Eight Years Later

Eight years is a long time to maintain a relationship with a client, especially if they haven’t had a need for your services.  It would seem that the risk of losing that client would be high.  As I came to learn this week, that assumption isn’t necessarily true. 

I am the Business Manager for a Woman-owned remodeling business that specializes in Kitchens and Baths.  This weekend my client and I celebrated her latest assignment over a glass of wine.  Her client is a couple she worked with in 2008.  At that time this family had considered their options to provide a more livable home for their growing family.   They had evaluated the cost of building or buying a new home, vis-a-vis remodeling their existing home.   As their home is in a good neighborhood they could afford to invest in upgrades, which they viewed as a better financial decision at the time. 

This wasn’t a major project, but it did present some challenges.  The Kitchen had a simple layout with space constraints.  They wanted an Island but did not have enough space.  There was a problem with the proximity of junction boxes to the Secretary desk.   My client worked through these issues to the satisfaction of her client.  In fact, she found a solution to the space constraints by putting the island on casters so that it could be moved out of the way when necessary.  


Today, eight years later, this couple is in a better financial position and the real estate market has increased the value of their 20-year old home, a Georgian Colonial.  Now they can build their dream home and want my client to design the kitchen and baths, and help them acquire cabinets and appliances.  They also want her to help stage their existing home when they put it on the market.  This is a big project as the new home will be about twice the size of their current abode.    

This wasn’t the first time my client has been called back to take on bigger projects for past customers.   I know the power of referrals and repeat business but I was curious as to what set my client apart in this highly competitive market.  I assumed that she had met her client’s expectations and established rapport and trust.   But, what was it that motivated them to call her, eight years later?  So I asked my client “what did you do for this family that made them want to hire you again?”  She responded by breaking the project down into three major components.  She said that she kept the project on time and within their budget; she helped them make timely decisions; and she helped them save time, so as to be more efficient.  She went on to say that she advised the client about problems they may encounter down the road.  In most cases, her predictions were accurate.   I don’t doubt her project management skills, but I found it a bit amusing that she did not mention another very important point.

Eight years is a long time in “The New Normal.”  Relationships wax and wane. Many companies in the construction trades failed and went out of business.  My client had to scale back her business.  The fact that she received a follow-on call from these folks is remarkable.  But, my client had some help.  I have been working with her to maintain and build on her relationships, employing an email marketing strategy.  This effort was not that difficult.  We established a Mail Chimp account and imported her mailing list.  After that, it was just a matter of developing interesting posts to share with her network.   Periodically she has communicated with her contacts keeping them updated on her activities and projects.  Former and prospective clients know that she is still helping homeowners with their remodeling needs.  By staying front and center with these folks, she has maintained these relationships, generating calls even after eight years time.

We live in a fast-paced, rapidly changing world.  [Tweet “Businesses are challenged to retain existing customers while closing new prospects.”]  Fortunately, we have tools to keep our networks alive and healthy.  Email marketing platforms like Mail Chimp and Constant Contact are viable solutions.  Starting a blog is another useful strategy.  These services are easy to use and relatively inexpensive, a real force multiplier.  Whether you are working to grow a business or manage your career, maintaining a healthy network is fundamental to success.  Using social media and other digital solutions is a viable solution for most.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox. Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.  

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is important to me so; please leave a comment.


Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search


Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal


Job Search Strategy For The New Normal
















Current Assignments

1. COO- Atlanta-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New

2. Director of Business Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company: Complete
3. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Complete
4. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Complete
5. Controller – Atlanta-based Restaurant Company: New

6. Outplacement Assignment – Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  New




On Millennials

I was excited to see Cliff’s name pop up on my caller ID.  I was hoping that he wanted me to join him in a round of golf.  Well, he did present me with a great opportunity, but golf would have to wait. 


Cliff told me that he had met a guy named Chris at a Porsche event.  He said that Chris, a millennial, had written a book on Millennial Happiness.  He went on to say that  Chris needs help launching his book.  He thought I would be a natural connection for Chris.  I agreed, and Cliff made  the introductions.


Chris and I made contact and scheduled a meeting at The Corner Bakery Café in Buckhead.  I enjoyed our visit!  He told me that after graduation from Vanderbilt he joined a major consulting company.  Although the money was good, he did not have a life.  He wasn’t happy, so he quit his job.   Instead of looking for another job, he launched a project to write a book that would help Millennials create a life of happiness.  I was fascinated listening to him talk about the people he had interviewed, including many of his friends.   He spoke a bit about the values shared by Millennials.  Very interesting stuff!   Who doesn’t want to learn more about Millennials?  It seems that everyone wants to know what makes them tick.


December 4, 2013,  LinkedIn Talent Connect: “Millennials: How to Attract, Hire, & Retain Today’s Workforce.” Lead by Sondra Dryer of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Barry Sylvia of TripAdvisor, and Melissa Hooven of Cornerstone OnDemand.  The following bullet points list their values, followed by recommended employer responses.


  •   Multi-taskers:   Keep them focused on their work and its importance.
  •   Connected:  Make good use of social media.
  •   Tech Savvy:  Be current in technology.
  •   Instant Gratification:  Reinforce the value of their work, keep them on track.
  •   Work-life balance:  Communicate company, flexibility as the work is  completed.
  •  Collaboration:  Reinforce the value of teamwork.
  •  Transparency:  Maintain open communication.
  •  Career Advancement:  Communicate opportunities and requirements to advance


As I talked to Chris, he told me that he had a resource lined up to manage publication.  This company will print his book, and upload the digital version to Amazon.com.   What he needs is funding.   He needs to expand his network.  


After I fully understood his needs, we focused on contacts who might be helpful.  I told him of several local authors that he should meet and a few networking groups who might like to hear him speak.  I mentioned one of my clients who employs a large contingent of Millennials.  When we parted,  we agreed on next steps including a follow-up meeting to include Cliff, preferably over cocktails.  


It is safe to say that my generation doesn’t understand Millennials.  Except for military leaders, I have not heard much praise about their generation.  Frankly, I am confident that my parent’s generation had doubts about the Baby Boomers, and for good reason. The Millennials will shape the future.  Even if they don’t have all of the answers,  they have a better handle on the digital age.  Understanding their values and the way they approach life must be a high priority for anyone trying to reach them. 

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox. Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.


Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is important to me so; please leave a comment.


Jim Weber, President
Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal
New Century Dynamics Executive Search



What Is Your Story?

Once upon a timeI’ve been spending a lot of time pouring through resumes this week.  It has been a disappointing effort.  It hasn’t been disappointing because the quality of candidates is poor, far from it.  It hasn’t been disappointing because the formats are poor, generally speaking, they are fine.  It hasn’t been disappointing because the candidate’s contact information is missing either.  Well, one resume was missing an email address.   They are disappointing because the content was poorly structured and tedious.  The prose lacks critical information making the resumes less than compelling.  It also costs me more time!   Looking at resumes is fundamental to  my work.   I see a lot of them.  It’s the resumes from two current assignments that are giving me angst.


One of my searches is to find a new Financial Controller for a small, but successful company.  The job specs call for someone with Controller experience in the restaurant industry.  Many of the candidates have experience with companies I don’t recognize.  No problem.   I don’t know all of the employers in the market.   The problem is that these folks do not provide a description of their employers .   Their resumes lack company revenues, product lines, years in business, and industry sectors.   This is a problem because it makes the reader’s job much more difficult.  The other problem is that these resumes don’t make  a clear distinction between roles and responsibilities and accomplishments.  That creates, even more, work for me.  I might not like reading resumes that are poorly constructed, but I know from experience that good candidates don’t necessarily have the best resume.  I have also seen excellent resumes from candidates I would not present to a client.  I will invest the extra effort to find viable candidates for my client.   On the other hand, I am confident that many of these poorly constructed resumes are going into the circular files of other recruiters.


Also at this time, I am working with a Senior Executive to help him craft a new resume and rebuild his LinkedIn page.  He is a smart guy who knows that he needs help.  He is willing to hire a professional to solve his problem.  His issue is similar to those of my Controller candidates as he doesn’t showcase his accomplishments as distinct from his job responsibilities.  His biggest issue, however, is that his verbiage is confusing and doesnt position his capabilities appropriately.   I will fix his resume  and dramatically improve his digital presentation.


We all know that recruiters and software quickly scan resumes. Job Seekers have precious little time to make an impression that will lead to an interview.   Putting extra effort into the quality of your resume is vital to your success as a job seeker.   Make sure to provide a short sentence that describes your employer by industry segment, sales volume, and whether it is public, private, or a PEG portfolio company.  Provide a short sentence or two to describe your job responsibilities.  Use bullet points to list your accomplishments at each job.  Also, it can be very helpful to mention the circumstances for leaving you employers.


Your resume is not just a job history; it is your career story.  By describing each employer, your job responsibilities, and accomplishments your story is revealed.  Your strengths and interests become evident.  In all likelihood, you will find a common theme to your work, your positioning statement.   You will become a compelling character in your play, stimulating interest on the part of the reader.  


Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox. Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.


Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is important to me so; please leave a comment.


Jim Weber, President

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal
New Century Dynamics Executive Search






















“We Will Sell No Wine Before Its Time”

The Paul Masson brand is best remembered for its 1970s marketing association with Orson Welles, who promised for Masson: "We will sell no wine before its time." An infamous outtake for one commercial from the Orson Welles campaign features Welles attempting to deliver his lines while very severely inebriated.  From Wikipedia.

Recently, one of my best clients called to discuss an organization issue.  The leadership  was planning to terminate a key manager who was not meeting the expectations of the job.  The partners, however, had different ideas as to how to fill the void to be created.  Two of the partners were behind the promotion of a highly respected, but inexperienced employee.  The CEO had another point of view, so he looked to me to provide an unbiased, third-party evaluation.  His specific request was for a written report justifying our position.

The client company, a relatively new business, well-funded, it is headed by accomplished industry professionals.   They have a proven concept and are moving into a period of rapid growth.  In order to be successful it was our view that their key positions must be staffed with self-starters with proof of concept or rely on out-sourced solutions. 

My first reaction was great pleasure to know that our firm was held in such high esteem to be chosen to complete this assignment.  My next reaction was the realization that this request presented risk to our ongoing relationship.  We would be touching on the political dynamics within my client’s culture.   My goal was to give the client our very best advice packaged in a way that would be useful and accepted by all parties involved, a win-win-win.  I was looking for a solution that would be a factual aid to the client’s decision; that would result in meaningful career counsel for their internal candidate; and which would demonstrate our integrity, protecting our long term relationship.  After all, isn’t that the goal of any engagement?  Especially since we focus on finding solutions that will ensure our clients long term viability.

The plan we developed consisted of six fundamental steps as follows:

  1. Initial review of internal candidate’s experience vis a vis the client’s job description.
  2. Personal interview with the candidate
  3. Candidate’s completion of Career Insights Profile diagnostic to reveal personal strengths, orientation to work, and personal motivators.
  4. Consultation with our associates to evaluate all relevant findings and craft the appropriate recommendation.
  5. Recap findings and recommendations to the client.
  6. Debrief key members of client’s team and internal candidate.

Our prep work revealed major gaps between the internal candidate’s background and the job requirements.  Essentially she was too junior to have the skills and experience to perform the job.

My personal interview revealed that she is intelligent and articulate.  She demonstrated her passion for the restaurant industry as a career choice, however she was uncertain about a specific path.  She revealed stress related to less than clear communication and direction.

The results of her Career Insights Profile showed her to have a Supporter Style Profile.  According to that profile, the candidate is “not outgoing by nature, they tend to rely on more assertive people to take the lead.” 

Our team determined that putting this candidate in position at this time and without significant support and direction had a high probability of failure.  We discussed the cost of failure to the client, both in financial terms and to their credibility as leaders.   We spoke to the cost to the candidate’s ego and motivation to build her career.  We believe that she will  likely be a long term contributor given the proper positioning, training and development.

The debrief with the key players on the client team did not produce any significant challenges.  Their decision now is to determine if they should initiate a search to fill the position in question, or to find an outside resource to manage that function.  They must also give consideration to a development program for their internal candidate.

We were successful in this effort, accomplishing our goal for a win-win-win solution.  We presented issues the partners had not considered.  We were sympathetic to the needs of the internal candidate.  We did not put on the hard sell to initiate a search or to provide the needed out-sourced solution.  Our report was thoughtful and non-threatening.  To successfully navigate any sensitive situation one must clearly understand the needs of all interested parties while maintaining one’s integrity.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.


Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search



Jim, What am I Doing Wrong? IS Professionals in the New Normal

As I write this post it is a balmy 72 degrees with clear skies over Tampa Bay.  Yes, life is good.  I drove down yesterday to meet with my protégé as a part of the USF College of Business Mentor Program.  Yesterday was down-time, so I caught up with friends and family.  It was an interesting afternoon and evening that perfectly framed the “new normal.”    

Upon arrival I enjoyed lunch, a few beers and a cigar with friends.  Shortly after the arrival of our beer and a brief toast, Mark asked; “Jim, what am I doing wrong?”  Mark spent 25 years with a global technology company, followed by 5 years with a local governmental body.  Now unemployed, he is seeking his next opportunity.  Mark is most adept at directing large teams, but not close enough to the actual technology.  He is finding it difficult to gain employment in the same line of work.  I reminded him again that those jobs don’t exist anymore and that he must explore other options.   My comment to Mark was clearly hyperbole, but not completely.  As in most recessions, employers have reconfigured their overhead to the chagrin of highly compensated executives.  This time around, technology has created more options for employers, particularly out-sourcing.  Everyone has heard about activity moving to “the cloud.” 

Later that evening I had dinner with relatives.  Christopher, a recent honors graduate, is learning his new job.  He is literally on the front lines, using technology to help management make better decisions.   Christopher is making a good salary and has some excess funds to save and invest.  He had a lot of questions about investing, so we talked about 401ks, IRAs, and the benefits of mutual funds in general and index funds in particular.  We also talked a little about advancing his career skills.  He is like a sponge, soaking it all in.

His father has a good, middle-management job with a global professional services company.  He spoke about his relief to have passed a series of technical proficiency exams required by his employer.  He clearly understands the importance of staying current in his career, so he welcomed the training, even if it was a bit unnerving.   Interestingly, Mark, Christopher, and his father,  are MIS/IT/IS professionals, and USF Alums.  I can hardly think of better examples of the current employment situation.

I am reminded of two IS Professionals I met recently through a referral.  Chris and Joe have backgrounds very similar to Mark but they decided to start a Consulting Group when they lost their jobs.   These guys have a very clear understanding of the new normal, taking a proactive approach to achieve their career goals.  They have developed a positioning strategy which they are diligently working to validate via client acquisition.  As with any start-up, they are having their ups and downs.  The key take-away is that Chris and Joe are in the game.  They are learning how to be relevant to the market, making adjustments on the fly.  I am confident that their abilities and tenacity will ensure their success.  I hope to be helpful to them in this connection.

If you are going to be in the game, (my metaphor for gainful employment) be in the game!   We live in a very competitive world which requires constant learning to find your niche and maintain a competitive edge.  The game has changed in the new normal.  You must adapt or plan to warm the bench.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.


Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search


Developing your Job Search Strategy: Specialists are the Rage

As I draft this post I am reminded of three current clients.  One is a small, growing enterprise trying to optimize its resources to aid in profitable development.  A second is an established manufacturer reorganizing itself for sale.  The third is a large company which has made a number of acquisitions that must be integrated into their core business.  Each of these businesses compete in diverse industry segments following different strategies to achieve their objectives.  As one would surmise the experiences they look for in potential hires is distinctive.   You can be certain, however, that the hiring managers in these companies are looking for senior executives with experience that matches their particular situation.  Call it situational experience.

 It occurs to me that this is a fair representation of the “new normal.”  The career opportunities are declining within large established companies.  Major corporations have learned to be more efficient with less.  They offer fewer opportunities for middle managers and highly compensated, over-50 aged candidates. However, the organizations currently looking for people are emerging companies or those working to find a relevant niche.    Emerging brands, PEG portfolio companies, established companies repositioning themselves and those experiencing major change are looking for people with experience that closely matches their situations.  These situations may be more risky but they can be very rewarding.   Private Equity Groups want C-level candidates who have experience working with PEGs.  If the employer is a start-up, they will be looking for people with start-up experience.  If they are preparing for an IPO they are looking for people with IPO experience, especially CFOs and controllers.  You get the point.  Today, employers are looking for specialists who can make an immediate impact.   They are looking for people with situational experience.  Generalist backgrounds are not in demand so much, especially for the 50+ age group. 

There are three primary components to one’s career positioning strategy:  Job Function; industry segment; and your pay grade.  All of these components are fairly straight-forward.  Begin by evaluating your experience to understand where you have particular strengths and experience which can be packaged as a specialty.  Seriously, this task cannot be that difficult.  After all,  personal experience gained with LBOs, mergers and acquisitions, rightsizeings, and re-organizations are all great examples of situational experience.    Perhaps you have been involved in implementing new hardware and software solutions to automate processes.  Or you have been involved in re-engineering activities to help employers become more efficient.  Experience gained in involvement with a company turnaround can be invaluable..  Maybe you have been in a family-owned business or experienced an IPO. Maybe you have been involved in a successful Chapter 11 reorganization.  There are many employers today who face those same issues.  They are looking for you!

Hiring managers have become very particular in their requirements.  They seek industry-specific candidates with situational experience.   The key to a successful job search is to position yourself as a problem-solver who will assuage the hiring manager’s risk aversion.  The Over-50 job seeker must have a career story which speaks to high-value, specialized knowledge and experience.    The flexibility of today's word processing software allows you to create resume versions tailored to emphasize certain parts of your background, positioning you as a specialist.

Think about your career.  Find those common threads that you can position in a compelling way to fit the new normal.


Thank you for visiting my blog.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.


Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search




Track Your Metrics For an Effective Job Search:

For the past 6 years, I have been working very closely with a number of Private Equity Groups, (PEG).  Many of my assignments for these clients have been for Chief Financial Officers.  In every case they want a CFO who can help the business by establishing a set of relevant performance indicators which can be tracked and monitored on a routine basis.  They know that by tracking the right metrics and keeping the management team focused on that data improves the likelihood of achieving their goals.  I am confident that while employed, your supervisor required you to make periodic reports on certain metrics.  If it works while on the job, it will surely work to help you land that next job.

Doubtless, we all agree on the importance of planning.  We all know the planning cycle.  Set your goals and objectives; formulate strategies; develop tactics; track your results; reassess; make adjustments.     How will you know where you stand if you don’t have a scorecard?  Will you know if your plan is on track, or even if it is viable?  What adjustments should you make?  Are you comfortable making important decisions about your career without important data?  Probably not!

So, as you are developing your job search plan for 2015 consider the key metrics, performance indicators, that you believe are vital to success.  Your prime objective is to land a new job.  Key to landing that new job is to gain the interest of hiring managers who will invite you to interview.  The metrics you will want to track are the activities you complete that move you closer to the goal, getting that interview.   Some jobs are posted, so it would make sense to track resumes sent to posted jobs.  As we all know, however, up to 80% of people land their new jobs via networking.  If that is the case, as I believe it to be, then you will want to develop a set of metrics that track you networking efforts.  Those efforts include phones calls, information interviews completed,  networking meetings attended, and follow up with your network.  Since social media is an important platform for job search you may well develop metrics to track your efforts on LinkedIn.  Contributions to Interest Group discussions and additions to your list of connections may be appropriate.

I have also recommended that you start a blog, if you have not already, with a goal of posting once a week.  This is a great strategy to promote yourself  at LinkedIn or Google+ Groups.  Additionally there are a vast array of Professional Associations and Groups who encourage members to post to their websites.  Everyone is looking for relevant content! 

You should also set goals for personal and professional development.   A diet or exercise metric may be appropriate.

Tracking a handful of key metrics related to your search activities will keep you on track.  Keep it simple.  Pick six to eight of the activities prioritized by those you deem most important.   If you need more than a 3 by 5 index card to track your metrics you probably have too many.

The best of plans are useless without accountability.   There can be no accountability without measurement.   So, if you want to ensure the success of your job search plans, identify the key metrics to track and do so regularly.


Thank you for visiting my blog.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.

 Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search




Jump Start Your Job Search in 2015: Reflect – Recharge – Regroup

The New Year is upon us.  This is the season to take a break; enjoy time with friends and family, and prepare for the New Year.  One can easily lose themselves in the hustle and bustle of shopping and celebrating.  It is also a time to assess our progress for the year; to express our gratitude to family, friends, and clients; and to make resolutions for the New Year.   So, why wouldn’t you want to align your job search with the cultural expectations of the season?  You may be new to the job market, or you may have been in search for many months.  Whatever your situation, this is a great time to reflect, recharge, and regroup.



Evaluate your Job Search Strategy for its relevance.  Is your target Job/Industry Sector still viable?  What about Plan B and Plan C?  Are your plans still viable?  This is a good time to validate your job search strategy.  What activities were most helpful?  Which were not?  Who has been helpful to you?  Have you been spending your time wisely?  Make a point to do more of those activities that seem to be getting you closer to your goals, and less of those that aren’t.


Take a break, enjoy the season.  Don’t quit all job search activities, but dial it back a bit to have time to gain perspective.  Managers don’t stop their recruiting during the holiday season, but they do slow down their activity.  Likewise you should change your priorities a bit.  Make time for friends and family.  Re-charge your batteries so to speak.

I know many people, employed and unemployed, who use this season to reach out to people who have had an impact on their lives.  Sending Greeting Cards is an obvious way to say thank you to people who have been important to you.  If you want to really make an impact try a phone call or a face to face meeting.  I have been a bystander to one such call when I was doing a market tour with a subordinate.  I can honestly say that the impact on my subordinate was profound!   Reach out to your network to thank them for their support and to update them as to your plans.


Ensure that your resume and cover letter is still relevant and pithy.  Make sure that your Internet presence is current.  Are you a participating member in relevant Industry/Career Interest Groups?  Is your LinkedIn profile complete?  Have you checked your Face Book account to ensure that it is aligned with your goals?  God forbid that your Face Book account is counter-productive.  You should consider starting a blog, even if it is just a chronicle of your job search.  Set new goals and objectives for the completion of daily, weekly, and monthly activities.  Have a system to track activities and measure progress toward your goals.

 In summary, use the waning weeks of 2014 to reflect on your efforts;  recharge your emotional account;  and regroup by developing a revised plan for 2015.  Express your gratitude to those who have been helpful, especially friends and family.  Take stock of your efforts of 2014.  Do more of those activities that took you closer to your goals, and less of those that did not.  Develop revisions to your plan to include a system to track your efforts and your effectiveness.  Align your job search to the traditions of the season to ensure a successful job search.


Thank you for visiting my blog.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.

 Jim Weber, President

New Century Dynamics Executive Search



Manage Job Stress: Build a Support Group

In my blog I often speak to the importance of networking.  It is how people actually find jobs.  My seminal point about networking is that your goal is to build a team that will help you land your next job.  Networking helps you spread your message, and capture opportunities that match your goals.  Your network provides many other benefits, none the least of which is the human contact which helps mitigate the stress associated with job search.  Within that team, I recommend that you have a subgroup, a core team, who you confer with more frequently.  Call it a support group for now.

Being in job search can be a lonely, frustrating place.  There is a certain amount of isolation created when you are without a regular place to go to work with other people. It is a time when dark thought can grip you, causing you to sink into a period of despair.  The best way to avoid that situation is to have an effective support group.  There are many models for support groups, but ultimately you want to assemble a group of people who have been in your situation, who have successfully navigated through job search, and who have an understanding of your particular career track.  Another way to describe these people is “peers.”

The support group that I recommend is one that will help you brainstorm options; assist in key elements of your search; provide emotional support and help mitigate the isolation factor.   A good job search support group will help you with problem solving, and motivation.   They will inspire you to meet all challenges put in your path.  Of the utmost importance, these people must hold you accountable for your actions.  In fact, this is the model for a Master Mind Group. 

The Master Mind concept is hardly new.  In fact, it is ancient.  However, it was the 20th century self-improvement guru Napoleon Hill who coined the phrase “Mastermind Alliance” in his book, “Think and Grow Rich,” published in 1937. Hill’s work, inspired by Andrew Carnegie, was the result of interviews he conducted with highly successful people.  One common thread he uncovered was that successful people relied on a core group of like-minded individuals who were helpful in goal-setting, coaching, and encouragement.  Hill spoke of a mastermind group as “The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.”  Using a Master Mind Group in your job search is another powerful source of leverage.

So, who should you include in your Master Mind Group?  I already made the point that your Master Mind group must be experienced in job search and familiar with your field.  They should be people who you would consider mentors. People you hold in high regard, whose opinion you will respect even when their counsel is difficult to hear.  Above all, they must be committed to play a prominent role in helping you with your search.

Employing the Master Mind Group concept in your job search is another powerful source of leverage.  Your group will help you become more effective in your search, while minimizing the isolation factor and mitigating stress.  You will likely want to keep this group working with you after you land that next job, ensuring your career success.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President
New Century Dynamics Executive Search

In my blog I often speak to the importance of networking.  It is how people actually find jobs.  My seminal point about networking is that your goal is to build a team that will help you land your next job.  Networking helps you spread your message, and capture opportunities that match your goals.  Your network provides many other benefits, none the least of which is the human contact which helps mitigate the stress associated with job search.  Within that team, I recommend that you have a subgroup, a core team, who you confer with more frequently.  Call it a support group for now.

Being in job search can be a lonely, frustrating place.  There is a certain amount of isolation created when you are without a regular place to go to work with other people. It is a time when dark thought can grip you, causing you to sink into a period of despair.  The best way to avoid that situation is to have an effective support group.  There are many models for support groups, but ultimately you want to assemble a group of people who have been in your situation, who have successfully navigated through job search, and who have an understanding of your particular career track.  Another way to describe these people is “peers.”

The support group that I recommend is one that will help you brainstorm options; assist in key elements of your search; provide emotional support and help mitigate the isolation factor.   A good job search support group will help you with problem solving, and motivation.   They will inspire you to meet all challenges put in your path.  Of the utmost importance, these people must hold you accountable for your actions.  In fact, this is the model for a Master Mind Group. 

The Master Mind conceptdster Mind Group.  bute for these people is that they hold you accountable for your actions.  If fact, this is  is hardly new.  In fact, it is ancient.  However, it was the 20th century self-improvement guru Napoleon Hill who coined the phrase “Mastermind Alliance” in his book, “Think and Grow Rich,” published in 1937. Hill’s work, inspired by Andrew Carnegie, was the result of interviews he conducted with highly successful people.  One common thread he uncovered was that successful people relied on a core group of like-minded individuals who were helpful in goal-setting, coaching, and encouragement.  Hill spoke of a mastermind group as “The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.”  Using a Master Mind Group in your job search is another powerful source of leverage.

So, who should you include in your Master Mind Group?  I already made the point that your Master Mind group must be experienced in job search and familiar with your field.  They should be people who you would consider mentors. People you hold in high regard, whose opinion you will respect even when their counsel is difficult to hear.  Above all, they must be committed to play a prominent role in helping you with your search.

Employing the Master Mind Group concept in your job search is another powerful source of leverage.  Your group will help you become more effective in your search, while minimizing the isolation factor and mitigating stress.  You will likely want to keep this group working with you after you land that next job, ensuring your career success.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President
New Century Dynamics Executive Search


Coping Strategies for Job Search: Leverage


You have often heard that it is unwise to “put all of your eggs in one basket.”  I guess that would be part of a farmer’s risk management strategy.  Or you may have heard someone ask, “what is plan B, in case plan A doesn’t work out?”  Or, “what is your exit strategy if everything goes to hell?”  Understanding the risks associated with any endeavor and developing a mitigation plan is always a good practice.  Knowing that you have covered your risk can be comforting, lowering one’s stress level.  

I advise my candidates and coaching/mentoring clients to take a multi-pronged approach to find new employment.  Looking for a new job, in the same industry segment, performing the same function is the obvious place to begin.  Expanding one’s search into other industry segments and with emerging companies is highly recommended.  I also advise my candidates to explore other options such as consulting or taking on short term projects; and to consider starting their own business, including the purchase of a franchise.   An important point to consider is that the multiple prong approach is complimentary.  In other words, you exercise the same activities in each prong of attack; networking, sending out resumes, talking to prospective business associates, and analyzing opportunities.   Another term for this approach is leverage.

Pursuing multiple career paths has benefits one might not expect.  The analysis of a franchise opportunity or buying/starting an independent business is stimulating and broadens one’s thinking beyond their comfort zone.  It will lead to an expanded network which will reveal other opportunities.  Taking on consulting projects keeps one in the game and helps to maintain cash flow.  It is an excellent way to stay relevant and to prove one’s value to an employer, often leading to an offer of full time employment.  Multiple avenues of attack for the job seeker keeps the search interesting, will generate immediate cash flow, and mitigate stress.

Why You Should Pursue Multiple Search Strategies

  • Will make your search more interesting; reduces boredom and anxiety: 
  • Increases your options, shortens your search time.
  • Complimentary activities.
  • Not for Profit/Volunteering.
  • Giving back improves one’s sense of well being
  • Project work or short term .
  • Sharpens the saw.


Working with a “Not for Profit,” or doing volunteer work is another consideration.  The very nature of giving back to the community is fulfilling for most people.  These activities will place you in contact with other philanthropic people, broadening your network and potentially leading to new opportunities. 

Pursuing multiple employment strategies is particularly viable for the over 50 job seeker.  The world has changed.  In all likelihood, the job you just left has been eliminated, outsourced, or filled by a younger, less expensive manager.  All industries are restructuring, so your job may not exist at other companies in the same segment.  You must adapt to this new environment.  You have the benefit of experience and valuable skills.  Your goal is to find new opportunities to employ your skills and experience.  Coming to grips with this new reality will improve your prospects, shorten your search, and mitigate your stress.  A complete but manageable strategy with multiple lines of attack is the answer.


Thank you for visiting my blog.  Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President
New Century Dynamics Executive Search