email address, or website is a critical time saving function.
  • Understand your networking contact’s preferred method of communication and comply.

group of biz people

Networking must be a way of life for professionals, especially if you are over 50. It is all too common for people to neglect their network while they are working, and then hustle to reconnect when between jobs.  Failure to nurture your network while you are working increases your time to reconnect when you are not working.  You have a lot of simple tools at your disposal to stay in touch easily and effectively.   Use them!

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Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.


Also, I have a one question survey that will help me determine the best topics to cover.  Please click on the link below provide  your feedback.


Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search



First things first: Assess your skills and capabilities:

manager holding clipboard

Forget Job Titles:  What is it you do, really?  What is your skill-set?  What do you bring to the party?   Are you a problem-solver; a business developer; a great leader; or maybe a process re-engineering expert?   Your first task is to assess that which makes you unique, has led to your career successes and will be important to employers.  Think of challenges you have faced.  How did you work through those situations?  What strengths and skills did you rely on?  What problems have you encountered?  What did you do to find solutions?  Maybe you have managed through a crisis.  What did that reveal about your abilities?  The important point of this exercise is to get to your essence.  The exercise should reveal your fundamental talents which can be packaged into a marketable profile.  Think big picture, especially if you are over 50.  By this time you should be thinking “big picture,” not small potatoes, tactical skills.

Process flow 4Corporations are still comprised of people.  People need direction, inspiration, and motivation.  They need leaders.  If you are skilled at building teams, inspiring workers, and achieving results, you have a particular skill that will always be in demand.  Team Building is a key component of leadership, and is vital to attract top talent to work with you.


Employers need people who can find solutions to vexing situations.  Process re-engineering, problem solving writ large, can be of great benefit if it is directed across a large swath of the business.  If you are good at simplifying and stream-lining processes and procedures, this talent is in demand.  Companies continue to look for people who can help them become more productive, leaner, and less bureaucratic.

Brands are in a fierce battle for market share.  The old adage that nothing happens until a sale is made still rings true.   My clients are adding to their Business Development Departments.  They are looking for closers who have strong networks of prospective customers.  If your electronic roll-a-dex is large and current, growing companies are looking for you!

group of biz peopleIt is natural to feel a bit embarrassed to tell people that you are unemployed and looking for work.  It is not natural, however, to allow that embarrassment to prevent you from doing the work necessary to find a new job.  Get over it!  You are not unique, and you do not have a contagious disease!   Reach out to your network.  Use them to help you take stock of your capabilities and focus on new opportunities.  This effort will provide great benefit.  You will likely learn of capabilities you had not considered.  You may be reminded of problems you faced, but had forgotten.  Other people may see strengths you possess that you had not considered.   Or they may help refine your thinking around strengths you think you possess.  Individually and collectively they will have a perspective that will sharpen your focus and reveal opportunities to employ your skills.  Listen to them, don’t debate!  Ask questions to seek clarification and understanding.

woman with clipboardEmployers are in a market-share-profitability-battle for survival.  If you can help them bring in new customers and put more dollars on the bottom line, you are needed!   The strengths and skills you bring to bear for an employer are your key selling points.  They should be prominent on your resume, above the fold.  You must build in examples of these strengths in your work history and in your bio.  All of your communication should reinforce these skills.  Use them in your elevator speech.  It is not as important to discuss the type of company your want to work for, or the industry segment you prefer; as it is to imprint the skills you bring to the party and the contributions you can deliver.  Take stock, understand yourself!



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Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search



Five Steps to employment for the over-50 Job-search


Over-50 1

Companies have shed a lot of middle managers since 2009, many of whom have been highly compensated executives over 50.  Employers have learned to do more with less and to out-source functions wherever possible.   Still, there is work to be done.   If you are over 50 and looking for a new job, you must pay close attention to the following five steps to employment.


1 Assess your skills and capabilities:

Don’t think in terms of job titles you have held, but of your accomplishments and how they were achieved.   Employers need people to solve problems.  Prepare an inventory of your skills and accomplishments.  In fact, this would be a good exercise to complete with the people in your network.  They will likely have a useful perspective.  It is also a good reason to reach out to your network to stay top-of-mind as to your availability for that next opportunity.  Use this exercise to evaluate new options.


2 Work your network:

Networking is the best use of your time!  Your network may be your most important asset and likely a competitive advantage over younger workers!   You must reach out to all of them.  Pick their brains as to what they are seeing in the market as well as possibilities for you.  You should have them organized into an email group that will allow for easy communication.  Update them on your progress.  Make sure that you are actively seeking out important new contacts.  Buying coffee or lunches for these folks is an excellent investment.  

Over-50 6

3 Work on your image:

One benefit of being between situations is the additional time recovered, especially that time otherwise spent on your commute.  I would advise that you retain the same sleep-waking schedule you had while working, just use that time differently.  Substitute your commute time for exercise, research, and for updating your technology skills.   Get back to a healthy diet.  A sleek and healthy image will help shorten your job-search.


4 Your on-line presence:

If you are not on LinkedIn, you should be, and your profile must be complete.  Otherwise, you are hurting yourself.  Employers are looking for you, but they cannot find you or if they do, your profile is not impressive.  Consider a paid subscription to LinkedIn.  Now is a good time to join and become active in those groups that parallel your interests.  Position yourself as a thought-leader.  You should consider starting a blog and developing your own website to further your on-line presence.  Remember, employers are looking you.  Make it easier to find you.


5 Consider a career coach:

You must be competitive!  Job-search techniques and tools are changing rapidly.   A good coach will help you with search strategy, interview prep, and communication effectiveness.  If you are not a long time resident of your current location, someone who can help with important introductions is vital.   Our company has been providing Mentoring and Coaching services for many years.

Over-50 8


Those over-50 are healthier and more active than their parent’s generation so age isn’t an issue per se.  However, the mature employee brings some expectations that may not fit the needs of potential employers.  They have their own biases.  Technology skills and employment laws present risks to the employer, while compensation requirements may be at odds with their  budgets.  One must present themself as a reliable problem-solver.  You have much to offer, however, you need to understand the needs of the employer, define your capabilities, and market yourself as with any brand.  Follow these five steps to ensure a shortened time between jobs.

Over-50 5

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Also, I have a one question survey that will help me determine the best topics to cover.  Please click on the link below provide  your feedback.


Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search
